4am and Disturbed


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
I was just looking at my wife's avatar, for you unwashed heathen's that do not know, that would be KenpoTess, when I noticed the devilish little grin on her face. I happened to glance down and notice that at this point in time, her post count is 666. So here I am, 4 am at work, alone and very disturbed....
And I heard her say that her password on this site is "redrum" ;)
Originally posted by Seig
So here I am, 4 am at work, alone and very disturbed....

You know, I was awake at 4am and on-line. You could have msged me on AIM. I never sleep. Remember?
Originally posted by Seig
I was just looking at my wife's avatar, for you unwashed heathen's that do not know, that would be KenpoTess, when I noticed the devilish little grin on her face. I happened to glance down and notice that at this point in time, her post count is 666. So here I am, 4 am at work, alone and very disturbed....

Waking up and reading this post this morning rather is disturbing too~!!!

*Denying all*


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Originally posted by KenpoTess
Oh great.. 2 wakeful disturbed men....:eek:

I have a sleep disorder that messes with my ability to sleep. So traditionally I get about 5-6 hours a night and when I finally get into REM sleep I milk it for all it's worth because I never know when I will get more.

However my wife and I are trying to have kids and the Dr put me on a fertility med cocktail that has the effect of making me, 1) more awake not sleepy, and 2) more aggressive due to increased testosterone. I'm running on 2-3 hours sleep a night right now and not all of it good.

So yes. I am sleep deprived and grumpy. I dunno about disturbed though...
I don't recall ever getting "grumpy" when my wife and I were trying to have kids.... sleep deprived yes:D , but never grumpy.
After 4 to 5 times a day on a regular basis over an extended period of time and you'll think it's a d@mn chore too.
After 4 to 5 times a day on a regular basis over an extended period of time and you'll think it's a d@mn chore too.

Careful, that one could come back to haunt ya in a few years.;)
Originally posted by GouRonin
I have a sleep disorder that messes with my ability to sleep. So traditionally I get about 5-6 hours a night and when I finally get into REM sleep I milk it for all it's worth because I never know when I will get more.

However my wife and I are trying to have kids and the Dr put me on a fertility med cocktail that has the effect of making me, 1) more awake not sleepy, and 2) more aggressive due to increased testosterone. I'm running on 2-3 hours sleep a night right now and not all of it good.

So yes. I am sleep deprived and grumpy. I dunno about disturbed though...

well I you make your goal soon.. cuz ontop of your sleep disorder I'm sure that's not much fun being put to stud like that.. ~!!! Can take the fun outta it eh!! Good luck on all Doug .. I still reserve to call ya both 'disturbed' ;)
Originally posted by tarabos
:mad: i still stand by my original question...:D

Seig works midnights~!! Like right now I'm awake.. he's sleeping.. so that's why he's up at 4am...

hope that answers your original question.. cuz if it doesn't.. well I think ya need a Boot to the groin for being duh :)
Originally posted by Seig
I was just looking at my wife's avatar, for you unwashed heathen's that do not know, that would be KenpoTess, when I noticed the devilish little grin on her face. I happened to glance down and notice that at this point in time, her post count is 666. So here I am, 4 am at work, alone and very disturbed....

I don't see the problem? :rofl: