A breakthrough!!


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
OK, this is a bit silly, but I'm pretty excited. After months of going nuts, I finally figured out wht my right leg sidekick did not feel as comfortable as my left. With my left, I felt real comfortable; I felt like I got around well and was able to explode out well, everything just seemed to fit. With my right, I felt akward, like I wasn't coming around properly, or that I was still facing my targert too much...too square. I worked on getting my shoulders around, working on getting my knee over, worked on making sure my pivot foot came around all the way. I thought I had the mechanics right but...I could just tell something wasn't right, wasn't aligned. *Finally* this afternoon, it all clicked. The problem was that as much as I tried to line everthing else up, I was still leaving my hips too 'open', My right hip was not over my left properly; it was still a bit off to the right, and this was keeping my right foot from coming out properly and just making me feel off balance and off alignment. Once I focused on getting my hips turned over properly, everything else just clicked together and it feels go and I've got a lot more power on that side now.
Good job. Now keep in mind that everything takes time. Be patient with yourself. Try doing a video tape of yourself with the material you have. Keep watching it over and over again and see if you can correct yourself and get rid of some bad habits. :)
Ah, it's great when it clicks like that! I still hav Ah-Ha! moments like that after all these years.
Feerles feap that is what is so great about MA now matter what age or belt level you are when the light goes off it is a feeling of accomplishment and oh what a feeling to steal a phase from the commercial.

Terry Lee Stoker
Jay, I'll admit to feeling "silly" the first time I had one of those moments. Truth is, there's nothing silly about it. If I ever stop having what Arnisador called those "A-ha" moments it'll be time for me to re-evaluate my training. Several members of my dojo traveled to our HQ dojo in NY with our instructor back in May and the a-ha moments were almost non-stop...even sensei had to admit to a couple. Keep looking forward to more of those moments and feel free to share them with the rest of us...you never know when one of your a-ha moments might be someone else's "well, I'll be damned" moments.
Congratulations Jay!

I will second the thoughts of those who posted before me. I will also point out that as an instructor, it is extremely satisfying watching a student experiencing one of those "a-ha!" moments. :)

Good Job Freep,

Next time try a video camera to help the investigation. The top players right now are using the tools from Dart Fish to help them analyze the little things to give them an edge for the top spot.
good work, i remember when i first started MA many moons ago.. i had the same issue and the way i figured it out was by performing back kicks with both legs then slowly rotating them by starting them off as back kicks and then having them land as side kicks.. after doing that i learned the most comfortable position for me and now i always have my instructors complimenting the speed that my side kicks come out with
It's a video program that shows three directional for your pleasure. If you go to Dart fish .com you'll see all about it.
i tried skimming through that site's menu but didnt find anything about martial arts :O
This will get you to the Dartfish Taekwondo section

I only worked with this product for about five minutes at the Houston qualifiers but I'll let you know what I know.

The Dartfish company did help produce the current WTF reference poomsae videos. The editing and production are pretty good even though the menu system leaves lots of room for improvement. They also did the referee seminar on DVD which I think will be come a mainstay of referee training.

The software I saw for the competitor allows for several things:
1) Magic mirror = You do an action and it allows you after a time delay to see yourself doing the action no tape rewind.
2) Analyze mode = Slow motion analysis with tools that allow you to mark keypoints of execution, analyze the angles and compare speeds. General motion study/biomechanic analytical tools.

That's all I had time for though. Hope it helps.

those are a bit pricey :p i saw something similar a long time ago which my brother had purchased, i'll try to find the names.. i know it had all the forms and various techniques on it in different angles and you can switch angles during the video or even watch 2 different angles at the same time in split screen. i believe it was only about $30 and covered all the forms

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