Adobe Flash Player

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score

My son got a laptop for Christmas and for some reason I can't download Adobe Flash Player for him. He'll go to a games or video site and it prompts to install the missing plugin, I follow the prompts but at the end it says no plug-ins were installed. I even went to the Adobe site to download it from there, but get the same error. I've never had this happen before. He has the same operating system that I do (Vista) and I installed it on my computer without a problem.

He's going crazy here because he can't play any games or watch videos without it. Any suggestions?

Thanks. :asian:
Make sure you are logged in as the admin.

If that doesn't work, I'll look at it for you... but you actually have to show up this time. :p
Make sure you are logged in as the admin.

If that doesn't work, I'll look at it for you... but you actually have to show up this time. :p

I'm sorry about that! Unavoidable circumstance. I PROMISE I'll be there this time. I'm still crying about my missing key anyway. I'll check the admin thing in the meantime. Thanks John. :asian:
You know Jade I feel for you as technology can be a real pain some times. One time adobe flash player crashed my operating system on an install and yes I installed in correctly.
Vista again...

Get the installer from the adobe website.
Close your web browser.
Right click the installer file and select "execute as admin" ( or something like that ;) )
After the install is complete it should work just fine but in some cases you need to reboot once.
Thanks to Cryo it's working fine now. :)