If you could go back in time

I started everything late LOL. I didn't start until I was 24. I would have started sooner, like everyone else said. Maybe my life would have been in a better path as a kid.
I would liek to go back and change the location of where I grew up. I would love to be in the California, Hawaii, or Okinawa.
Wow, I have no doubts about this question. As everyone I would have started earlier (I started at 35), but that for sure would have changed alot my life.
First of all it would have given me that confidence that I have always been lacking in my life.
Having a Sifu in Italy would have probably made so that I wouldn't have moved to USA and thus wouldn't have met my wife.
Morever had I started earlier it means when I was still living in my country (Italy), a big city and not a small city like this one. That means that I would have found for sure a Sifu who teaches Tai Chi complete with Martial Art and I wouldn't have started Aikido.

All that tho if...they would also cancel all the knowledge of my future as it is now. Why? Coz I moved to USA, married a wonderful woman and had a great daughter. I love my group of Tai Chi even tho there is no Martial Art involved in it. I have the most consideration and trust for my Aikido's Sensei and Senpai (both very skilled in Martial Art). Moreover I got acquainted with a wonderful Art suchas Aikido that I learnt to love almost immediately.
I am happy with all I have now, so if I went back in time with the knowledge of this future, I wouldn't change anything...
I feel very fortunate to have had some great instructors and mentors and I wouldn't change any of that. They have made such a great difference in my life.
I also learned things of value from some of the not so good instructors I have had.
There was a legendary instructor that was in the area for a seminar when I first started my training and I do wish I would have attended a seminar with him because that is no longer an option since he passed away. Unfortunately I did not understand the value of that at the time.
All in all, I am quite happy how things have turned out.
I played team sports as a kid and didn't practice Karate then but I wouldn't trade those achievements and experiences.
I will jump in with the majority and say that I wish I had started earlier. Would probably have made high school a little easier to deal with. The other thing I would change would be to have dated my notes. I would be nice to know when I learned a certain technique or form. As it is right now, I have to guess.
I started everything late LOL. I didn't start until I was 24.

Well, you could compare your 'late' start to mine: I was also 24--but only if you write it backwards. :ultracool

Seriously, tho, know what you mean about school possibly being easier, etc.
This is a terrible question because I've been looking for some way to get something out of my Shotokan BB and all the forms we did, but hardly anybody seems to do traditional applications of katas around here, and if they do they'll require taking an entire new system of katas.

Therefore, I think if I had to go back in time I wouldn't take any traditional martial arts at all, I'd just have taken kickboxing because at least then I wouldn't have wasted a ton of time doing katas.
I really can't think of anything I would change. I started at about the right time (14 years old). If I had started earlier, I seriously doubt I would have received the same benefits. I would have been too young and immature to appreciate the level of training I was doing. They didn't have kid's classes at the time, so in all likelihood I would not have been able to practice at all.
As far as Instructors, curriculum, location etc., wouldn't change a thing.
And a simple "Thank you for all you did for me" would suffice I imagine.
I always felt bad that I was a late starter in the MA..After reading these post I no longer feel that I am/was the only one that did...Thanks...
After thinking about this for a while, my answer is no- I wouldn't have changed. There are other arts I'm interested, but I'm happy with my original choice.
After thinking about this for a while, my answer is no- I wouldn't have changed. There are other arts I'm interested, but I'm happy with my original choice.

I am glad you feel that way, I'm with you I would not have changed a thing either.
But if I could go back in time, it would be for one reason only: to practice under Won Kuk Lee and GM Uhm and witness firsthand what Chung Do Kwan training was REALLY like back then and compare with how we practice now.
I'm very happy with the instructors and training halls of my past and present. But if I was to do it all over again I would have trained under Hee IL Cho. The man was and still is awesome.
I would make it so I had stayed devoted all those years that my attendance went up and down. I would have never bothered trying to start up any kind of musical career and would have stuck to martial arts training instead. If I had, then I'd probably have my own school by now!
THREAD NECRO! I love it. :D

Okay, I would say 1) not quit TKD ten years ago and 2) find Ninpo much sooner.

However, we could easily assume that we all found this thread in the future, were dissatisfied with our progress to date for whatever reason, and used time machines to go back and accomplish our MA goals getting ourselves to our present levels of skill. Any takers?
If you was able to redo your training from day one would you change anything , style, teacher, school or are you happy with what has been giving to you over the years. Have you really learned to appreciate all that your teachers have given you and do you wish you would have listen better in the beginning.

I would start earlier, but aside from that I would also take the black belt test prior to turning 20 because I would know that you sign up for it at your own discretion rather than waiting for sensei to tell you that you could take it. And I would make sure that my knowledge and abilities were up to par so that I would pass.
The first two years I was at my school, I was super dedicated. I was on the fast track to be able to open my own school someday...if I had maintained that same dedication. That is what I would change: my attitude. There were times when I was in a real funk. I'd be driving to class, and I'd say to myself, "This feels like I'm driving to work." It had nothing to do with the class or Sifu; it was ME. I'd like to go back with the mentality that I have NOW, which is once again driven to opening my own school someday.

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