Where have all the chunners gone...


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, the WC forum has been really dead lately, and before that, most of the posts were about things like KPM's WC-Boxing. Aren't there any straight-up chunners left?

Am I the only guy still nuts enough to try and use mostly straight up WC/WT/VT (with a few minor modifications) for my close-range standup game? The basic principles still work for me. Hellooo! Am I alone? Is there anyone else left in the room?
Hey guys, the WC forum has been really dead lately, and before that, most of the posts were about things like KPM's WC-Boxing. Aren't there any straight-up chunners left?

Am I the only guy still nuts enough to try and use mostly straight up WC/WT/VT (with a few minor modifications) for my close-range standup game? The basic principles still work for me. Hellooo! Am I alone? Is there anyone else left in the room?

Hey there, haha. I've felt like it's a little dry lately too. What are you looking for? Happy to trade notes. I've been zooming in on two specific dummy sets lately. I come from Sifu John Wahnish who studied under Sigung Philip Holder.
Hey guys, the WC forum has been really dead lately, and before that, most of the posts were about things like KPM's WC-Boxing. Aren't there any straight-up chunners left?

Am I the only guy still nuts enough to try and use mostly straight up WC/WT/VT (with a few minor modifications) for my close-range standup game? The basic principles still work for me. Hellooo! Am I alone? Is there anyone else left in the room?
You sir, are not alone. Perhaps there should be more discussion on the forum about the basic principals of the system.
The day when everything that can be discussed have been discussed, the day that online discussion will die down.

Does WC follow the guideline of the 6 harmony? Do a WC guy coordinate his hand with his foot, or with his knee?

It can be an interest discussion if WC guys participate in this kind of general discussion and not just WC discussion.
The day when everything that can be discussed have been discussed, the day that online discussion will die down.

Does WC follow the guideline of the 6 harmony? Do a WC guy coordinate his hand with his foot, or with his knee?

It can be an interest discussion if WC guys participate in this kind of general discussion and not just WC discussion.
I focus more on coordinating and linking my elbow with my hip. In my Wing Chun, we punch with both hip, shoulder, and elbow power. We turn the shoulders and hips when we punch (similar to boxing).
Actually, Ive been working more on the dummy again lately myself after letting it go for a while. I live in a small house, so I have it installed on my back porch. It's already hot here (110+) so I have to train early in the morning r later at nightMy wife was concerned that the clattering of the arms would annoy the neighbors, but right now they are away so I'm back at it. :)

I stick to the "WT" 116 movement set, similar to what Leung Ting published in his books, ...although, like most old-school Chinese instructors, he made a few changes in the public version, and kept a few things back. No biggy IMO. Forms are just forms. Useful enough, but understanding and executing application is what matters. And I still have a lot to learn in that department!

One thing about my lineage, is that we keep the dummy back for a very long time. So I'm planning on getting a cheap but adequate PVC dummy installed in a corner of the boxing gym where I have my class, and am working on supplementary dummy drills for mid-level students. ;)
Actually, Ive been working more on the dummy again lately myself after letting it go for a while. I live in a small house, so I have it installed on my back porch. It's already hot here (110+) so I have to train early in the morning r later at nightMy wife was concerned that the clattering of the arms would annoy the neighbors, but right now they are away so I'm back at it. :)

I stick to the "WT" 116 movement set, similar to what Leung Ting published in his books, ...although, like most old-school Chinese instructors, he made a few changes in the public version, and kept a few things back. No biggy IMO. Forms are just forms. Useful enough, but understanding and executing application is what matters. And I still have a lot to learn in that department!

One thing about my lineage, is that we keep the dummy back for a very long time. So I'm planning on getting a cheap but adequate PVC dummy installed in a corner of the boxing gym where I have my class, and am working on supplementary dummy drills for mid-level students. ;)
The weather is crazy in Austin too, record heat. Interesting note on keeping the dummy back. That's an area of difference between how we study. I understand holding it back for a bit until students have unit hand and leg positions down to some degree, but why a very long time?
I focus more on coordinating and linking my elbow with my hip. In my Wing Chun, we punch with both hip, shoulder, and elbow power. We turn the shoulders and hips when we punch (similar to boxing).

^^^^I don't think our WC power generation is very much like boxing at all. Most of the time, anyway.

On the other hand, I agree with the first part of what you said above, Dan ...the part about emphasizing linking the punch with elbow and hip, ...and often the fist, elbow, hip, and also, either a turn (torque) or step, putting your whole body into the punch. Which, when you come right down to it is a little bit like boxing I guess, just done in a different way.

A lot of people don't know this, but in addition to fast punches, my old sifu, LT used to stress heavy punches. Fast is good, but If you don't have a heavy punch in your arsenal, you cannot win a fight.
I focus more on coordinating and linking my elbow with my hip.
I like to coordinate my elbow with my knee instead. But it's much easier to coordinate hand with foot because both have more moving range. If I throw WC chain punches, I'll make sure that one of the chain punches will hit on the target when my leading foot land.
...but why a very long time?

Don't really know for sure. Let me hazard a wild guess .....$$$ ? ;)

BTW, I will be in Austin for WC from 7/17 - 7/22. I will be very busy training at a seminar the last couple of days, but should have some free time earlier in the week. PM me if you'd like to get in touch. :)
...I'll make sure that one of the chain punches will hit on the target when my leading foot land.

I don't really think of the linking the punch with the knee, but I do like to have a punch land in synch with my step. That helps me have heavier punch!

Landing a punch together with the lead foot is good. However, since we favor a back-weighted drag-step, the punch that lands in time with the rear foot has more body weight behind it.
Too bad that I just left Austin 4 weeks ago. Otherwise we could meet. Every year I will spend 6 months in Austin and 6 months in California.

Sounds like a good life, and I would be very honored to meet you, John. I hope we can make it happen some day!
since we favor a back-weighted drag-step, the punch that lands in time with the rear foot has more body weight behind it.
I like to use back-weighted stance too (30% forward, 70% backward). Without switching sides, there are 2 ways to move forward.

1. 1/2 step - Step in front leg. Your back leg slide and follow.
2. 1 step - Step in back leg to touch behind your front leg. You then step in your front leg.

You are talking about 1. I'm talking about 2.

The reason that I prefer 2 over 1 is the following:

- In 1, the moment that you step in your leading leg, the distance between you and your opponent has been shorten. You may just step into his kicking range and you may not be safe. You can only cover 1/2 step distance.
- In 2, the moment that I move my back leg, the distance between I and my opponent has not been changed. I'm still outside of his kicking range and I'm still safe. You can cover 1 full step distance.
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I like to coordinate my elbow with my knee instead. But it's much easier to coordinate hand with foot because both have more moving range. If I throw WC chain punches, I'll make sure that one of the chain punches will hit on the target when my leading foot land.
I have no issue with either method. I do like timing my strikes to land slightly (milliseconds) before my foot lands (JKD method).
I have no issue with either method. I do like timing my strikes to land slightly (milliseconds) before my foot lands (JKD method).
This is a good example that there is no right or wrong but trade off. If you punch

- before your foot landing, you can take advantage on your momentum.
- during your foot landing, you can take advantage on your weight dropping.
- after your foot landing, you can take advantage on your better rooting.

Whether all 3 cases should be trained, that may be debatable.
...still here...!!! :)

I sometimes go to Austin on business...would like to learn more of the WC from Philip Holder. Don't know much about him or his WC.

However, to spark conversation...lately I've been wondering: is there any difference from the LT WT taught in the mainland vs in the US? If so, can someone elaborate the broad strokes? And if there are any differences...why? How did that happen? Thanks!