What's the popular art in your city?



In every city there is an art that everyone seems to practice or do a varient of. In my city you can't walk 20 feet with out bumping into someone who does Kenpo or some style of. I would say the second biggest style is Shorinji.

What about your city?
The most popular is American Karate. So Japanese or Korean art modernized for us Americans.

In the 80's it was Modern Arnis, it seemed like every art / school out there was also teaching Modern Arnis for the weapons.
i can't really say that i live in a "city" per say, kennett square just isn't that big. and for the most part, martial arts isn't very popular. i would say the biggest school there is a TKD/KravMaga school. most of the people there are people who want to try out KravMaga after seeing one of their ads, commercials, web advertisments, newspaper or magazine articles, the list goes on. Those Krav guys really know how to advertise and have mastered the business end of the art.

i'm close to wilmington, delaware however, where the arts are a little more popular. i can't really say who is the biggest there though. there is such a wide variety, i don't think there is one style that is bigger than the other. that sounds like a good thing to me.
It is NHb or NHb style jujutsu. Here it used to be kicboxing but when the head instructor at the most popular Kickboxing gym got the grappling bug most of the city's martial arts schools followed.

Originally posted by tmanifold
It is NHb or NHb style jujutsu. Here it used to be kicboxing but when the head instructor at the most popular Kickboxing gym got the grappling bug most of the city's martial arts schools followed.

When I was out in Vancouver I stayed in West Van but in the city I saw more Aikido places than I could shake a stick at!

Must be different on the island eh?
I was looking in the phone book and I'd have to say that here in New Orleans we have about the same number of Karate as Tae Kwon Do and that's quite a few.

I thought we didn't have any Kenpo schools here because I've looked before but now I find that we have 1 Kenpo Karate school. I'm surprised! Someday I'd like to go visit so I can finally go see what it LOOKS like!;)

GouRonin said:--"When I was out in Vancouver I stayed in West Van but in the city I saw more Aikido places than I could shake a stick at!"

Wow! I can't imagine Aikido being so common ANYWHERE!!! Most people have never even heard of it around here! I am blessed to have a good Aikido dojo but besides us, there is only one other in my city.

Robyn :asian:

ive been to nowhere, and i think that the number one style there is cow tipping!
oh yeah, and phoenix, az has an awesome mix of various schools and styles.
Definitely TKD in San Antonio! They're all over! Not only do you
see one every few blocks, but every S.U.V. has a sticker of a
kicker, the name of the school on top, and the kid's name under
it! There's always the same icon with a soccer ball on the other
side. :shrug: And I don't believe in stereotypes.

What's funny is .. a LOT of TKD schools use "Karate" signs to
advertise their schools.
Originally posted by Kirk

What's funny is .. a LOT of TKD schools use "Karate" signs to
advertise their schools.

EVERYBODY does that, it seems--FMA too. It drives me crazy!

Oh, and you may be right about Nowhere theneuhauser
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

The most popular is American Karate. So Japanese or Korean art modernized for us Americans.

In the 80's it was Modern Arnis, it seemed like every art / school out there was also teaching Modern Arnis for the weapons.

Man, I WISH that was the case where I live. So many here teach
Arnia/Escrima/Kali as a side art. I can't find one here that teaches
it as it's main art. It'd a be a great cross training art.
Americans................:shrug: Down here in London England its deffinantly TKD for some ungodknown reason! theres also a lot of Wing Chun places around. All the great masters stop by and open up a school before leaving and never coming back!:asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I was looking in the phone book and I'd have to say that here in New Orleans we have about the same number of Karate as Tae Kwon Do and that's quite a few.
I thought we didn't have any Kenpo schools here because I've looked before but now I find that we have 1 Kenpo Karate school. I'm surprised! Someday I'd like to go visit so I can finally go see what it LOOKS like!

You... live in the same city as Huk Planas... and you don't study with him....

:disgust: :mad: :ticked: :waah: :flammad: :angry: :eek: :mad: :confused: :cuss: :erg: :wah: :miffer: :vu:

I have no words for what I am feeling right now. Excuse me while I go hit myself repeatedly with a rubber mallet.
Originally posted by GouRonin

You... live in the same city as Huk Planas... and you don't study with him....

:disgust: :mad: :ticked: :waah: :flammad: :angry: :eek: :mad: :confused: :cuss: :erg: :wah: :miffer: :vu:

I have no words for what I am feeling right now. Excuse me while I go hit myself repeatedly with a rubber mallet.


Use that hammer, and not the rubber mallet, and aim for your cup. :rofl:

I understand exactly what you mean. I train with GM Ted Buot in Balintawak, and to move away for a few (U.S. and Canadian), dollars more, just is not worth it to me. :D

Originally posted by GouRonin

You... live in the same city as Huk Planas... and you don't study with him....

:disgust: :mad: :ticked: :waah: :flammad: :angry: :eek: :mad: :confused: :cuss: :erg: :wah: :miffer: :vu:

I have no words for what I am feeling right now. Excuse me while I go hit myself repeatedly with a rubber mallet.

WHO???????????????????????:confused: :confused: :confused:

Robyn :confused:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon

WHO???????????????????????:confused: :confused: :confused:

Robyn :confused:


It is a Kenpo Thing.

One of the GM's of American Kenpo.

In Victoria, we have the usual Karate schools and TKD schools and so forth, but almost all of them will include some sort of NHB style training. For NHB schools, there are only a few dedicated ones but for biggest range of people teaching one thing it is NHB. Also Kickboxing has always be huge here. I guess it comes from have a two time world champion in a relatively small town as well as canadian Champs, NA champs and K-1 USA champ Mike McDonald sometimes trains over here, although he is from Vancouver.

Yeah we have a couple Aikido schools out here too. As well as a couple Judo clubs and a Bujinikan dojo.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons


It is a Kenpo Thing.

One of the GM's of American Kenpo.


Thanks Rich! :asian: I wonder if he's still around here. I've never seen any advertisements and the first I ever heard of "Kenpo" at all was from this site.

Robyn :asian:
In West Palm Bch, its TKD followed by various stlyes of Karate.
They mostly all use 'Karate' somewhere in the name/description
i.e 'TKD-Korean Karate' or 'Kenpo Karate'.

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