What is your favorite stupid statement?

I swear to God this is true. I bought a blow dryer about a year ago, and it said in the little instruction book, "Do not use while sleeping". :shrug:
My brother is very impatient. Whenever he's getting ready to go somewhere and he has to wait for someone, he says, "Come on. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get there." Ya think?

Same brother had a friend who used to call people up and ask "Where are you?" This was before everybody had cell phones.
I swear to God this is true. I bought a blow dryer about a year ago, and it said in the little instruction book, "Do not use while sleeping". :shrug:

Ok see my father uses the blow dryer while sleeping...this makes sense to me if you stop assuming people use products as they are intended....My dad uses the blow dryer as a heating pad of sorts on his back and falls asleep while using it....

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