Women's Avatars

Tess, The original dollmaker link was fun. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to show it to you all! KT


  • $Pacha Mama.jpg
    $Pacha Mama.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 139
Hey Tess,

Is there one of those links somewhere to make "boy" goddess'? You know, cabana boys with really nice six packs ;)

This is the "women's avatar" thread after all :D
KenpoTess said:
oh yeah KT..If you are trying to show it big scale.. unless you have an url or are a supporting member Since it's a print screen thingy, or you could use it as your avatar.
Or.. email it to me if you like and I'll post it here.. :D
[email protected]
Problem seems to be that it won't even let me make a copy to send to you. Oh well. It was very conservative anyway. Thanks anyhow. Maybe I'll try the goddess thing instead... KT
KenpoTess said:
Tsk Tsk Rich.. you did break the rules.. *thinking up penance~!!*

*not gonna even ask what your plans are to do with your goddess.....*smirks*

Yea, with the way this thread was going last night you never know where it's going or what their plans are...i like the goddess though, it's about time we get a thread dedicated to the goddesses of MT :wink2:
i think this one needed more options...there's got to be more goddess names than that...i took greek mythology i know there's got to be more


  • $goddess.bmp
    194.5 KB · Views: 147
FUZZYJ692000 said:
like they say...a picture can paint a thousand words that are unsaid
I wonder what they are saying to Rob and Rich?:rolleyes: :idunno:
Tess, I give up. This is --- beyond! I just can't figure this out. Oh well. Fun to do, even if I can't share. KT
Nalia said:
I wonder what they are saying to Rob and Rich?:rolleyes: :idunno:

no disrespect but it seems like rich's is saying he's trying to express his feminine side...i think all mine have something to say about me...i tend to like pinks and neutral colors, i also hunt with my father....in one of mine is a little white puppy, that's my baby dog angel, and this one has a little more of my native american heritage in it


  • $indianme.bmp
    173.5 KB · Views: 165
kenpo tiger said:
Tess, I give up. This is --- beyond! I just can't figure this out. Oh well. Fun to do, even if I can't share. KT

don't worry KT i couldn't figure it out either i had to get tess to walk me through it like i was a little kid...however i noticed your name isn't in red, i don't think you can put attachments on unless you're a supporting member...to email it to tess...use your print screen button on the keyboard...i kept looking for it on the screen...like i said explain it to me like i'm a dummy and then paste in paint and send it to her in an email...that should work
FUZZYJ692000 said:
no disrespect but it seems like rich's is saying he's trying to express his feminine side...i think all mine have something to say about me...i tend to like pinks and neutral colors, i also hunt with my father....in one of mine is a little white puppy, that's my baby dog angel, and this one has a little more of my native american heritage in it

I have a feminine side?
