What motivate you


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
When you have been training a while and the whole training issue becomes a issues and your training suffer from it what do you do to get out of that rut?

Please break down how you can mentally get back what your body does not want or vice/versa?
When you have been training a while and the whole training issue becomes a issues and your training suffer from it what do you do to get out of that rut?

Please break down how you can mentally get back what your body does not want or vice/versa?

Begin again at square one. I don't mean to give up rank, I mean to step back. By doing so I will slow my mind down into problem solve time. I always make time for at least 2 time periods at the school a week.

For stretching I just start slow, with poomse I will just to the thing piece by piece. Slow, controlled, and train it as an isometric exercise. That way your body will get not only stronger but it will remember it better.
Very close to what Matt said. I try to take a white belt (or any lower belt for that matter) under my wing. I find someone that has that burning desire to train and learn. I find their motivation will carry over to me. There simple (advanced to them) questions make me think about material at its base level.
I tell myself this:
"Get your *** off the couch and to the Dojo ASAP you lazy bastard!!"

Works every time... :wink:

Stepping back like matt.m said is useful too.
I tell myself this:
"Get your *** off the couch and to the Dojo ASAP you lazy bastard!!"

Works every time... :wink:

Stepping back like matt.m said is useful too.

Does calling yourself lazy really motivates you.
I use alot of neat little things to keep the intense flame that I have for the martial arts going. I read fiction or non-fiction martial arts based books to keep the spark going. I also continually challenge myself with learning new nuances of differeant arts. Every few years I begin the study of a new art. (this is very careful as once I begin to study a new art I do not stop) In this new art I start from the ground up. (white belt or whatever is their lowest rank and go from there) I get other people involved and use their enthusiasm to naturally fuel my own. Constant seminars featuring experts in different systems definately keeps my desire buring. I also like to take martial arts related trips to somewhere and train plus vacation. That can really keep the desire burning. Most importantly I try to remain like a sponge and constantly learn from my own training, from teaching and from the myriad of instructors that I study under. Plus I am a martial arts buyer who purchases alot of equipment to also give new adventures in training. I am a martial arts fanatic and have always been one!
Does calling yourself lazy really motivates you.

Actually it does.. my sensei always says there are no lazy karatekas.
It also helps to think of how good you feel after a good workout. In fact I very rarely miss a class.

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