You know what I love...


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I love the Feeling you get after a particularily rough class when you leave with bruises and your body hurts... and after a couple hours it fades to a dull, overall body, achey sorta numbness... and you KNOW you had a good training session by the way your body feels.

Im sure most of you know what I mean, but as I sit here feeling that, I'm just making an obseravtion about it.
Originally posted by Technopunk
I love the Feeling you get after a particularily rough class when you leave with bruises and your body hurts... and after a couple hours it fades to a dull, overall body, achey sorta numbness... and you KNOW you had a good training session by the way your body feels.

Im sure most of you know what I mean, but as I sit here feeling that, I'm just making an obseravtion about it.

They have words for people like you :shrug:

I know what you mean, thats the way you should feel after every class. At least thats my goal.:karate:
After a tough training session I like to feel completely spent and tired, yes. Bruised, hurting and aching from body shots, no! I try and avoid getting pummelled at all costs... :rolleyes:
I know exactly what you mean & I live for it!

Sweaty, nasty, achy, and bruised; I come back for more.

You said sweaty, nasty,achy and bruised, that carrys into everything thats worth comming back for.
I hear ya there is nothing like it! it's the way of a warrior. :samurai:
I love that feeling too (and I don't even mind being called the name for people like us.:D ). We had a marathon crosstraining session this weekend that lasted 10 hours!! My chest is bruised, ribs bruised and both forearms are black and blue from the wrist to the elbow..... That's a good day of training!
Originally posted by theletch1
I love that feeling too (and I don't even mind being called the name for people like us.:D ). We had a marathon crosstraining session this weekend that lasted 10 hours!! My chest is bruised, ribs bruised and both forearms are black and blue from the wrist to the elbow..... That's a good day of training!

10 friggin' hours??? :erg:

Now, that sounds like real old school MA training. That's the way the MAs should be thaught. :D

However, I'm sure that if every dojang/dojo trained their students that way, a large number of students wouldn't be able to hack it and just quit...
Originally posted by theletch1
My chest is bruised, ribs bruised and both forearms are black and blue from the wrist to the elbow..... That's a good day of training!

I dont mind a good of training, but the bruises I can do with out. I dont mind muscle ack. But damages aren't my way of knowing I had a good training.

Got the same feeling from several rounds of stickfighting Sunday morning. It took until today for all the pain to go away :D

The full 10 hours wasn't mandatory. you stayed as long as you could. Being the glutton for punishment that I am I stayed the full 10. Really enjoyed the crosstraining though. I've gotten to the point that I am getting a good grasp on what I'm doing in my own style and doing another style for the day really gave me a lot of new ways to look at the techniques we use.
this is how i feel that i get the most out of my training. it teaches me that there is improvement to be made, but also rewards me for my accomplishments!
Originally posted by Technopunk
Im sure most of you know what I mean, but as I sit here feeling that, I'm just making an obseravtion about it.

Yes, I do know what ya mean. I'm sitting here feeling the same way. Two days of falling, throwing, and grappling ....... my body is soooooooo sore. I'm starting to think that this isn't no TKD school. It's hell (or just a mix of styles) that my instructor created! LOL. Tomorrow we are to do every kind of kick in the book. Last time we did that, I fell on the floor soooooo tired and sore. I can't wait to see what the sparring classes are like (or maybe not LOL).
Over-training is actually detrimental to improvement. You will get much better improvement in performance if you allow your body to recuperate and recover. This is a critical point that is lost to way too many instructors.
i agree. it is as important to rest as it is to train. it actually helps your training.