Who here is up for a $10,000 challenge

Umm, yeah. I'm sure there are tons of other things I'd rather spend that much money on than challenging someone to a fight (especially since currently I have no training in fighting). And I think the grand total is well over $10,000. The $10,000 just covers hiring him as a professional fighter. You also have to put up $25,000 to guarantee you'll show (Kim gets the money if you don't) and pay for travel, room, and board for Kim plus three others. That's a lot of money. So why all the stipulations? Is he really looking for "only serious contestants" (who are also rich enough to afford the high fees involved) or is it so that he doesn't have to accept any challenges? I can't say I know anything about this guy, but for some reason I'm inclined to believe it's the latter.
lol no he is not looking for only serious contestants he is trying to discourage people buy charging these outragous fees which he knows no one will pay to face him since he is a total fraud... i might pay a dollar to fight him but not what he is asking
This guy is a joke. "I want this and I want this and this". If he fought a wet paper bag, the bag would probably win. If he is so tough why don't he compete in the UFC, Pride both of those pay more then the $10,000 plus expenses he wants. Plus look at all the TV exposer he would get. Then he could charge $1000 a hour for private, and $100,000 for seminars. This guy has as good supply of B.S. Heck he doesn't even want to show his face.
beware of his power his a deadly ninja he even has invisible astral spies:D :eek:
That challenge would be a waste of good money, time, and energy. I don't think anyone needs to spend even a dollar to pay to see Ashida Kim get whupped.....I don't think it would take very long at all.

Here's a thought, though.....maybe we could arrange some sort of "Ninja UFC", where Ashida Kim and Frank Dux could go at it.....and maybe invite that awesome grandmaster guy from that "American Temple" (whatever the name of it is again)....now THAT would be some good fun!! They could put it on pay-per-view, and really rake in the bucks!!

Even better, get Hatsumi sensei to be the judge/referee. Then he could ice anyone who violated the rules.......or just the loser, for giving ninjitsu a bad name......

Just a thought.....:D


Originally posted by tonbo

That challenge would be a waste of good money, time, and energy. I don't think anyone needs to spend even a dollar to pay to see Ashida Kim get whupped.....I don't think it would take very long at all.

Here's a thought, though.....maybe we could arrange some sort of "Ninja UFC", where Ashida Kim and Frank Dux could go at it.....and maybe invite that awesome grandmaster guy from that "American Temple" (whatever the name of it is again)....now THAT would be some good fun!! They could put it on pay-per-view, and really rake in the bucks!!

Even better, get Hatsumi sensei to be the judge/referee. Then he could ice anyone who violated the rules.......or just the loser, for giving ninjitsu a bad name......

Just a thought.....:D



ROFL! Beautiful idea! :rofl:
I just luuuuvvvvvvved the dojo press books. Don;t know which to order- the women's "naked Self Defense" book or the amorous adventures.
Finally a style I can dedicate myself to- I think I;m gonna be an X-rated Dragon Lady (Exact title)

She looks pretty happy on the cover there- he looks happier.:D
I am the Ninja, himself. I come from the nowhere, I go to the no place. I have no magic power. Anyone can do the things I do, if they but know how. I am a professional soldier and fighter. I have videotape, press clippings, and receipts to verify this claim, should it become necessary in open court. As such, I am forbidden by law and convention from engaging in personal combat, since my hands and feet are considered lethal weapons.

ninjas are cool:cool:
This Ashida Kim dude- isn't he married to Mizz Cleo, the psycho psychic?? They will have kids that have the premonition of knowing EXACTLY when they will do jumping side kicks off of buildings... :rofl:
Originally posted by vincefuess

This Ashida Kim dude- isn't he married to Mizz Cleo, the psycho psychic?? They will have kids that have the premonition of knowing EXACTLY when they will do jumping side kicks off of buildings... :rofl:

ROFLMAO! Vince! Where the hell ya been?!?!?
Long time no type! :D
Q: Arnisador, can this Ashida Kim thing get any worse?
A: Sadly, my friend...yes. See here (third picture down) for information on Dr. Kim; more information may be found here, where it's implied that he has some official role at the school.
this ashida kim guy is to into himself...he thinks hes the best but has he thought of others

for thos of u who are amazed at ninjas, uve seen to many movies.

his page is stupid, i want this and that, u must this and that. i bet he hasnt fought agaist MMA or those real arts

i wonder if he wears that ninja getup everywhere?
Have you guys ever seen that hilarious Mountain Dew commercial featuring the claymation characters Davey and Goliath?

Every time I see that commercial, I envision Davey and Tommy dressed out in Chung Moo Do student uniforms standing in a recently gutted dojang with Ashida Kim as the dad being hauled off to jail again...

TOMMY: "What just happened???"

DAVEY: "We got HOSED Tommy, we got HOSED!"

GOLIATH: "Jump off the building Davey..."

You will never be able to watch that commercial the same again.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: