Whats the point of having the smiley Face


Master of Arts
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
I can't belive i got
in trouble for puting These Characters in my post
Y even have them
if U can't Use them

It's like a Pizza with no Sause or Cheese.
The problem with the smilies is that some folks overuse tham, and since each smilie is a graphic, the more of them there are in a thread, the longer it takes for a person using a dial-up to download the thread to read it.

I've got about 300+ smilies all together, but haven't put most of them up here since many don't fit our theme, and many aren't appropriate for an all-ages forum. (plus theres many repeats)

The big nuke is the biggest of all of them, and too many of those really bog things down.

Use em reasonably and theres no problems. The last thing I want to do is disable them due to abuse...we've got so many cuz I think they're cool. :)

No I love that one. That one is great for when a thread gets very very very far off topic.
Of course you like it. No doubt you'd like it you communist scum! Only pinko commie scum like yourself like smiley face pictures like this one!
So you go ahead and vote to keep it although I am dying of an incurable cancer of the toe and will not live long and my only dream in life is to see that smiley eradictated from the net!
:angry: :sadsong:
How can you do this to me? Huh? There is no way any of these threads ever get off topic! You must have been huffing paint fumes while typing this!

By the way, do you know what "beyblades" are?
How did I know you'd like it too! It's a plot! You're all against me! Augh!
Click Click BOOM
You are all invited to go play paintball....tings really go boom there...esp. if ya forget your cup...
im down
:snipe2: splat is cool