What are you? (not a quiz)

Parents tell me they found me under a rock. Boy, I hope that was a volcanic rock.

I'd be vulcan.
A citizen of the United States whose ancestors were evicted from Ireland, Greece, Scotland, and Austria.
Mostly Scotch-Irish, Italian, and Norwegian, with a smattering of a whole bunch of other stuff, including Cherokee.

With a lot of German, and then some Native American indian (Cherokee and Osage), Irish and Scottish.

:asian: :karate:
American. And so is the familyl on my moms side... the were Apache. Dad's side is Scottish.

My wife is Irish/Cherokee which makes my son Apache/Cherokee/Irish/Scottish.... just can't figure out where that boys temper comes from;)
Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, and scotch Irish (which is just protestant Irish). The Dutch could be wrong because our family name "Gier" does not exist so we are either Geister( Jewish) or some other spelling which is possibly Dutch. Oh and F F F French. My great great great grandfather built the first bridge across the Mississippi.
50% Irish & 50% Dutch Me parents were full blood on each, respectively (Pa was Irish, Ma was Dutch) .

But I'm an American by birth and til death.
Dad's side. North American back to 1621. So, English and American Heritage there.

Mom's Side. Scottish and Irish (A few generations in the states), with the Irish having a little American Indian. I guess American Indian goes way back? (* I have some of the coloration, yet 1/64th is not enough to worry about. ) ;)

So, I always say American for many generations
Okinawan + Mexican + Filipino = Mutt

i'm a mutt with some from all over Europe plus some Native American and who knows what all else. Could we not also say that we are all Middle Eastern as that is where humans started. Or if you belive that humans lived in eden than we coul all be edenian err something.
Originally posted by someguy
i'm a mutt with some from all over Europe plus some Native American and who knows what all else. Could we not also say that we are all Middle Eastern as that is where humans started. Or if you belive that humans lived in eden than we coul all be edenian err something.
Thats Norwegian :D
Originally posted by someguy
i'm a mutt with some from all over Europe plus some Native American and who knows what all else. Could we not also say that we are all Middle Eastern as that is where humans started. Or if you belive that humans lived in eden than we coul all be edenian err something.

Not to be a history teacher here or anything, but that's only part of the story. Nobody truly knows where humans "started", but the earliest known fossils that have been verified were found in Kenya. There have since been other fossils found in other areas, but none have yet been verified. We do know that "civilization" as we know it developed along rivers, in the following locations:

1. China, near the Huang He, or "Yellow River"
2. India, in the Indus river valley
3. Southwest Asia, near the conflux of the Tigris and Euphrates
4. Africa, along the Nile

People from all of these civilizations eventually migrated, giving rise to the different populations of today. So actually, we're not all "middle eastern", but either "asian" (the first 3, of which only #3 would be considered "Middle Eastern") or "african" (#4).

Sorry to digress, but I can't help it...I've been correcting papers for too long. ;)
Point taken pknox
But also there was the Yang tzi river in china that was not just the huang ho for areas of early civilization.
Sorry I know its really off topic.
Originally posted by someguy
Point taken pknox
But also there was the Yang tzi river in china that was not just the huang ho for areas of early civilization.
Sorry I know its really off topic.

True. The area is actually kind of hard to pinpoint, but definitely China, most likely near both rivers. BTW, no need to apologize, as I was the one who drifted...again. ;)

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...