Senior Master
This something I just don't understand because the majority of the time Street fights will be when you are very outnumbered, your opponent has some sort of weapon or advantage. Or they are simply some drunk idiot or in general an ******* and they usually all know little to nothing about fighting.
They often question your capability based on whether or not you have been in one of these "real fights". And even go as far giving more credibility to people who have been in more of these situations over a person with actual martial arts training.
I myself have only been in about 3 Street fights and the amount of martial prowess that occurred in them, or rather the skill I displayed in them didn't seem like much. This is because it didn't take much to win the fight, these people were idiots, and idiots in general tend to be terrible fighters.
The fight ended with me clinching him by the shirt and low kicking his legs reapetedly while I was rotating with him. He broke the grapple by shoving me where I then kicked him in the face and right there, the fight was over.
The next fight I was in was two guys trying to beat me up over my jacket. One wanted my jacket and the other was I guess his butt buddy and decided to help him. He pulled out a pocket knife, so I picked up a chair and began swinging it at them.
The guy then said " what the @#$% you're cheating." I said really you the one with a knife. An old lady then came by and yelled at us saying she is calling the cops. We then all ran away.
The last one someone attacked me with a box cutter, I don't even know why, it was something stupid and honestly I only remember his face and the fight because it was scary. I think it had something to do with my cousin and his gang, he knew I was related to him so I guess it was a big @#$% you to my cousin. He pulled out a the box cutter and slices my upper arm bad, I tried blocking and stopped my face from being sliced but that was still real bad. I was bleeding and felt might headed as soon as I saw myself bleeding like that.
Something took over and I just punched the guy in the face, I heard a loud thud and felt the shock of the hit travel up my arm. I managed to grab his wrist and control the box cutter. Next thing I know his friends pull him away and my cousin and his friends came around. It turned into a nasty fight. I did not take part in it after that though because I want to take care if the cut.
To be honest. All of these fights felt like either a fluke, or me taking advantage of my surroundings and a mix of dumb luck. I will say none of these were my greatest feats of martial skill because the greatest ones for me happened in competitions and in the dojo, when I was fighting people who KNEW how to fight over stupid thugs that just rely on being cheesy to win the fights that they start in the first place.
I seriously don't get why people give more credit to these idiots over someone like myself who is actually trained to fight, and claim that martial artists in general are weak because they don't "fight for reals." And that people like this are tougher.
They are not tougher, the word they are looking for is cowardly. Idiotic maybe. I do not view my 3 fights as a badge of honor, I see them as something to be embarrassed about. I will also never view my lack of a long lost of Street fights as a badge as a sign of weakness, but I see it as a sign of intelligence. Many of them could have been avoided if I were not stupid and trying to front my own ego. The first one happened because a guy slapped me, so I reacted that way. The second one I could have stayed around my friends instead of walking home alone at 11:30 at night in a bad neighborhood.
The third one I was associating with the wrong people and got caught up in stupid ****. I pride myself in avoiding these situations, not taking part of their idiocy. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.
They often question your capability based on whether or not you have been in one of these "real fights". And even go as far giving more credibility to people who have been in more of these situations over a person with actual martial arts training.
I myself have only been in about 3 Street fights and the amount of martial prowess that occurred in them, or rather the skill I displayed in them didn't seem like much. This is because it didn't take much to win the fight, these people were idiots, and idiots in general tend to be terrible fighters.
The fight ended with me clinching him by the shirt and low kicking his legs reapetedly while I was rotating with him. He broke the grapple by shoving me where I then kicked him in the face and right there, the fight was over.
The next fight I was in was two guys trying to beat me up over my jacket. One wanted my jacket and the other was I guess his butt buddy and decided to help him. He pulled out a pocket knife, so I picked up a chair and began swinging it at them.
The guy then said " what the @#$% you're cheating." I said really you the one with a knife. An old lady then came by and yelled at us saying she is calling the cops. We then all ran away.
The last one someone attacked me with a box cutter, I don't even know why, it was something stupid and honestly I only remember his face and the fight because it was scary. I think it had something to do with my cousin and his gang, he knew I was related to him so I guess it was a big @#$% you to my cousin. He pulled out a the box cutter and slices my upper arm bad, I tried blocking and stopped my face from being sliced but that was still real bad. I was bleeding and felt might headed as soon as I saw myself bleeding like that.
Something took over and I just punched the guy in the face, I heard a loud thud and felt the shock of the hit travel up my arm. I managed to grab his wrist and control the box cutter. Next thing I know his friends pull him away and my cousin and his friends came around. It turned into a nasty fight. I did not take part in it after that though because I want to take care if the cut.
To be honest. All of these fights felt like either a fluke, or me taking advantage of my surroundings and a mix of dumb luck. I will say none of these were my greatest feats of martial skill because the greatest ones for me happened in competitions and in the dojo, when I was fighting people who KNEW how to fight over stupid thugs that just rely on being cheesy to win the fights that they start in the first place.
I seriously don't get why people give more credit to these idiots over someone like myself who is actually trained to fight, and claim that martial artists in general are weak because they don't "fight for reals." And that people like this are tougher.
They are not tougher, the word they are looking for is cowardly. Idiotic maybe. I do not view my 3 fights as a badge of honor, I see them as something to be embarrassed about. I will also never view my lack of a long lost of Street fights as a badge as a sign of weakness, but I see it as a sign of intelligence. Many of them could have been avoided if I were not stupid and trying to front my own ego. The first one happened because a guy slapped me, so I reacted that way. The second one I could have stayed around my friends instead of walking home alone at 11:30 at night in a bad neighborhood.
The third one I was associating with the wrong people and got caught up in stupid ****. I pride myself in avoiding these situations, not taking part of their idiocy. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.