A great morning


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
This thread is simply to let everyone know what an enjoyable morning I had on Saturday. My son and I took a drive over to Winchendon, MA. To visit Mr. Ken Savage at The Winchendon Martial Arts Center ~ Bujinkan Savage Dojo. We where met as soon as we entered by Mr. Savage and after introductions, he told us a little of his work history and his history in the arts. I will not go into any of that but I will say I was impressed and that the man has the knowledge and background to be a great teacher.
We watched most of the childrenĀ’s class before taking a break to do a short walk around town, and for me to get something to stop the coughing spell that was hitting me. We then returned to watch the adult class. With a mixture of people in class from a gentleman who looked to be in about his 3rd or 4th class to those much more experienced the class had a good mixture of experience. As Mr. Savage put them through there drills and into their workout I enjoyed the way he built upon each movement so that it lead and blended into the next. His explanation of what to do and the how and why was excellent.
All in all we had a good morning and we will return soon to visit and get to know Mr. Savage and his students better.
OH, least I forget I got to meet nitflegal aka Matt. He is a respectful young man that shows much promise of becoming a knowledgeable martial artist.
In closing all I want to say is that if any of you wish to learn or study the ways of Bujinkan than the studio in Winchendon is the place to go.

Hey Sheldon,

Glad you had a good time and a good Bujinkan experience!
Thanks Sheldon sounds like a great time, How is charlie doing? I also am glad that Mr. Savage is an excellent teacher, I have heard that as well from some other people.
Charlie is fine and looking forward to meeting everyone at the meet and great.
As usual I will not be there because of the new job and thats my work weekend
Charlie is fine and looking forward to meeting everyone at the meet and great.
As usual I will not be there because of the new job and thats my work weekend

Tell Charlie I said hello and also from Zachary, to bad you cannot come Sheldon was hoping to sit down and talk with you for a bit.
Thanks for sharing that. Always can enjoy hearing about someone else's "great day!" :D
Glad you had a great experience and thanks for the heads up on where to find a good Bujinkan studio.
I appreciate the kind words and it was lovely to meet you and your son. I've a long way to go in my training but a good teacher certainly helps!

Thanks again and please don't be a stranger.

We will stop by from time to time.
I did not introduce myself or Charlie to the young man that was helping with the childrenĀ’s class and for that I apologize. I did not mean to be rude in that respect.
As I said earlier we had a interesting and informative time and enjoyed the hospitality and friendship shown.
Anyone from you school ( with your instructors permission) is welcome to stop by my place if you give me notice so I can be sure that Charlie or I are here to show you what we do.
I look forward to getting back over to you school in the near future
Thanks for the reivew!! Sounds like a great time and a great place to train!!
Good Morning Sheldon,

Thanks for the kind words.

My students are encourage to visit and look at other styles its what I did before I settled on the Bujinkan method 23 years ago.

So I hope they take the time to visit open minded and honest teachers like yourself.

Be well and Gassho,

Ken Savage
