What are everyones favorite kata/form?



Mine is Tensho, meaning "sign of heaven." I remember learning it at around 5:30 in the morning during a pitch black night with just the stars up in these mountains in Idaho. It was during this annual training camp thing, and the master had gotten everybody up at 4:30 in the morning (some people were very displeased, but practicing with the sun coming up was worth it).
I didn't know what to think about the kata at first, it has all these really cool looking motions, with the sanchin stances just like in sanchin. It looks like a priest giving a benediction or blessing over something.
Something cool about it is that its just like the sanchin kata in that you get as much of a workout from it as you put into it. My school uses the term tensho in another context, meaning the super flex and resistance stuff like in the beginning of Pinan IV, so doing "Tensho in tensho" is an arm ripper.
Jion for Shotokan kata.
Koryo for Korean forms.
I've only ever learned SLT for Kung fu forms.
For my 'parent' system of Okinwawa-te, the Cat short form.

Though I haven't learned it yet my favorite is the Chum Kiu form
Tensho--I really liked that. Other than that, no real favorites--I always liked kata practice and I like them all!
I practice "Ka".

Ka-rowbar, Ka-chair, Ka-olt .45......:D :D :D :D
umm mine would have to be shaolin five animal form... and i like your choices there monkey king lol
Mine are Sanchin from my hard styles
Inner Tiger A soft flowing form
i think mine would have to be:

Shotokan: nijushito
TSD: jindo

forms are my favorite part of training. the moves are graceful yet powerful so it's realy hard to choose.
Mine Are:
Chinese-----Outter tiger, small crane
I prefer passai sho,gojushiho=Okinawan linking cannon fist, and white crane spreads it's wings=Chinese Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
A long time ago I took a TKD form they were dropping and added some kenpo moves to and used it to compete with, in the soft style catagory. It was called Ko-Dong and it's pretty cool form, since replaced by Juche. But, I can't remember it now, bummer..

My favorite forms are both Bassai forms (sho and dai). Eventhough I never got the chance to learn them, I loved watching fellow students perform them.

My new school did teach Bassai dai, but dropped it in January (ggggrrrrrr).
I guess mine would have to be Long4 as taught in the Parker system of American Kenpo. Although I can't honestly say I've "mastered" it. I like its complexities, as far as technique usage, and the speed/flow of the form. The only beef I have with it, is the *"kneeling eagle" portion. Very,very, and again I say VERY tough on me ole knees.

*I prefer to use the Tracy handle for this particular tech..

Salute in Christ,
Currently Boxing Form and Short 3 are my favorites. Once I master Long 5 I will slide short 3 out of it's tournament spot. I am trying to make Long 5 my kata, but it's tough!
In our karate system (ryukyu hon kenpo karate do) my current fave is hanbo, which I just found out today was developed by our sensei. The hanbo (in case you don't know) is a bamboo pole about 2.5 - 3 feet long. A kata that lets you wave a stick around, you can't beat that!

My second favorite is pinan nidan. It really helps develop your hip action.
Hiya Lucy.

I love that form also (Pinan Nidan .... Pyung ahn ee dan in Korean, but same form). Besides the Bassai forms, I would have to say Pyung ahn ee dan is my most fav.

Does your style of Kenpo do all the Pyung ahn (Pinan) forms?
Got to love Tiger and Crane and Long 4. Both are physicaly and mentally demanding.
Hi, Laurie,

Our dojo does pinan shodan, nidan, sandan, yodan, and godan...I have no idea if those are all the pinan kata. I've only done pinan nidan so far, but I like it a lot!
Originally posted by Lucy Rhombus

Our dojo does pinan shodan, nidan, sandan, yodan, and godan...I have no idea if those are all the pinan kata.

Yes, there's just the five of them.