self defence

  1. I

    Realistic knife defense against 100% resistance demonstrations. Combat sports based.

    The video was approved and uploaded by the official page of the Russian Combat Sambo Federation.
  2. A

    Dual Martial arts advice needed: see body for details

    Okay, so I'm looking to do two martial arts: one impractical, one practical for self-defense and additional personal development. The definite impractical: Capoeira. No question here. I'm in love with the art and want to devote myself to it. Been to some classes a little far from me but will...
  3. J

    Samurai Suffragettes

    Hi Guys, I made a video after doing some research about the Suffragettes and their security unit known as The Bodyguard. I'd be grateful if you could share any more information on this topic, and for any feedback on your thoughts regarding the video. Peace
  4. R

    Rishinjuku karate

    Rishinjuku karate is a full-contact karate style which allows all strikes. This includes: bare knuckle face punches, head butts, knees, elbows, kicks and attacks to the groin in its Tatsujin competition format. It is trained in such a manner that men, women and children can train it safely...
  5. adamr01

    100 Ways to Attack the Groin

    I tried practicing these, but my partner quit on me after the first technique. Go figure...
  6. F

    Self Defence Techniques

    Hello I am wondering what are some videos of different techniques people have found to be useful, I am looking for things that people have used to defend themselves, their students have used or there friends and family have used. I am trying to find a variety of different techniques. Videos of...
  7. G

    Wing Tzun Lifestyle

    Hello guys. We have a new Youtube Channel called Wing Tzun Lifestyle and we want to show people what we are doing... Our topic is self defense. We are a Teacher and Student . Wing Tzun Lifestyle
  8. Isaiah90

    Why Filipino martial arts will get you killed in self defense

    I explain why FMA will get you beaten or killed in self defense. Wrong mindset - FMA train for fights, not self defense. FMA were used during a time of war against the Spanish. The claims that FMA helped Filipinos defeat the Spanish during the Philippine revolution are exaggerated. If you...
  9. Isaiah90

    Why Taekwondo will get you killed in self defense

    Here's a brief explanation why Taekwondo will get you beaten or killed on the streets. No situational awareness - The first problem is the lack of situational awareness. No one's going to "fight" you. It's going to be an unexpected attack. For example, heard of this Taekwondo practitioner who...
  10. Isaiah90

    Why BJJ will get you beaten or killed in self defense

    Here's an explanation why people should stop teaching BJJ for self defense. Little to no striking - BJJ has little to no striking. BJJ claims that you can subdue an attacker peacefully without striking or kicking. The problem is that if you have to avoid strikes and kicks to counter them, your...
  11. A

    Self introduction & several aspects of street fighting, and my opinion on MA in such scenarios.

    Hello Everyone, I'm Alex I'm new to the community, I'm a practitioner of many styles of martial arts and keep on adding more to my curriculum. I started training at age two and have trained in a very traditional way with many great masters with more than 50 years of experience in the field. I...
  12. Isaiah90

    Looking for sparring partners for self defense training

    Looking for sparring partners for self defense training around the NC USA area. Let me know if you're interested.
  13. U

    Want to learn self defense? Advice or tips?

    Hi, So I'm new on this website and I thought it would be a good idea to ask for self defense advice. I did taekwondo for six years and wing chun for 10 months. And fitness kickboxing for two months. However, I still am not confident these styles will help me as I'm sure you know that they...
  14. kravmaga1

    Importance of Martial Arts!

    Martial Arts is becoming increasingly popular these days: Self Defense – This is the primary reason you should learn this art. It is undeniable that violence exists everywhere. Our team of trainers will help you learn the skills and techniques that will allow you to defend yourself no matter...
  15. kravmaga1

    Martial Arts|Types of Martial Arts!

    In Martial Arts beginners are introduced to basic attack responses, which comprise a larger system taught through scripted scenarios, which allow top notch instructors a platform to share concepts and principles. Steps of Martial Arts are: Felling:- It is to knock an opponent off his feet...
  16. C

    New Wing Chun Classes in Bromley and South London!
  17. A

    Yiquan/Dachengquan school in Ukrain, Kiyiv

    Hi everybody. Join our Yiqua/Dachengquan school. Yiquan/Dachengquan is an inner wushu style derived from Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, Luhebafa. Yiquan, “Yi” meaning Intent, “Quan” meaning to grasp that which has been scattered. Yiquan (Mind Boxing) Dachengquan (Great Achievement Shadow Boxing), is...
  18. A

    Yiquan/Dachengquan school in Ukrain, Kiyiv

    Hi everybody. Join our Yiqua/Dachengquan school. Yiquan/Dachengquan is an inner wushu style derived from Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, Luhebafa. Yiquan, “Yi” meaning Intent, “Quan” meaning to grasp that which has been scattered. Yiquan (Mind Boxing) Dachengquan (Great Achievement Shadow Boxing)...
  19. A

    Self Defense & Martial Arts Confusions and Misconceptions

    Read this article and find out about the differences between competitions fighting, martial arts and self defense: Martial Arts Misconceptions
  20. B

    How important is sparring in traditonal karate?

