You might disagree but I think this is great news

2nd Black Belt
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Taekwondo in the 2016 Olympic Games

Dear beloved Taekwondo Family, WTF Council Members, and Presidents of
WTF Member National Association:

I am pleased to share the good news that the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) Executive Board proposed yesterday the list of 26 core
sports and 2 additional sports, golf and rugby, to be included in the
2016 Olympic Programme (see the full story on

Out of seven sports, only golf and rugby will have the opportunity to
present at the IOC Session in Copenhagen in October for a final

With the news, I assure you that Taekwondo as one of the 26 “core”
sports is officially on the Olympic Programme for both London 2012 AND
the 2016 Games, putting an end to the controversy on this issue.

I wish to dedicate this moment of triumph to all our taekwondo family
who devoted their time and effort for the promotion of the sport of
taekwondo and development of taekwondo as an Olympic sport. I will
commit myself to further enhancement of taekwondo in each member
national association on this meaningful occasion.

As the President of the WTF, I thank you for working with us for the
cause of taekwondo, which, I believe, are being rewarded with great
pride and joy. I express my heartfelt appreciation to your ceaseless
support and cooperation. Let us enjoy the victory we have achieved

Yours Sincerely,

Chungwon Choue
I suppose it's great news for those youngsters with Olympic stars in their eyes (or should that be rings?)
what is that saying about even bad publicity is publicity??? I think it fits here
Considering all the grumbling in the USA for the last Olympics and how it was percieved I expect that 2016 will be no better. Unfortuneately the negatives effect all who do TKD irrespecive of whether it is the unfortunate system that is used in the Olympics.
Similar to hockey, I doubt Olympic rugby will have the fighting that non-Olympic rugby does.

You can't keep the All Blacks, the Lions, the Wallabies and the Springboks down though lol!
i was thinking about playing on a local rugby team, but it seemed like a bad idea without health insurance.

found a cool highlight clip, though

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i was thinking about playing on a local rugby team, but it seemed like a bad idea without health insurance.

found a cool highlight clip, though

Union or League rugby? Two different sports. Union hard, League harder lol!
I love MA but there's no way I'll be watching TKd if rugger is on, sorry.
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i don't know, it was one where they practiced a couple times a week then went drinking. that seemed about my speed.

i don't know, it was one where they practiced a couple times a week then went drinking. that seemed about my speed.


LOL! sounds ideal!
Union has 15 players, League has 13. League faster and arguably better watching for spectators.
don't forget the rugby songs though, important that.
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haha, are they on the way back from the post game drinking party, or is this the pre game drinking party?

haha, are they on the way back from the post game drinking party, or is this the pre game drinking party?


They were sober on public transport (double decker bus) to the France v England game at Twickers! rugby fans are famous for their good temper before after and during matches.

What I want to know is when is male synchronised swimming going to be in the Olympics?
Is there no one who is happy that TKD will continue to be an olympic sport? You do realize that with the new rule changes that the matches will be more dynamic and there will be more head kicking.
This thread is supposed to be about TKD...not rugby and drinking.
Is there no one who is happy that TKD will continue to be an olympic sport? You do realize that with the new rule changes that the matches will be more dynamic and there will be more head kicking.
This thread is supposed to be about TKD...not rugby and drinking.

Frankly no, I think Olympic TKD does a huge dis-service to proper TKD, it makes me cringe tbh. The amount of derision it's attracted among non martial artists who then tar all martial arts with the same brush is disheartening. In Britain, Olympic TKD is known as the sport that cheated our lass out of a potential gold medal, there was the country getting behind one of our own in a little known sport and bam the judges prove to be bent. Guess how well that went down. The Cuban guy hitting the ref didn't improve the image. In a country that loves it's boxing the tippy tappy stuff that is the Olympic style TKD is considered soft. TKD people here now have to try and improve the image the UK has of it, so while I wish our TKD team all the best I will be watching something more interesting, like rugby with a drink in my hand, that's real.
I hope the new rule changes do make it more exciting to watch. I'll still watch it regardless, but it is pretty sad when it even bores someone who practices the art... and all the political angles don't get me very excited either. But I hope for better for 2010.
Is there no one who is happy that TKD will continue to be an olympic sport? You do realize that with the new rule changes that the matches will be more dynamic and there will be more head kicking.
This thread is supposed to be about TKD...not rugby and drinking.

I am very happy that TKD will be included in the Olympics in 2016(hopefully in Chicago). Allot of people don't appreciate Sport TKD. That is because they have never trained with a serious sport TKD School. We have had several K1 and UFC fighters Cross Train with us and they have allot of respect for sport TKD. GSP states that the spin hook of TKD is one of the best head kicks in Martial Arts.
not me. i HATE olympic TKD, and i think that the olympic style is 90% of the reason TKD is the laughing stock of the martial arts