Yippiee! More "no touch" knockouts! Yay!

I have an open challange to anyone who thinks they can move me with their "Chi" or knock me out without touching me. I have had no takers so far...

Steve, if you go to London, I'll meet up with you in Detroit...

Yet, I doubt we'll have any takers on your bet.

one of my cats performed a NTKO on me earlier....but I blame a change in kibble for it, rather than 'cat-chi'. :D
I can knock people out without touching them, easily.

I've got some nice escrima and a old Louisville slugger that would knock just about anybody out without me having to touch them at all.

As far as ki/chi goes. Some things I have seen in my training give creedence to it's existence. However, things like "no touch knockouts" bastardize, cheapen and give a bad name to a possibly legitimate form of training.
Obviously I missed out on something here. Who made the original post? What a joke! I viewed the vidio clip and I have concluded that this guy should team up wiith Benny Hinn in Orlando Florida who knocks people down by the dozens and all at one time without touching them. Whoever believes that "no touch knock out" garbage please let me sell you some ocean from property in Iowa.
hardheadjarhead said:
Folks had posted the Steve Stewart "no touch" KO's...below are a few other sites containing them.


(I can tell if the above is done tongue in cheek or not...the site seems a little odd)

More here:



These are done in all seriousness.

Well...I have $300 bucks in my wallet right now that says that nobody can put me down with a "no touch." Not a whole lot...but given it seems to take ten seconds to do this stunt, that works out to an hourly wage of of $108,000 an hour. Did I compute that right? In any case, not a bad chunk of change for ten seconds work.

The conditions are these:

Nobody touches me. Neither the guy doing the knockout or his assistants...at any time.

Nobody "catches" me. If you insist on this, then people of my choosing will catch me. If they require instruction on how to catch someone by you, you may do this but with someone other than me.

Nobody attempts to "revive" me (I submit it won't be needed). I am not to be touched at any time. I will assume all liability for injuries sustained IN WRITING...provided you don't touch me. If you get frustrated and hit me with contact, you'll face any legal and civil consequences.

Any takers? Once this $300 grows to $700 (I'm saving earnestly), its going towards a digital camera and the deal will be off...unless you want to do the knockout for nothing.




I'll take that challange!!

Give me 24 hours (you have to sleep sometime!!)
Just wondering if hitting someone with a rock counts as a "no touch" knockout...

I had the same thought along the lines of the bean burritos. However, pasta fazool (fagioli) will do the same thing, at least in my case. I am still chuckling over that stupid farce of a video, I have sent it pretty much around the world. Oh well, those who can, do it, those who cant fake it.
What a great story. Our senior dojo (Bay Ridge Dojo) in Brooklyn, NY has had a history of strange so-called martial artists visiting us over the deacades. Much like your story they all suffered. I would like to say suffered great humiliation, but we all know you cannot humiliate a clown martial artist, they do that themselves. Too bad the do not realize it. Thanks for sharing, great post!
Forgot about this thread.

I did go to the Rich Mooney seminar, he didn't do any chi stuff though. We learned a Bagua form and were taught applications for each move. The applications were all quite sensible and seemed practical, defences against haymakers/grabs etc.

Not what I expected at all but still quite interesting.
Yossarian75 said:
Forgot about this thread.

I did go to the Rich Mooney seminar, he didn't do any chi stuff though. We learned a Bagua form and were taught applications for each move. The applications were all quite sensible and seemed practical, defences against haymakers/grabs etc.

Not what I expected at all but still quite interesting.
Go to E-budo.com and do a search for Mooney. He was on there as himself....got totally "hosed" for his claims of "no touch KOs" and then pretended to be at least one more person until he got booted off.
He gets rather upset and starts sending you abusive emails if you donÂ’t agree with him too. IÂ’d have to say I donÂ’t have much respect for him or his party tricks.
Colin_Linz said:
He gets rather upset and starts sending you abusive emails if you donÂ’t agree with him too. IÂ’d have to say I donÂ’t have much respect for him or his party tricks.
He gave me a barrage of junk mail chcocker block full of foul language. A real class act. :rolleyes:
Did you get the, If you were closer I'd come around and whip your *** type of response. It really shouldn't be a problem for him, his web site says he travels all over the world teaching that crap, or he could just mind zap me.
Colin_Linz said:
Did you get the, If you were closer I'd come around and whip your *** type of response. It really shouldn't be a problem for him, his web site says he travels all over the world teaching that crap, or he could just mind zap me.
Ya, I got the email/internet challenge.

I want to know why those guys that claim to be able to do no touch KOs don't put it to good use.......I would use it during the super bowl to KO the other teams quarter back everytime.....God just think of the money I could win with that in Vegas!!!!!
There is a thread on ebudo telling a story of guy coming to Mizuno sensei branch. He said that he could retract his testicles and could with stand a kick to them. Mizuno sensei replied, oh can I see. So within a few minutes and some strange facial expressions he said OK and was kicked. Mizuno sensei said very interesting and then went on with the class. The next week the same guy comes back, he wants to do randori. So he and Mizuno sensei start randori, where upon he gets kicked in the groin. Well of course he goes down in pain and Mizuno sensei comes up and says, oh, I though you could retract them, and the guy says, yes, but I need time to get ready.

These sort of party tricks are great entertainment, and some of them may be real; however I have yet to see any with value within the context of a martial art.
RRouuselot said:
Ya, I got the email/internet challenge.

I want to know why those guys that claim to be able to do no touch KOs don't put it to good use.......I would use it during the super bowl to KO the other teams quarter back everytime.....God just think of the money I could win with that in Vegas!!!!!
The Bookies and the CasinoÂ’s would soon ban you. You would be better of teaching them to gullible people; there seems no shortage there.

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