In my school, there are few 3rd browns. We have some black
belts that show up often, some 3rd browns that I haven't seen in
months. I think the highest rank (minus b.b.'s who are
instructors, really) that regularly show up are 1st and 2nd
browns. All the b.b.'s in my school can move. It looks awesome
when they do it. Often times, in a tech circle, they'll go off adding
all kinds of stuff to a technique. You'll be standing there, they do
the tech and then you get this barrage of hits all over your body
at a RAPID rate! It's amazing to see, and to feel! Truly
awesome! I've been to a few seminars, and a camp in my year
and a half of studying, I've got to see people outside my school,
and I've noticed ... no one under black really can move in the
manner I'm speaking of.
Move, like the guys in the When Kenpo Strikes video. I show it
to my friends, and I say now THAT'S kenpo! They like what they
see, and then go "can you do that"? I'm like ummm .. hell no.
The next question is ... how long until you can move like that. My
answer is ... I dunno. But in thinking about it, and reflecting on
my limited experience, I can't say I've seen anyone under black
do it. So my question is ... how much knowledge does it take? I
understand that every student is different, but in general terms ...
How much? What rank?
Don't worry, I won't hold anyone to anything, I'm just curious.
I understand body types, commitment, etc. Just Generally
speaking, there's plenty in my school under me that move
better than I do. Is it a confidence thing?
Also, in all fairness, I haven't had the opportunity to witness
EVERY non black belt move freely, going to town, whipping stuff
belts that show up often, some 3rd browns that I haven't seen in
months. I think the highest rank (minus b.b.'s who are
instructors, really) that regularly show up are 1st and 2nd
browns. All the b.b.'s in my school can move. It looks awesome
when they do it. Often times, in a tech circle, they'll go off adding
all kinds of stuff to a technique. You'll be standing there, they do
the tech and then you get this barrage of hits all over your body
at a RAPID rate! It's amazing to see, and to feel! Truly
awesome! I've been to a few seminars, and a camp in my year
and a half of studying, I've got to see people outside my school,
and I've noticed ... no one under black really can move in the
manner I'm speaking of.
Move, like the guys in the When Kenpo Strikes video. I show it
to my friends, and I say now THAT'S kenpo! They like what they
see, and then go "can you do that"? I'm like ummm .. hell no.
The next question is ... how long until you can move like that. My
answer is ... I dunno. But in thinking about it, and reflecting on
my limited experience, I can't say I've seen anyone under black
do it. So my question is ... how much knowledge does it take? I
understand that every student is different, but in general terms ...
How much? What rank?
Don't worry, I won't hold anyone to anything, I'm just curious.
I understand body types, commitment, etc. Just Generally
speaking, there's plenty in my school under me that move
better than I do. Is it a confidence thing?
Also, in all fairness, I haven't had the opportunity to witness
EVERY non black belt move freely, going to town, whipping stuff