AIG paying millions of dollars in bonuses, will fix things later.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Remove the consequences of bad business decisions through government subsidy and you remove the incentive to make good one's.

This is a predictable result. One might even think it was the desired one.

The Obamasiah said he was going to stop this.


Well, Mr. President? The world is waiting ....
He's busy. Him and the Queen need to have their make up done for their next magazine cover.
The BarackStar is Busy!


Umm....sorry for being blunt, but...

I say, **** them!!!! They obviously don't give a **** about anything or anyone else except their own SELFISH pockets, so now, I say, no more of ANYTHING for them! We bail their sorry *** out, and this is what they turn around and do? **** AIG, **** the execs and their bonuses, **** them all!

Man, that felt good! :D
Umm....sorry for being blunt, but...

I say, **** them!!!! They obviously don't give a **** about anything or anyone else except their own SELFISH pockets, so now, I say, no more of ANYTHING for them! We bail their sorry *** out, and this is what they turn around and do? **** AIG, **** the execs and their bonuses, **** them all!

Man, that felt good! :D

The thing is, I don't have any problem with a company paying umpteen billion dollars in bonuses to their employees. It just shouldn't come out of the tax payers' pockets.

The thing is, I don't have any problem with a company paying umpteen billion dollars in bonuses to their employees. It just shouldn't come out of the tax payers' pockets.


I agree 100%. My post was geared to the aftermath of their carelessness.
Umm....sorry for being blunt, but...

I say, **** them!!!! They obviously don't give a **** about anything or anyone else except their own SELFISH pockets, so now, I say, no more of ANYTHING for them! We bail their sorry *** out, and this is what they turn around and do? **** AIG, **** the execs and their bonuses, **** them all!

Man, that felt good! :D
But now tell us how you really feel. (You have)

"We cannot attract and retain the best and brightest talent to lead and staff the AIG businesses, which are now being operated principally on behalf of the American taxpayers — if employees believe their compensation is subject to continued and arbitrary adjustment by the U.S. Treasury," Liddy said.

The Ministry of Information should give an annual award for this logic bomb.

I mean we taxpayers should be soooooooooo grateful.
Imagine how big AIG losses would have been last year if they had hired dumb, underachieving, ne’er-do-well types.

Another thing I always thought in The Dreaded Private Sector that “performance bonuses” would be linked to PROFIT or COMPANY STOCK performance.
Having record losses is not in this paradigm, yes?

Retention bonuses, how many current AIG executives would/could leave these days?

This reasoning is as obscene as when your State Legislatures raise judges' pay (and often piggyback their own raises into the bill) in order to “retain the highest quality legal minds on the bench”.

Can anyone show me any examples with state judges – who voluntarily return to private law practice where you have to work long hours and fund your own pensions. Of course we would need to filter those judges under ethics investigations, or recently arrested for DUI, kiddie porn, or tax dodging. Please show me/us those turnover rates!

In the end, both are LIES!!!
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There's always the temptation to turn these into political footballs, but the country's problems are far deeper than the defects of any one political party.

To me, the more troublesome question is how this cannibal corporation can succeed in getting huge amounts of taxpayer money from both Republican and Democratic administrations.... and what allows them to feel so smug as to publicly squander it? (And yes, I do define bonuses for officers of a failing entity as squandering. Once, this country rewarded success).

A second point makes me wonder whether the USA has slid past the point of no return. The pathological greed of the already super rich has been on display again and again during this recession.... recall the 4 Merrill Lynch execs who made off with $21 million as their once flagship company went under (I am old enough to recall when this atrocity wasn't termed a "bonus". It was called embezzling). How can we expect to recover with this ilk in charge of the business sector?

We've long been told from various quarters that we were most threatened by the exploding and gas gouging A-rabs, or the inscrutable scheming Chinese hordes, or the spineless Europeeeens, or the nouveau Commie Russians. or sneaky Mexicans....... now, let's wake up. Nobody has done more damage to America in recent years - stealing, corrupting, offshoring, closing, squandering, mismanaging - than our very own (mostly white) upper class executives. They are killing us.... and they are making still more money doing so.
It seems to me that I heard that AIG had acquired another financial institution that already had these bonuses -- as distasteful as they are -- in place. I'm curious as to the consequences of AIG reneging on these commitments or the administration attempting force them to do so.
Ah the efficiency of private business. I wish the whole country was left to run under similar levels of efficiency.

This doesn't have anything to do with the efficiency of the private sector. When the government decided to subsidize their business practices, they removed the incentive for efficacy.

In the future these businessmen will be even more irresponsible, because they will figure a government bailout into their risk analyses. Absent an influx of government monies, these businesses would be faced with either reducing expenses or shutting their doors.

You get more of what you subsidize. Our government has chosen to subsidize failing businesses.

Guess what we can expect more of.

We've long been told from various quarters that we were most threatened by the exploding and gas gouging A-rabs, or the inscrutable scheming Chinese hordes, or the spineless Europeeeens, or the nouveau Commie Russians. or sneaky Mexicans....... now, let's wake up. Nobody has done more damage to America in recent years - stealing, corrupting, offshoring, closing, squandering, mismanaging - than our very own (mostly white) upper class executives. They are killing us.... and they are making still more money doing so.

They wouldn't be able to accomplish their misdeeds without aid from the government.

Corporatism protects them from personal liability. "Stimulus" packages protect them from the consequences of their actions. The list goes on.

Absent government aid, these failing businesses would fail. In the presence of that aid, they flourish.

They wouldn't be able to accomplish their misdeeds without aid from the government.

Corporatism protects them from personal liability. "Stimulus" packages protect them from the consequences of their actions. The list goes on.

Absent government aid, these failing businesses would fail. In the presence of that aid, they flourish.


Sadly, the reverse is also true.... in this era of buying political office, too many in government could not survive elections without corporate contributions... and said corporations expect something (one's soul) for the money given.

I am not entirely certain that all of these fat thieves are immune form personal liability. Some acts are so grotesque as to transcend that. The real question is whether their are prosecutors who will go after them.

Sad thing is, the businesses aren't even thriving.... its money down a rat hole.... or into thieves' already bulging pockets.

I find this appalling.

I know I have sent e-mails to my senators and representatives about this.

People are up in arms for the possibility of $30 billion for Gm but AIG gets multiple bail outs with lots more money and while Congress forces job cuts and pay buts within the Auto Industry they allow and condone Bonuses.

If I could I would explain to them in person my frustration.
I find this appalling.

I know I have sent e-mails to my senators and representatives about this.

People are up in arms for the possibility of $30 billion for Gm but AIG gets multiple bail outs with lots more money and while Congress forces job cuts and pay buts within the Auto Industry they allow and condone Bonuses.

If I could I would explain to them in person my frustration.

Rich you would scare the crap out of them.
Rich would have to live a thousand years to scare all the crap out of them, they are soooo full of it.


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