2 Year Old Red Belt - Read & Weep....

Yea I can see her parent as BB, we had to open a box of fruit loops and find the hidden ring.
Please a fronk kick a punch a be able to turn. This is what give MA that Mc Dojo feeling.

I almost forgot my cat can do the same plus a flying sidekick and we are having his BB awards on saturday. Everyone is invited.
I guess she`ll receive her brown belt once she is toilet trained. :uhyeah:
I guess she`ll receive her brown belt once she is toilet trained. :uhyeah:

Great minds must truly think alike. I sent a note to Wade late last night, in connection with a different thread, in which I offered Rule of Promotion 1: No dan ranking till you're out of diapers. It was sort of intended as a bit of an exaggeration---the case we were talking about involved a five-year old BB---but it turns out that you really do need a rule like that or this sort of thing will occur...

Unless...maybe in that system a red belt is the first colored belt? Could that be? Please let that the explanation... :idunno:
Hmmm, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but this morning is a bit slow, and I have the urge to type away.

I have no qualms about younger children training, as long as they're at 4 years old, preferably at least 5. Heck, I don't even mind someone as young as 8 getting a black belt, as long as he proves that he meets the standards that are already set.

However, someone training in the martial arts shouldn't start out at the age of 2.

The body simply hasn't developed to the point where it can withstand the impacts of proper training. Looking at that picture, that's most likely the smallest sized uniform available, maybe a 000 or 0000, and it's still swimming on that kid, with the sleeves rolled up.

Even more importantly, the mind certainly hasn't developed sufficiently.

I strongly suspect that red belt is the first color belt rank that the school awards, but even then, something like this cheapens the experience.

Now, if that's the way they do it for all students, and if they have a strong following, then more power to them. I wish them the best of luck, but rest assured, if I ever have kids, I'd never send them there!
Grenadier, Let me say something here ok. I started training at the age of two was it ma training like I do today no. When my father started me training it was about learning motor skill that would have me ready in later years.

All three of my sons was in a Dojaang when they where two as well, they was working on motor skills, now they are 9-10-13 and have been doing it 6 days a week and three to four hours a day, not so much I make them but because they know that it is in there best interest.

All three are Pooms rank with the Kukkiwon that is a BB, do they think there training is good enough to be the best, no they know they have a long road a head. I find a two year old a s a red belt to be stupid in my eyes, all of my sons recieved the poom rank between 8-9 years old and they will stay there until they reach 15-16 and then they will get there Dan rank.

In there system red is before brown which is before Black which means for this girl to reach red she has gone though eight belts, so when she started she was unable to walk, if you go every three months of testing that means she started the first day out of the wound. This is what give my boys sometime a bad rap for being a POOM BB, people doing things like this. It is offensive to me and it is against all that is good for MA>

I really wish if they where going to promote them young at least wait ubtil they can change there own clothes first.

That is all I'm going to say about it.

Maybe not
Grenadier, Let me say something here ok. I started training at the age of two was it ma training like I do today no. When my father started me training it was about learning motor skill that would have me ready in later years.

That is all I'm going to say about it.

Maybe not

No problem at all. We simply disagree, and I respect that.

Thanks for the inspiring post! That gives me a new goal for my daughters. At the TKD school I go to red belt is 4th kup, I will try to get them to brown (3rd kup) by the time they are 2. Since they are 9 months old, that gives me 15 months. That should be enough time. I will start tonight. The fact that they can't talk or walk yet and can only stand with assistance, should only cause some minor set backs in their training. :)
That's nothing!

Youngest blackbet Ever!

Arnold Lister is not even born yet, and already he is on his way to becoming a martial arts master. Using ultrasonography to monitor his progress Arnie has been able to demonstrate punching and kicking techniques, as well as several grappling techniques.

His Parents are both black belts, and his mother, Christine's father was also a life long martial artist beginning his training durring his time stationed in Japan.

"My father started training me very young, Almost as soon as I could stand he had me punching and kicking, I pretty much learnt to walk through kata. You could say karate has been in our blood for 3 generations now."

"Since I became pregnant I never stopped training, everyday. Arnie was there with me." When asked how he was able to aquire this knowledge while still in the womb she replied "I think partially it is genetic knowledge, and part of it is that I believe that babies are connected, not just physically, but mentally to there mother. He has been aware of what I have been doing, and I have been instructing him through that connection. Every day I spend several sessions teaching him. I lie down and mentally tell him what to do, I can close my eyes and visualize his movements, and obviously feel him punching and kicking away."

The parents say that he will be presented his belt and certificate as soon as he is well enough to go home. There will be a ceremony for him at the school they co-own.
Thanks for the inspiring post! That gives me a new goal for my daughters. At the TKD school I go to red belt is 4th kup, I will try to get them to brown (3rd kup) by the time they are 2. Since they are 9 months old, that gives me 15 months. That should be enough time. I will start tonight. The fact that they can't talk or walk yet and can only stand with assistance, should only cause some minor set backs in their training. :)

great post
My head hurts. I am getting visions of bands of toddlers in ninja suits running about wielding tiny katanas and throwing shurikens at me.

:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
That's nothing!

Youngest blackbet Ever!

Arnold Lister is not even born yet, and already he is on his way to becoming a martial arts master. Using ultrasonography to monitor his progress Arnie has been able to demonstrate punching and kicking techniques, as well as several grappling techniques.

His Parents are both black belts, and his mother, Christine's father was also a life long martial artist beginning his training durring his time stationed in Japan.

"My father started training me very young, Almost as soon as I could stand he had me punching and kicking, I pretty much learnt to walk through kata. You could say karate has been in our blood for 3 generations now."

"Since I became pregnant I never stopped training, everyday. Arnie was there with me." When asked how he was able to aquire this knowledge while still in the womb she replied "I think partially it is genetic knowledge, and part of it is that I believe that babies are connected, not just physically, but mentally to there mother. He has been aware of what I have been doing, and I have been instructing him through that connection. Every day I spend several sessions teaching him. I lie down and mentally tell him what to do, I can close my eyes and visualize his movements, and obviously feel him punching and kicking away."

The parents say that he will be presented his belt and certificate as soon as he is well enough to go home. There will be a ceremony for him at the school they co-own.

Andrew... this is a joke, yes? Please?

Where did you come across this... joke?

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