Zimmerman to face Wrongful Death Civil Trial

I suppose--but some of them sounded pretty trivial. One was a 7-9 y.o during daylight hours?
Man if you only knew some of the crap people call for. If I had a buck for every parent that called to report their kid won't go to bed or brush their teeth or do home work or clean his room................
Man if you only knew some of the crap people call for. If I had a buck for every parent that called to report their kid won't go to bed or brush their teeth or do home work or clean his room................

You know, as a parent, I have been tempted at times...
My whole family where's hoodies. Particularly the ones that zip down the middle. I was the last hold out until I tried one a year ago and was won over!
Oh, the ones with the zippers are evil, You are clearly some kind of criminal
Well I started this to show that with all the bla bla about the Zimmerman trial was not about race the post on this thread is everything about race and my final point is that on MA talk the overwhelming majority seems to be White Right GOP leaning?

The majority on here seem to miss the point that a kid should be able to go to a store to buy snacks and return home with out being profiled or killed!!!! The fact the Zimmerman was held not guilty is only a confirmation that in the South minorities will not receive fair treatment. The trial had bad prosecution that was only forced into pursuing this trial after people demonstrated bad jury bad prosecutors all the way.

I blame myself for thinking this site related to the MA traditional value system of protect the weak and stand up for those who could not defend themselves was still alive and well? For the most part in America the honor of traditional MA is dead there is only a tribal self serving shallow ego of Warrior mentality left and what I see the demographics reflect a white extreme right mentality in all things.

I look forward to the progression in this country of continued non white voter participation and the elimination of Rush Limbo, Fix Network and the like from dictating policy, promoting miss information and mobilizing any and all efforts to eliminate middle and lower income peoples from have a fair say in elections in the process. I support peoples right to live in the bubble and refuse to admit reality but I would just like to change their air with Nitrous Oxide
Well I started this to show that with all the bla bla about the Zimmerman trial was not about race the post on this thread is everything about race and my final point is that on MA talk the overwhelming majority seems to be White Right GOP leaning?

The majority on here seem to miss the point that a kid should be able to go to a store to buy snacks and return home with out being profiled or killed!!!! The fact the Zimmerman was held not guilty is only a confirmation that in the South minorities will not receive fair treatment. The trial had bad prosecution that was only forced into pursuing this trial after people demonstrated bad jury bad prosecutors all the way.

I blame myself for thinking this site related to the MA traditional value system of protect the weak and stand up for those who could not defend themselves was still alive and well? For the most part in America the honor of traditional MA is dead there is only a tribal self serving shallow ego of Warrior mentality left and what I see the demographics reflect a white extreme right mentality in all things.

I look forward to the progression in this country of continued non white voter participation and the elimination of Rush Limbo, Fix Network and the like from dictating policy, promoting miss information and mobilizing any and all efforts to eliminate middle and lower income peoples from have a fair say in elections in the process. I support peoples right to live in the bubble and refuse to admit reality but I would just like to change their air with Nitrous Oxide

oh well, I am white.
I tried to change that, but dammit, I won't tan...

but to the rest of it?

Oh, why not. I am sure he still has some dirt under his fingernails....

Sharpten is calling for Zimmermann to be charged for violating Martin's civil rights...
Al Sharpton is a poverty pimp and should be ignored by anyone with more than three functioning brain cells.

Zimmerman should sue Trayvon's parents for raising Trayvon in such a way that Trayvon violated Zimmerman's civil rights. And he
should include Sharpton in the suit for race-baiting. And NBC for the same reason.
Zimmerman should sue Trayvon's parents for raising Trayvon in such a way that Trayvon violated Zimmerman's civil rights.
I'm speechless. The moral compass in our country is dead. That you said it astounds me. That people here agree is blowing my mind.
I'm speechless. The moral compass in our country is dead. That you said it astounds me. That people here agree is blowing my mind.

Sure, this sounds crazy, but imagine a world where TM had a stable family and was taught to treat others with common courtesy? He'd probably still be alive. This issue is something we never talk about in this country. What responsibility do parents have for raising broken children? Imagine a world where parents actually could be held responsible for failing at parenthood.
Sure, this sounds crazy, but imagine a world where TM had a stable family and was taught to treat others with common courtesy? He'd probably still be alive. This issue is something we never talk about in this country. What responsibility do parents have for raising broken children? Imagine a world where parents actually could be held responsible for failing at parenthood.

Yeah, that location is called Fantasy Land! LOL!

Seriously though, you're right. I don't know about anyone else, but I see it a lot. The grocery store, shopping mall, etc. I was at the doctors a few nights ago. Woman comes in with 3 kids, 1 of them older than the other 2. We were the only ones in the office at that time, and these kids were out of control. Then again, kids learn what they live, so if the parents are clueless, well.......
I'm speechless. The moral compass in our country is dead. That you said it astounds me. That people here agree is blowing my mind.

You're right about the moral compass - that's what happens when you allow amoral capitalism to inform all decisions on social and economic policy.

As to that Balrog said, it rather depends on whether the reader thinks he meant it literally or to make a point by hyperbole.
Yeah, that location is called Fantasy Land! LOL!

Seriously though, you're right. I don't know about anyone else, but I see it a lot. The grocery store, shopping mall, etc. I was at the doctors a few nights ago. Woman comes in with 3 kids, 1 of them older than the other 2. We were the only ones in the office at that time, and these kids were out of control. Then again, kids learn what they live, so if the parents are clueless, well.......

and you are the bass-turd/(b)witch when you give them the hairy eyeball....precious! :barf:
You're right about the moral compass - that's what happens when you allow amoral capitalism to inform all decisions on social and economic policy.

As to that Balrog said, it rather depends on whether the reader thinks he meant it literally or to make a point by hyperbole.

Actually, a little capitalism would provide incentives for good parenting. Right now the costs of bad parenting are socialized!

Remind me again why I bother posting anything in any of threads here that are about politics (one way or another)? I am sick to the back teeth of people not getting the point, or picking an argument on a tangent or accidently/deliberately mangling the intent of what I said. I know it's supposed to be a discussion forum but there are limits to how much stupidity or wilful 'blindness' I can swallow (not saying that what you said is necessarily stupid Maka, I've just had enough for now of senseless 'debate' that is destructive rather than constructive).

So ... I'm out on 'Study' sabbatical.
Zimmerman should sue Trayvon's parents for raising Trayvon in such a way that Trayvon violated Zimmerman's civil rights.

This is a very insensitive and ignorant comment.

I'm speechless. The moral compass in our country is dead. That you said it astounds me. That people here agree is blowing my mind.

This is a very insensitive and ignorant comment.


The thing is, is that in many cases, it's true! Either parents just toss up their hands because they're at wits end with their wild child or they just don't just a **** what their kid does in the first place. Amazing how you can take a look at a kid acting out, then look at the parent, and know right away, that THAT is why the kid is like they are.

In the good old days, all it took was 'the look' from mom or dad or a whack on the ***, and the bad behavior stopped! Today, well, it's pretty pathetic when the kids call the cops on the parents, or when I take a call from a parent, who states that their 8yo child is misbehaving and wont go to school. So......you call the cops? *shakes my head*

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