Capoeira works

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Josh, there is more that I havnt seen, than what I have seen, but here is what I HAVE learned.

fancy **** doesnt work. Period, you might get lucky and sneak one shot in, but relying on that crap will get your *** killed. PLEASE try to do a handstand in front of me while we are fighting, it will make my job SO much easier. I dont have to study it to know that the bad guy aint gonna let you dance around and get your groove on

Why do you think i yell at the TKD guys to cut the crap about thier head kicks? cuz fancy **** doesnt work.

here is another tidbit i picked up along the way:

things go together if they share somethings in common, or have complimentary skills, like kenpo and TKD, they compliment each other. Hands/feet, strong/fast, etc

tai chi is what i call a "lifetime art"

as in, it takes a life time of study to really "get it" like akido, or pau qua chang,

anyone that claims they get it in a few years? doesnt.
as in, it takes a life time of study to really "get it" like akido, or pau qua chang,

anyone that claims they get it in a few years? doesnt.

Tohei Sensei "got" Aikido within the year he started his training. Within two years of beginning his training he was ranked 7th Dan by Ueshiba.
Josh, there is more that I havnt seen, than what I have seen, but here is what I HAVE learned.

fancy **** doesnt work. Period, you might get lucky and sneak one shot in, but relying on that crap will get your *** killed. PLEASE try to do a handstand in front of me while we are fighting, it will make my job SO much easier. I dont have to study it to know that the bad guy aint gonna let you dance around and get your groove on

Why do you think i yell at the TKD guys to cut the crap about thier head kicks? cuz fancy **** doesnt work.

here is another tidbit i picked up along the way:

things go together if they share somethings in common, or have complimentary skills, like kenpo and TKD, they compliment each other. Hands/feet, strong/fast, etc

tai chi is what i call a "lifetime art"

as in, it takes a life time of study to really "get it" like akido, or pau qua chang,

anyone that claims they get it in a few years? doesnt.

Zumbi dos Palmares pulled off capoeira against slavers.He did so successfully that THE PORTUGUESE SLAVERS RECORDED THAT THEY WERE AFRAID OF HIM.The quilombos as a whole threw defiance for 100 years at the Portuguese,despite their guns,dogs,whips,knives and the fact that they (the capoeiristas) were outnumbered by the Portuguese colony prettty consistently at a 35 to 1 ratio.And they used capoeira to do it.There is no doubt whatsoever that capoeira is a highly potent,very dangerous martial art.The problem lies in the fact that you have zero idea what TRUE capoeira is,apparently no desire whatsoever to find out...yet you make sweeping pronouncements that attempt to clothe your ignorance(literally; as in the text book definition of the term) as fact.Your opinion is your opinion and I'm cool with that; you can even elect to maintain your opinion in the face of ironclad data to the contrary; that's cool too.Your right and choice.However,CAPOEIRA WORKS.No doubt or question about it.There are literally thousands of documents which have been passed on by slavers and Brazilian racist gentry who (if anything) would waste no time with the most scathing possible verbal denigrations to complement their most horrific treatment of other humans (slavery) if there was any actual validity in your words.Instead? The documents of the time are filled with accounts of the power and ability of capoeiristas; even when spiked by and slanted with the special irrational venom of the racist slaver and unapologetic racial supremacist? Capoeira is clearly a feared and respected art,and the capoeiristas were so feared and respected that oftentimes the slavers and persecutors of capoeira learned capoeira in order to defend themselves from these magnificent warriors.These selfsame persecutors also HIRED capoeiristas as bodyguards and sometimes assassins to do away wit their political rivals or some unwanted element in the city.

I too have trained for MORE than 3 decades.I feel confident in my ability to pull off a cartwheel kick vs you and anyone else...exactly as you feel comfy in your ability to defend and punish me for such a move.The key here is that you're dead set in thinking that "fancy" stuff don't work.Your excoriation of TKD head kicks as being fancy **** that doesn't work is manifestly false and disproven literally by millenia of head kicks.The ENTIRE HISTORY of martial arts DISPROVES your contention.I would defend your right to have your opinion about whatever matter; that's cool.The moment you sally into the realm of objective relaity though...your opinons on this matter have no scintilla atom or quark of fact to ennoble them; even via the wildest imaginings.Now,you may have a PREFERENCE for lower,less aerial kicks.You may even believe that these techs are higher percentage.(I agree with you there).But you're manifestly and provably wrong regarding the combat feasibility of tkd kicks and jump kicks,head kicks,and capoeira itself.
Josh, there is more that I havnt seen, than what I have seen, but here is what I HAVE learned.

fancy **** doesnt work. Period, you might get lucky and sneak one shot in, but relying on that crap will get your *** killed. PLEASE try to do a handstand in front of me while we are fighting, it will make my job SO much easier. I dont have to study it to know that the bad guy aint gonna let you dance around and get your groove on

Why do you think i yell at the TKD guys to cut the crap about thier head kicks? cuz fancy **** doesnt work.

here is another tidbit i picked up along the way:

things go together if they share somethings in common, or have complimentary skills, like kenpo and TKD, they compliment each other. Hands/feet, strong/fast, etc

tai chi is what i call a "lifetime art"

as in, it takes a life time of study to really "get it" like akido, or pau qua chang,

anyone that claims they get it in a few years? doesnt.