    How important is sparring in terms of traditional karate and self defence? I am a recent black belt in Karate (I only got it a year ago) and I have never sparred. Our organisation prides itself on being a traditional club, and whenever I mention sparring i am told we do it in the form of...
  21. Darrencowan

    Intimidating Bouncers

    Hi, I am a 4th degree black belt in Sanchin Ryu Karate. I am also a rock n roll journalist. I attend concerts, photograph the bands, write live reports and interview major artists. One thing that has bothered me throughout my career is the attitudes of many bouncers/security. I am there...
  22. S

    How to fight back if someone pushes you down?

    I am a college girl and recently got into a situation (it didn't go very far but it kind of freaked me out) and I realized I have no upper body strength to force someone off me. I always assumed if it came to it I would be able to get out of a situation if I really wanted to (dumb I know). Is...
  23. T

    Need advice for self defense

    Hello everybody. This is my first posting here and I would like to ask for an opinion. So, I am generally I very calm person and have never gotten into a fight, or more then 10 years I haven't gotten into a fight and I live in a small town and recently I had an encounter with this guy that...
  24. BJJCop

    What do we all make of SPEAR System?

    Any advice, experiences of this system from others? Practiced this for years. It's always interesting to get feedback from different perspectives. Training does involve resisting partners and the hi-gear training is good as long as your partner just doesn't give way to you intentionally. I find...
  25. N

    Self defence myths that could actually put you in danger

    I just read this article on flawed self defence myths that is actually pretty good - Self Defence Myths That Could Actually Put You In Danger - read this on Urban Kombat which is my local krav maga gym What are some other really bad pieces of advice that people have been given or overheard...
  26. N

    Keen to start learning Krav Maga

    I'm pretty keen to start learning Krav Maga, i've read quite a but about it and have been lurking my local gym called Urban Kombat which looks pretty great. What does everyone think about the gym or leaning Krav Maga in general? Positives/negatives? I'm a 24 y/o male if that helps...
  27. Samurai-do

    Use your words: the art of Verbalisation

    I haven't posted in a while owing to exam revision but in my being remiss I had an interesting altercation... Use your words: the art of verbalisation feedback, comments, rebuttal etc. as always appreciated!
  28. Samurai-do

    Use your words: The art of Verbalisation

    I haven't posted in a while owing to exam revision but in my being remiss I had an interesting altercation... Use your words: the art of verbalisation feedback, comments, rebuttal etc. as always appreciated!
  29. A


    Can one only become a good fighter and be prepared for a fight if they spar? Or is simply learning the form and ingraining those movements into one's reflexes just as efficient?
  30. A

    Martial arts for self defense

    What is your preferred martial art for self defense? Personally, mine is Wing Chun.
  31. A

    Wing Chun vs MMA

    What is better for self-defense, Wing Chun or MMA? Please no comments about how one martial is not better than another. Thanks.
  32. A

    Wing Chun vs MMA

    Hi everyone. My friend and I have been going back and forth over which is superior for self defense, wing chun or mma. No martial art is truly superior, however he has been relentlessly insulting Wing Chun even though he literally knows nothing about it. He told me it is the "laughing-stock" of...
  33. W

    I found another Krav place I am about to visit

    Does anyone train here? They have real former Israeli soldiers teaching and in the higher levels they have full contact sparring. This is awesome. Here it is: Alpha Krav Maga | MPTRAININGCLUB.COM It looks awesome. I'm totally visiting after finals. I may have my art selected. I tried several...
  34. C

    How good is this Cold Steel basic saber instructional?

    Just noticed that Cold Steel has a basic introduction in saber fencing out on Youtube. Lynn Thompson does the introduction, but it seems Anthony De Longis is doing most of the actual instruction. For those of you who do any kind of saber fencing or similar styles, how would you rate the...