What's the popular art in your city?

Here in Albuquerque, we have a large amount of Tae kwon do schools. Including Grandmaster Hee ll cho's Tae kwon do center. Followed by Kenpo, Kick boxing, Kung fu. Etc..
We have a lot of teachers that are supposed to be pretty high ranked living out here. Or at least that's what I am told.

Originally posted by Eraser
Silly me.. I forgot Gou's favorite one... Mud Wrestling at Studio 4!! HA HA HA HA HA... gotchya Gou!!

If I remember back to my university days Tuesdays was baby oil night. The mud got to hard to set up etc.

That's just the rumour I heard...
Originally posted by GouRonin

In every city there is an art that everyone seems to practice or do a varient of. ................What about your city?

#1 is golf. :rofl:

Martial arts in Japan have a very low popularity rating.

Sad but true.

All younger Japanese want to do now is dress up like East L.A. Gangbagers and pretend like they are rappers.:rolleyes:

Only problem is they can't rap to save their life and they aren't even close to being as tough as the weakest, sickliest, gutless gangbanger in the US.
The Dallas/ Ft Worth area is blessed with an ABUNDANCE of martial arts schools. TKD schools can be found in virtually every strip mall, while most every other art has a presence here as well. At last count we had eight American Kenpo schools. I know of three Brazilian Jujutsu schools. A couple of Hapkido schools, and a pretty staggering number of Kung Fu schools. Not to mention several Judo schools.

This area has always seemed to a martial arts melting pot, going back to the 60's.
I'd have to say Karate is the most popular MA in my corner of the city- Shotokan is the one that I always seem to notice. Might just be the old thing of everything being dumped in the "karate" category though. Hmmm.

We have three different schools in are town of Effingham. the pop is around 12,000. There is a ATA Tae Kwon do school, that is right across the street from me. Shudokan karate, which is what I study first. They teach out of the park district. They also got kick out of where I am now teaching. Then there is us. We teach a wide array of stuff. Main art is Kempojujutsu in that art itself we teach mainly self defense, kobudo weapons, Escrima, Grappling. I believe we have the biggest following with the TKD school are real close second, and shudokan has around 10-15 students.
Bob :D
new york was the same way. on every other block there was a difference MA school. it kind of made it hard to decide if you were not familar with the arts, but most of the schools were legit.

here in PA it's the opposite. it is very hard to find different styles, and they are far and few to choose from.
Where in PA are you?
I found the same to be true, just outside of Pittsburgh.
i live in NE PA.

i switched to TSD after having no luck finding a shotokan school. all for the better though, i really enjoy it :)
Originally posted by tmanifold

Actually victoria has a very electic blend of martial arts for such a small city. We have Capoiera, Ninjutsu, A couple of kung fu qwan(hung gar, if you can find it, Wing Tsun, Tai chi and a commercial blend) we used to have a FMA instructor by the name of fred shinahan but he may be in Vancouver now, kenpo, judo, jujutsu, some BJJ, aikido. Any way a good blend. If we only has a silat instructor I would be very happy.

Tony [/B]

WOW! I had no idea that Victoria had that much variety of MA schools. I assumed that one would have to go to Vancouver to find arts like Capoiera etc. Unfortunately, Victoria is still a little too far for me to drive to class :( Hopefully by the time that I'm ready to expand my horizons, I will have a little more choice than what's available today...until then, Kenpo will do just fine. ;)

