Wish me luck!

Well, I called him and when he answered, I asked him if he read it yet. He said he hasn't had the chance to read it (he was, like, super busy), but he would try to get it done by tomorrow. Which is kind of a good thing, 'cuz I was starting to get REALLY worried that, I don't know, he might have thought it was a horrible attempt at explaining. So, everybody cross your fingers in the quite possibly naive hope that I get a response back from him by tomorrow!
I am sure everything will be just fine!!!

Let us know just as soon you do ok??!

We are all rootin' for you!!
I'll ask him about it in class tonight- and, hopefully, he'll let me know if it's decent or not. I'll let you guys know what happened later(hopefully at 10.).
Ok, he said that most of it was fine except for the last part of the front stance. I had the numbers in the wrong places! So, that PROVES that I'm bad at math! Just don't tell that to my instructor or he'll make me do 200 push-ups!

Here's the CORRECT version (don't worry- I fixed it!):
start in ready stance
cross arms over body right over left
move right foot 1 1/2 shoulder widths apart in front
as you do that bring right arm down, kinda like you're blocking & chamber left arm
your right fist should be, like, 2 fists above your right leg
your back leg should be kinda straightish, but not totally rigid--there needs to be some bendyness
to it.
right leg has 70% of your body weight & back leg has 30% of your body weight

And,apparently, I was snide in the e-mail I sent & THAT'S why he never responded!
Y'know, it's always hard to get emotions properly in email... so I don't know about "snide"...

So... that means you passed, yes?!?!?!?!
Y'know, it's always hard to get emotions properly in email... so I don't know about "snide"...

So... that means you passed, yes?!?!?!?!

No, I'm gonna hafta test again last Tuesday in April. Which I kinda figured I have to anyway.
No, I'm gonna hafta test again last Tuesday in April. Which I kinda figured I have to anyway.

So now you know you know everything you should - you'll do great! If it's any help, I had to redo several portions of my BB test; one of my students had to retake hers entirely. It happens - it's the people who continue, and persevere, and succeed after passing the second test who are true martial artists and truly admirable - the people who find testing easy and never have to put in extra work and/or redo something are the ones most likely to quit when it really does get hard.
You should start thinking about how to explain other stances, punches and kicks, so you can go in confident be relaxed and ready when the time comes.
So now you know you know everything you should - you'll do great! If it's any help, I had to redo several portions of my BB test; one of my students had to retake hers entirely. It happens - it's the people who continue, and persevere, and succeed after passing the second test who are true martial artists and truly admirable - the people who find testing easy and never have to put in extra work and/or redo something are the ones most likely to quit when it really does get hard.

She knows what she is talking about! Being able to come back from such an event really tests your spirit. I am sure you will do great in April and then you will REALLY feel like you earned your belt (I am willing to think if your instructor just handed it to you now you probably wouldn't feel that great about it anyway). This way you have an opportunity to really FEEL and KNOW you earned it- which is way better!!
As far as the email goes, yeah email basically sucks when it comes to showing emotion. If it comes up again just let him know you in no way intended it that way. And next time use lots of sirs... that usually shows it is meant respectfully. I wouldn't' really worry about that part though.

Good luck in late April.
Let us know how it goes ok?!

Way to stick to it, it is really admirable.
She knows what she is talking about! Being able to come back from such an event really tests your spirit. I am sure you will do great in April and then you will REALLY feel like you earned your belt (I am willing to think if your instructor just handed it to you now you probably wouldn't feel that great about it anyway). This way you have an opportunity to really FEEL and KNOW you earned it- which is way better!!
As far as the email goes, yeah email basically sucks when it comes to showing emotion. If it comes up again just let him know you in no way intended it that way. And next time use lots of sirs... that usually shows it is meant respectfully. I wouldn't' really worry about that part though.

Good luck in late April.
Let us know how it goes ok?!

Way to stick to it, it is really admirable.
Yeah, if he gave me the blue belt yesterday, I would PROBABLY be thinking that I'm getting it becuz he felt sorry for me--and I'd rather fail several times, work my butt off to FINALLY pass the test. Because, that way it would at least mean something, you know?
Yeah, if he gave me the blue belt yesterday, I would PROBABLY be thinking that I'm getting it becuz he felt sorry for me--and I'd rather fail several times, work my butt off to FINALLY pass the test. Because, that way it would at least mean something, you know?

Just this post shows so much about who you are as a martial artist.

You will be a great Black Belt some day, I am SURE of it!!!!
Yeah, if he gave me the blue belt yesterday, I would PROBABLY be thinking that I'm getting it becuz he felt sorry for me--and I'd rather fail several times, work my butt off to FINALLY pass the test. Because, that way it would at least mean something, you know?

Okay, not to parrot what Lauren said - but you definitely have the right attitude for an aspiring black belt! Remember, it's not what you're given that's of the most value, it's what you earn - and this belt will definitely be earned - and you will earn it! I know this, because you attitude demonstrates that you already have earned it.
Just this post shows so much about who you are as a martial artist.

You will be a great Black Belt some day, I am SURE of it!!!!

Okay, not to parrot what Lauren said - but you definitely have the right attitude for an aspiring black belt! Remember, it's not what you're given that's of the most value, it's what you earn - and this belt will definitely be earned - and you will earn it! I know this, because you attitude demonstrates that you already have earned it.

Aww, that means a lot to me. Thank you, Laurentkd! Thank you, Kacey!
OK, last Friday (April 6th), I taught my friend/classmate Katie the front stance. Unfortunately, she forgot to e-mail my instructor to let him know I taught her. I had to remind her Monday (April 9th)--so, right after class we went to the computer lab so she could e-mail Jim (my instructor).
He DID get Katie's message! In my TKD class last night, Jim said I should tell Katie that I couldn't test because of her--I am NOT going to do that, 'cuz, you know, Katie's my friend! I'm not mean to my friends. EVER!

Sometimes, Jim can be SOOOOOO mean! I swear, he's like an older brother sometimes.
WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I just realized that NEXT WEEK is going to be THE LAST whole week in April! Thank the gods for my classmates at ODU! Not only do I have my belt test next Tuesday, but I have a book report due the day before!
Why do I always have to wait 'til the last minute to do my assignments?

So, not only do you guys have to wish me luck with the belt test, now you have to wish me luck with my book report AND exams!

WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I just realized that NEXT WEEK is going to be THE LAST whole week in April! Thank the gods for my classmates at ODU! Not only do I have my belt test next Tuesday, but I have a book report due the day before!
Why do I always have to wait 'til the last minute to do my assignments?

So, not only do you guys have to wish me luck with the belt test, now you have to wish me luck with my book report AND exams!


So what are you doing here on MT when you should be studying/reading/writing?!?!?!?!?! Get busy!!!!

Here's wishing you the best in all your current endeavours!
So what are you doing here on MT when you should be studying/reading/writing?!?!?!?!?! Get busy!!!!

Here's wishing you the best in all your current endeavours!


(As a recent college grad, I know the internet is a student's best friend when you need something to pull you away from all that important homework!!)

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