
Hello, Welcome to the forums. Sushi is the number one here. It is practice often. The next famous thing here on the Islands is Spam musube. Have you ever try it?

Yoga is like karate? So many styles and variations Almost like Sushi? .....Aloha
hehehe. Thank you. I pop in when I can, too busy lately.

I'll try to cover everything in 1 post.
Classical French fencing, foil, through community ed.

Sushi is good, eel is my fav.

Avatar is from Shoujo Kakumei Utena, my favorite anime.
Profile pic, also. That swirly bit, is hair, not a nipple as someone asked in PM. :lol:

I was supposed to go to Sakura Con in Seattle, but it didn't work out. I was planning on going to Anime North, but will probably goto Fanime, just to see Steve Bennett again.

Ok, back to sewing. :wavey:
Welcome Mary!!! It's allways good to have new people join in. :)
Yes, we like new people. You and Bob (Kaith) would probably get along well, you share many common interests.

Technopunk said:
Yes, we like new people. You and Bob (Kaith) would probably get along well, you share many common interests.

I'm more of a Urusei Yatsura fan myself. :)
From one MJ to another...Welcome! :wavey:
Mary Jane said:
Ok, back to sewing.
Mary Jane, what do you sew? I've never been great at sewing garments and hope to have enough leisure time to make a quilt one day, but I'd really rather knit or crochet and practice tatting (I'm still working on that one).

Is there a book like, um, *gosh I'm embarrassed to say it* "Sewing For Dummies"?
Hi Mary Jane! :wavey:

As you can see, we have a lot of friendly folks here from all over. Please check out the forums when you can, & don't hesitate to ask for help!

Have a good day,
Gin-Gin :)
Hi again. Things get crazy for me. Too many cons to hit, too little time to really hang out. :(

I mostly sew costumes. I'm really into cosplay (sorta part skit, part role play and part costuming) at anime conventions.

I checked out Kaiths other site. Hes got alot of cosplay pics on there, none of me though. People keep taking my picture but I never seem to find it on the photo sites. I was at the one Anime North he was at, but don't remember running into him. Kaith, you cosplay?

Sigh. Back to playing catchup on the other sections. :wavey:
Well, I ended up at Anime North. 10,000 crazy anime fans, dressed up as everything and anything. It was nuts. I went as Utena (girl in my avatar), and seemed like I had a gazillion pics taken, but I haven't found any of me yet.

Heres a thread with some links to pics.

I'm finally unpacked, caught up on email, and ready to start my week.
Wait, it's Friday.


Hey there Mary Jane. Im a big fan of sushi myself! See ya' around!
Mary Jane said:
I was at the one Anime North he was at, but don't remember running into him. Kaith, you cosplay?
On occation.

Picture of me doing a gladiator:
2 of me as Tuxedo Mask -

Theres a few other ones of me in the archives. I did "Silent Bob" at AN and TT a few years back, last year did "Star Trek TOS Medical". Was rather "rushed".

May be doing a Sith theme this year, if I have time to build the lightsaber. :)

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