What have you learned from your kids?


Senior Master
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Jul 6, 2003
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middletown, CT USA
Being a dad has been the most rewarding, at times demanding, and most incredible experience that I have ever had. Nothing else even comes close.

I am learning so much from my children by observing them, and by being constantly asked questions by them, and just by, well, by being their dad! :)

My question for you is what have you learned from your children? If you are not a parent, what have you learned from the children that you have gotten to know well in your life? Perhaps you are a school teacher, an Aunt or an Uncle? etc...

(I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, feel free to move it if this is not the appropriate forum for this topic!)
That was only the most recent lesson.

My kids have taught me what 'home' means. I love that they did that. I love that it's where I am :)
My four year old has taught me that Mummies always have big bottoms and that 28 is old enough to be dead.:rolleyes:
Seriously though I learn more about myself by having them. At each stage of their development I realise I have those same needs or skills and I'm able to rediscover them. I read something in a Steve Biddulph book once that seemed to support this but I can't remember how he so intelligently expressed it.
What has my kid taught me? To look for shapes in clouds again. I had forgotten what that was like.
I think this is a great question. I have 4 boys and they have taught me things I never would have thought of. In no particular order some of the lessons learned: A peanut better sandwich will NOT play anything in the VCR no matter how far you shove it in (darn things won't work in the double deck cassette player or DVD players either.) A small scratch really is a terrifying thing if it is the first time you see your own blood. A kiss will cure anything. Mommys are the only ones who can really make something better (I try, but if something really bothers them, Mom is the one they want.) There is a fascinating world around us, if you take the time to look. Reeling in even a tiny fish is still fun. Snow days are good days yet.

And the most important things they have taught me: Love and responsibility. The knowledge that every single thing I do affects not only me, but everybody around me. That has made me grow up and think before I do. Without them I would be a bitter, angry man who my lovely wife would probably have left alone already.

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