What does YOUR kaia sound like?

Really soft, bordering on mumbling. Which, by the way, I can't help, because I'm naturally quiet. Though, I have been known to sing loud. And sometimes, when I get REALLY excited, I get loud. Weird, huh?

I think it's a self-conscious thing!

UPDATED: I'm MUCH louder now! Now my kihap sounds like "Kyuh."
that's true, it is better to keep the mouth tightly shut most of the time making sure not to bite on tounge. if punched with open mouth or teeth on tounge, one is way more likely to get messed up by a hit to the jaw.


I've just noticed my kaia has changed since I started this thread. Just yesterday during a particularly tiring sparring drill I amazed myself by near deafening my partner with a kind of "Hyarrgh!" noise through clenched teeth.

Lots of interesting posts have been made. Kaizasosei and Andy Moinihan have a good lesson for us. Opening the mouth much in a situation likely to result in getting hit in the mouth is a bad idea. Kaias then should, in my opinion be kept for dramatic effect, forms and perhaps pretending to be a ninja. I hope this thread continues to attract this amount of attention and useful information.

Mine hasn't changed over the years... it's still a very loud, high pitched ... WAAAAHHHTAHHHH!


I don't tend to make any sound.
The closest I usually come is a boxer's or Thai boxer's "sssst". When I'm really raising the old qi it's a sort of snarl/yowl like my cat makes when she's about to get in a fight. It hurts the throat something fierce, but it pulls back the face, bares the teeth and generally says "We are open for business."

My wife goes for longer, more traditional and thoughtful Invocations of the Warrior Spirit. Since she's a poet they have a little more rhythm than mine. A typical one might be:

Mother****er! *******!


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