Which Martial Arts should I pick up?


Blue Belt
Feb 14, 2021
Reaction score
Downtown Coolsville
So I'm kind of new to the whole martial arts concept. I've been doing Taekwondo for the last couple of months but don't feel it as a "fit" for me. Can anyone recommend where there are these few things involved:
  • A lot of physical action (So no yoga XD)
  • Where there is a relatively high skill level
  • One where actual skill is required and you don't pay to earn belts (as I've seen a 3rd grader have the black belt first dan in taekwondo)
  • Where it isn't a cheap rip off of the real version (cough cough western taekwondo cough cough)
  • Where you don't use extra weapons (like nunchaku)
  • And where you can also train your body at the same time (I'm overweight XD)
Thanks a lot!
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So I'm kind of new to the whole martial arts concept. I've been doing Taekwondo for the last couple of months but don't feel it as a "fit" for me. Can anyone recommend where there are these few things involved:
  • A lot of physical action (So no yoga XD)
  • Where there is a relatively high skill level
  • One where actual skill is required and you don't pay to earn belts (as I've seen a 3rd grader have the black belt first dan in taekwondo)
  • Where it isn't a cheap rip off of the real version (cough cough western taekwondo cough cough)
  • Where you don't use extra weapons (like nunchaku)
  • And where you can also train your body at the same time (I'm overweight XD)
Thanks a lot!
well first if you want to lose weight, start a daily diet and exercise program, ma once or twice a week is probably not going to make much difference


what do you want to be able to do ? that really matters

nb yoga is an extremly good and worth while exercise programme, if you do that as part of the weight loss you wont go far wrong
The MMA has a good use of energy and also test their skills

BJJ - a base for the MMA is also a god art to check out.

FMA - with the right class / instructor, can get you the action and have weapons not be extra - and are taught along with the empty hand.
If no weapon is what you meant then skip the FMA - it has empty hand yes, yet it also has lots of weapon use.

So hard style of Karate ( not my thing so I am not sure of the names ) have empty hand sparring and hit and kick hard. Not sure how much is done in the states.

Good Luck
Welcome to Martial Talk, Dark Sovereign. Hope you enjoy it.

What Martial Arts gyms/dojos are a reasonable distance from where you live or work?
Welcome to Martial Talk, Dark Sovereign. Hope you enjoy it.

What Martial Arts gyms/dojos are a reasonable distance from where you live or work?
I live in Frankfurt Germany in Hesse... so yeah. I work inside the city so anywhere within Frankfurt would most likely be no problem for me (hopefully)
Welcome to the forum mate!

I would echo what others have said, what is it that you want to achieve, or what I think is more appropriate, what is it that draws you to martial arts, and why do you want to train? Often understanding what draws you to MA will be a good guide, and not why you think you should train.

I'd highly recommend enquiring about local schools, calling or emailing and asking questions about them, and the ones that appeal (and that you can afford), to sit in and watch a class on the side, and take it from there. This will tell you VASTLY more than what we can tell you. What someone says here as to a particular style may vary from what you see, as each individual club can vary quite dramatically.

Certainly the different arts have different characteristics, but then the question still remains as to why you want to train.

Good luck mate and let us know how it goes!
Welcome to Martial Talk, Dark Sovereign. Hope you enjoy it.

What Martial Arts gyms/dojos are a reasonable distance from where you live or work?
Well, there are quite a few but I'm not sure if they're legit or mcdojos.
The best answer from hard2hurt:
Well, if you look at it from this approach, it is true that I should pick what I find fun. I've got a few questions though:
  • How would I find out which suits me best as I don't want to waste a lot of money on martial arts that I don't really enjoy training in?
  • Let's say I have a category but all the martial arts gyms in the area I live in are obviously scams. Should I still go to them? Either way, I would be "violating" one of the 3 "rules" from the hard2hurt guy. Should I then completely ignore what he said?
You are overthinking this way too much.

Just go train. It's not what it puts in you, but what you put in to it.

Keep training....if you don't like where you are training visit other schools and until you find an alternative.
Well, there are quite a few but I'm not sure if they're legit or mcdojos.

