Who Do You Follow

Who Do You Follow

  • Master Choi Jung Hwa

  • General Choi

  • Other (please name in a post)

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Of the members on this board that follow the ITF which group do you follow.The one ran by Master Choi Jung Hwa or the one ran by General Choi?
I think we can trust General Choi to keep Taekwon-Do in it's traditional form.
I think we can trust Gen. choi to die in the next few years. Afterwards? Tom Macallum, President ITF? I dont think so.
Don't be surprised if Sereff fight for that job. :eek:
He has some lung disease from whatever job he used to do.It exposed him to radiation and it is now in his lungs.He is no longer allowed to fly.Someone put a post up on the ITF discussion Board this morning about it.
GM Sereff indicated a long time ago (several years to my certian knowledge) that he didn't want to be president of the ITF.

I think that in the future we will see a figure head as president of the ITF. It will be run by a board of directors.
GM Sereff was an electrician at a place called Rocky Flats, so I'm not surprised he caught something.

What's the diff between the 2 Choi groups?
i thought that the Choi Jung Hwa was the successor to the ITF after Choi!

The current split in the ITF is very complicated. I don't think you will get a real definate answer as to why and/or how it happened.
"What's the diff between the 2 Choi groups?
i thought that the Choi Jung Hwa was the successor to the ITF after Choi! "

Thats the reason for the split..... the vote was overturned and some people want to still follow the vote and some do not. That is oversimplifying it but its basically the reason.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I wondered how long it would be before Robert Martin (kickerfour) found his way onto this site.

Heather Sheridan
Originally posted by kickyou

I wondered how long it would be before Robert Martin (kickerfour) found his way onto this site.

Heather Sheridan

You have a problem with this Ms. Sheridan? I hold no ill will for you or your instructors or your association. I wish you the best of luck with your new school and hope nothing but the best for your future.

Can you do the same?

Robert Martin
4th Dan
Hey kickerfour, you teach with Mr. Ron Maestas?

He signed off on my black belt test papers when I tested back in 87. Back then he was either a 3rd or 4th can't remember which but now he's a 7th, a master instructor. Cool! couldn't happen to a nicer guy, I'm glad for him. The only way I've kept up with anyone I came up with is through the web.

He doesn't know me at all, but tell him I said hi and thanks for helping me get my black belt way back when.

Master Maestas is my instructor.

I've been with him since 1987 or 1988. He was a 4th Dan when I got there. You remember Fred Ackard and Dale Burkhart? They are both master now also.
I knew Mr. Ackard had made master but I didn't know Mr Maestas had. 87 was when I tested for my black, he helped refine what I had, made it better.

Mr Ackard was my main instructor at Master Sereffs when I was there.

Mr. Burkhardt was a 3rd to I think when I was there and he would come in from time to time and help beat people up :D

Mr. Ackard was a 3rd at the time and I thought he was/is a very good instructor.

No Mr. Martin I do not have a problem with you being here at all.I respect your loyalty however misplaced I believe it is.Too bad others in your group could not behave as you do.My school is a subject of great facination with Tom Cope the region 6 director as he drives by my school atleast 2 times a night while I am having class.I have sent him a polite e-mail inviting him in but as of yet he has not accepted my offer.Also it would appear that my former instructor has decided to share information that was given to her in confidence and has shared it with everyone that she can about myself in an effort to discredit me.She can try but I really do not care what she shares with anybody as those people that matter to me now all know about what she is saying and they could really care less.It is just shameful that the USTF has stooped to this for me a lowly 2nd DAN.I wish you well in all your endeavors and hope that someday we shall meet and maybe even have a drink but I do not see that happening anytime in the near future.


Heather Sheridan
Heather Sheridan is fully capable of answering on her own but I feel like I have gotten to know her a little bit even though we have never met. Mrs. sheridan and I are both parth of ITF Canada as opposed to ITF Vienna and she is part of Yomchi which is a U.S. organisation of ITF Canada.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Mr. Mavis,

Thank you for answering for me, and I hope to be able to correct the fact that we have never met as soon as ut us financially feasable for me to be able to travel to Canada for a seminar or tournament I will be there but for right now having just opened my school it is not a possibility.But right now I have only 5 students and that is not even enough to pay the rent on the building..Good thing I have a good job.Things should start picking up I was profiled in the paper today so I am hoping that I will pick up a few more students in the next week.The profile was huge.It had a nice size photo and 2 colums of text.I had to cut off the picture and put it beside the article in order to be able to scan it onto my computer so that I could e-mail it to Mr. Arnold.I never dreamed I would get that kind of coverage.Take care Mr. Mavis and stay tuned on the other board I have a feeling(if you know what I mean) that things are getting ready to get very interesting.

Heather Sheridan