Why You're Not Safe On Today's Streets

Originally posted by Judo-kid
Well depends what you train in wal others will disagree with me strongly, i do feel some arts are stronger then others.

If you have the right tools you can get the job done.
Last night, I saw that soccer beat bowling
Yeah, but just let one of those soccer guys kick a bowling ball and see what happens.
That was THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER READ!!!!!! My God, who let this guy post!!! I can't believe that you actually have the nerve to put Kenpo as part of your name. If anyone bothers to check though they will notice that you did not state your rank, or how long you have been studying. Not to mention your age, which I personally believe is about 6 or 7. If you don't believe in what "you" do, then by ALL means stop, because all your going to do on this forum is get on people's nerves. Somebody please tell me why this guy is here. I don't believe that "you" even study the martial arts, or ever have. Stop wasting "real" martial artists time and go away.

:rpo: :bird:
Originally posted by Michael Billings
And Jill also ... in fact almost everyone gave him the response he/she was probably looking for. I am glad I stay mainly here and don't have to deal with this most of the time.

Hmm... I wonder where he is from, trained, and in what? It sure is not the Kenpo I have felt and used.

"An open mind is like a parachute, ..."

Ah yes Grasshopper, but it is also like the tail gate of a pick up truck.

If leave it open, but unguarded, you will return to find it full of junk.

Just another perspective.............


...I don't know any kenpo students that play by 'rules'. In fact, ke[n|m]po is just the opposite, using every dirty trick in the book (groin strikes, eye strikes, throat strikes etc...). So, who's at an advatage? The "street fighter" using dirty tricks inexpertly, or the trained kenpoka, using dirty stricks with skill, poise and accuracy?

This image that some people have or martial artists, whereby if confronted in the street we're supposed to be like 'Hang on, just let me take my shoes and socks off, no, wait, you can't start yet, we haven't bowed..!' etc. is complete bollocks. Everyone on the inside knows it, most people on the outside don't (to my mind).



p.s. I've finished my degree now ( :) :erg: :boing2: :drinkbeer :ultracool :EG: :cheers: :p ), so I've should be able to join in a few more discussions! Ahh, free time. I'd completely forgotten what this felt like....

Although, I have to go find a job now :sadsong:
Every art i studied taught that there are no rules, to fight dirty, and never play fair...

I am not sure how liberal politics has anthing to do with safty on the streets? More guns will bring more danger (not just offensive in naturem, but from accidents)

From my experiences, I can only think of at no time in my entire life (26 years) that i was ever approaced threatenly, or attacked on the street. One could say i have never had trouble. This has been everywhere i have traveled an at home.
It has been my observation over the years that people who makes claims like the one that started this thread either:

(a) Haven't studied real martial arts or haven't studied for very long, or
(b) Have never been in a real fight, or
(c) both
I agree with khadaji. I'm 33 and (thankfully) have never been in a fight. Most people in this society are peace loving and want nothing more than to be left alone. But there are animals out there, and kenpo gives me the best advantage possible. It's not a magic pill, but the guy who knows kenpo certainly is WORSE in a fight than the guy who doesn't. Or any martial art for that matter.
Originally posted by satans.barber
p.s. I've finished my degree now ( :) :erg: :boing2: :drinkbeer :ultracool :EG: :cheers: :p ), so I've should be able to join in a few more discussions! Ahh, free time. I'd completely forgotten what this felt like....

Although, I have to go find a job now :sadsong:

Hey, Good luck on your jobseeking Ian.:burp:

Maybe you will get time to pay us a visit.

kenpo07, you posted this as a joke, right? If you did, it's actually somewhat funny. Mostly beacuse there are people dumb enough to believe this.

If you didn't, that's quite sad for you. Do you even know what a martial art is? Maybe you should find out something about martial arts, or at least one martial art before you start trolling about on web forums.
Originally posted by satans.barber
p.s. I've finished my degree now ( :) :erg: :boing2: :drinkbeer :ultracool :EG: :cheers: :p ), so I've should be able to join in a few more discussions! Ahh, free time. I'd completely forgotten what this felt like....

Although, I have to go find a job now :sadsong:

Congrats for the degree, and good luck in your search.
Ok the funny part is that everyone is upset because someone that obviously posted something to get a rise out of people did just that.

The second part is that this post is nothing more then a copy of something posted at some streetfighers web sight where he only trying to promote his own style of fighting. ( I will try and find the web site and post the link)

So granted we all know that this is for the most part garbage however we gave him some validity by responding and giving the poster what they wanted.

Beyond the fact that clear, open snake-oil selling is always a joy to encounter, here's what interests me about this nonsense:

1) It plays off a science-fiction, fascist fantasy of contemporary life--the streets aren't safe! everybody's a threat! the liberals have ruined everything, and taken away your guns!

2) It--as always--rests on bragging about one's military record, and about training the SEALS (who must roll on the floor every time they see this stuff)--maybe it's a stereotype, but I strongly believe that the really dangerous guys are the ones who keep their mouths shut, not the Richard Marcenkos of the world.

3) Gotta love that pseudo-science--why keep up your training? You too can watch my videos, be a couch potato for twenty years, and INSTANTLY TRANSFORM into a DEADLY KILLING MACHINE!

4) It speaks to our own evil tendencies in martial arts.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Beyond the fact that clear, open snake-oil selling is always a joy to encounter, here's what interests me about this nonsense:

4) It speaks to our own evil tendencies in martial arts.

I'm very curious as to what exactly you mean by this. Can you elaborate, please?


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