Well, if you look at it from this approach, it is true that I should pick what I find fun. I've got a few questions though:
  • How would I find out which suits me best as I don't want to waste a lot of money on martial arts that I don't really enjoy training in?
  • Let's say I have a category but all the martial arts gyms in the area I live in are obviously scams. Should I still go to them? Either way, I would be "violating" one of the 3 "rules" from the hard2hurt guy. Should I then completely ignore what he said?
i asked what you wanted to achieve, you didnt answer, possibly as you hacent thought it through that far..

very few schools are scams, they are what they are, if you can fight and you want to augment that with some techniques, they work fine, if you want to learn sone sd just in case, they are all right

if you want to learn to fight, go some where with fighting, dont complain that your black and blue with concussion twice a week
i asked what you wanted to achieve, you didnt answer, possibly as you hacent thought it through that far..

very few schools are scams, they are what they are, if you can fight and you want to augment that with some techniques, they work fine, if you want to learn sone sd just in case, they are all right

if you want to learn to fight, go some where with fighting, dont complain that your black and blue with concussion twice a week
Well, it depends. My goal is to not be at the stage where I can be easily bullied by others as there were several instances of the happening. So yeah, my goal is to reach a level where people won't see me as "weak"
Well, it depends. My goal is to not be at the stage where I can be easily bullied by others as there were several instances of the happening. So yeah, my goal is to reach a level where people won't see me as "weak"
thats not really the question, , , they will still see you as weak otherwise they wouldnt try to bully you, the differance is if you stand up for yourself or not. and if your prepared for a physical confrontaion if it goes that way.

then exaxtly who are you in a physical confrontation with,

if you just want to survive a pushing and pulling match with some idiot , go do judo, two or three months and youl be throwing them around
thats not really the question, , , they will still see you as weak otherwise they wouldnt try to bully you, the differance is if you stand up for yourself or not. and if your prepared for a physical confrontaion if it goes that way.

then exaxtly who are you in a physical confrontation with,

if you just want to survive a pushing and pulling match with some idiot , go do judo, two or three months and youl be throwing them around
An obscure example: Well, let's say I become the best grandmaster in all martial arts overnight( :):):)). Then, let's say I "prove" my "power" then they won't see me as weak.
Sometimes we become paralyzed with indecision because we have too many choices and are unable to adequately process the pros and cons of those options. That is a problem with today’s Information Age.

Look at the schools that are close enough that you can attend regularly. From that list, eliminate any that are too expensive and you cannot afford. From that list, eliminate any with a class schedule that is not compatible with your personal and professional/employment schedule. What remains on that list are the options you should explore. Keep in mind, Covid may be throwing a lot of this up in the air if it is unsafe to meet for training session.

But if classes are being held, see if you can attend some sessions to watch and get an idea of how they do their training, and what the attitude and atmosphere is, and if you feel comfortable with the teacher and the students. Then see if they might allow you to try a couple classes for free, to help you make a good choice. If you are not comfortable in a school, do not join. Look for another.

To some degree, you cannot be certain in advance if a particular school is the best for you. Do your research, but you need to jump in and get started at some point. It is easy to overthink these things and never get started because of paralysis from indecision. Don’t fall into that trap. Get started, if it is safe (Covid) to do so.
  • How would I find out which suits me best as I don't want to waste a lot of money on martial arts that I don't really enjoy training in?
Unfortunately, there's really no way to know this until after you visit them. The good thing is most schools will offer a free/severely discounted trial, either through them, or through groupon, so you can try them out and see if you enjoy the training. It doesn't take a long time to figure that out.
Well, it depends. My goal is to not be at the stage where I can be easily bullied by others as there were several instances of the happening. So yeah, my goal is to reach a level where people won't see me as "weak"

An obscure example: Well, let's say I become the best grandmaster in all martial arts overnight( :):):)). Then, let's say I "prove" my "power" then they won't see me as weak.

That's not a goal you're going to achieve with martial arts alone. You can be in a ton of fights, win them all, meet someone who hasn't heard of those fights (most people haven't) and they might still view you as weak. If the goal is changing people's perception so you don't seem weak, the main things to do that are working out, posture, and confidence. You might get those from martial arts, but it's not something that martial arts are (supposed to) be focusing on.
That's not a goal you're going to achieve with martial arts alone. You can be in a ton of fights, win them all, meet someone who hasn't heard of those fights (most people haven't) and they might still view you as weak. If the goal is changing people's perception so you don't seem weak, the main things to do that are working out, posture, and confidence. You might get those from martial arts, but it's not something that martial arts are (supposed to) be focusing on.
Yes, I know that. I want to learn martial arts mainly because of this reason, but not only because of it.