This one's a toughy. Inmate beaten to death.


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri,2933,509231,00.html

A 23-year-old inmate beaten to death at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary had been put in a cell with convicted killer he had testified against.

On the one hand, I'm looking at two bad guys who's actions resulted in the death of an innocent man. On the other hand, here's a guy in government custody who was placed in a situation where there was really only one conceivable finale.

Take away any hope of a killer to live, and you leave him with no incentive not to kill again. Of course, if he'd just been killed in the commision of his crime in the first place, he wouldn't have had an opportunity to kill again anyway.

I don't know. What do you guys think?

This was clearly wrong. It amounts to additional (extra-judicial) punishment for the inmate if it was done intentionally--the article suggests they were not to have been put together but it isn't clear whether it was a foul-up or not--but most importantly: It will sure as heck discourage future inmates from testifying against murderers!

According to the article, he was found beaten to death about 15 minutes after having been put in the cell.

Once they're in jail, they're wards of the state and must be cared for to a minimal level--food, shelter, medical care, and protection from foreseeable acts of violence.
A 23-year-old inmate beaten to death at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary had been put in a cell with convicted killer he had testified against.
Now correct me if I'm wrong... but isn't this just plain asking for it?? I mean... DUH!
Obviously it doesn't excuse the beating, but this sounds a lot like incompetence on the part of the prison to me.

And if I had criminal tendencies and witnessed a crime, I sure as hell wouldn't testify agin' anyone either after reading this.