I would think that all martial arts are lifetime endeavors.I would also think that the speed with which one's practical combat ability increases in a particular discipline would be directly related to the abilities of the student,the teacher,and the functionality of one's training.
Tohei Sensei "got" Aikido within the year he started his training. Within two years of beginning his training he was ranked 7th Dan by Ueshiba.

what did he go into it with?

prior training in a related art, and besides, he was a one in a million talent, you think everyone is?

of course not.

we are not the exceptions, we are the average

and on average? you aint a 7th dan after 2 years in anything

well, some people are.......
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's practical combat ability increases in a particular discipline would be directly related to the abilities of the student,the teacher,and the functionality of one's training.

yeah, again, we all think it is different when WE do it....

it isnt
blah blah blah blah that these techs are higher percentage.(I agree with you there).But you're manifestly and provably wrong regarding the combat feasibility of tkd kicks and jump kicks,head kicks,and capoeira itself.

at some point, the percentage is so low as to be negligible, can it happen? sure, i CAN win the lottery, but i am not so stupid as to depend on it

So i am sure a SUPER MARTIAL GENIUS can make ANYTHING work. but for us regular earthlings?

head kicks are stupid, fancy **** practiced to develop flexibility, accuracy and timing, not to be used for real. I learned the hard way when i started hanging with the kenpo boys.

anyone that claims any amount of "real world experience" and still says handstands and head kicks work is ............whats the me out here.....
Taijutsu is not Tai Chi. Taijutsu is a Japanese based system and Tai Chi is Chinese. You might want to rethink your post there bub.

There is a Hybrid art out there calling itself Tai Jutsu. As a Taijutsu practitioner it confused the hell out of me when I first saw it.
Josh, there is more that I havnt seen, than what I have seen, but here is what I HAVE learned.

fancy **** doesnt work. Period, you might get lucky and sneak one shot in, but relying on that crap will get your *** killed. PLEASE try to do a handstand in front of me while we are fighting, it will make my job SO much easier. I dont have to study it to know that the bad guy aint gonna let you dance around and get your groove on

Why do you think i yell at the TKD guys to cut the crap about thier head kicks? cuz fancy **** doesnt work.

here is another tidbit i picked up along the way:

things go together if they share somethings in common, or have complimentary skills, like kenpo and TKD, they compliment each other. Hands/feet, strong/fast, etc

tai chi is what i call a "lifetime art"

as in, it takes a life time of study to really "get it" like akido, or pau qua chang,

anyone that claims they get it in a few years? doesnt.

Tell "head kicks don't work" to my buddy Ben Henderson. You may have seen some youtube clips of him getting kicked in the head by Anthony Pettis.

(Yes, he is my buddy. We were on the wrestling team at Decatur high school together. And he's gonna kick Bodek's butt this weekend.)

Or tell it to Bill Wallace.

And as for Capoiera attacks that have handstands, it's all about timing.

The reality is, in regards to Capoiera, you've had zero training on it. At least, that is how you've represented it. This means you have zero context. To talk about a move without talking about context is ridiculous.

Head kicks DO work... in context. (BTW, you're I'm not the only kempo guy here that would disagree with you on that point)
Scissor takedowns DO work... in context.
Grappling DOES work... in context.
Handstand punch kick combos DO work... IN CONTEXT.

Your arguments all seem to based on this one-sided assumption that if something doesn't work in one context, or even multiple contexts, then it doesn't work in ALL contexts.

If so, the the assumption is RIDICULOUS.

Does anybody else notice (especially around the 1:08/1:30/1:43 marks) where Capoeira and "fighting" split? What makes that "Capoeria"?
I have almost 30 years of FIGHTING, i know what works and what doesnt work

tricks are just that, tricks, you cannot rely on them.

you miss? you are upside down. On your hands, with yoru BRAIN really close to my boots......

how stupid is that?

and I dont give a crap if head kicks work in a tournament ("ask bill wallace") when you are wearing a gi or in fighter's trunks, in THAT "context" it isnt even a fight it is a make believe contest with RULES, sure it might work for that.But i dont waste my time training for make believe contests

i am talking about STREET FIGHTING

you wear a gi all the time? no?

then it doesnt matter what you can do in a pair of pants by KI, what matters is what you can do in JEANS

and you cant do that silly ****, IMO

And if you happen to decide to try, and you DONT die, it was LUCK, not good technique

you want to make a case for it in non lethal tournaments or whatever else, sure, i dont think it is bad for THAT, and lord knows it is great for conditioning and hell, maybe it makes you look cool for the ladies

I couldnt care less

But anyone that thinks that can work for SELF DEFENSE is seriously deluded IMO. Thats all i am talking about is self defense, and only a fool will think he can handstand on the street with a bad guy and the bad guys cousins trying to turn him into a greasy spot.....
and let me, realistic clothes, ice, snow, gravel, glass, an average size ROOM!
true lets call it "when your style doesnt work for real and you have to make something up on the spot" technique
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