4th of July parade


Senior Master
Oct 10, 2004
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As one of the ways we try to keep in the community's eye, our school participated in the local parade. It was a rainy morning which cleared up a little before we started marching.

Unfortunately, I was the sole TKD-in representing our school so I didn't have someone to "promise-spar" or regularly hold my targets. But several of the kickboxers were kind enough to hold targets when they were not promise-sparring.

One of the most curious things (besides the "hey, I do karate too" and "hee-yahs" heard) was that people are not so impressed with good technque. I got the most response when I demonstrated the splits. Odd!

Way to go. Glad to hear that you are out there representin' for us TKD'ers.

I was thinking last night at our county celebration that our school needs to set up a booth. I think I will mention it to our instructor and see what he says. I think it would be a good way to get our name more out there.
I'm sure you represented yourself well, Miles. I've not done a 4th parade with my school for all the reasons you've mentioned. I think the sense of "been there, done that" with MA applies when folks see a parade. Until you did the splits, they all probably think they can do everything you do.

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