Web of Knowledge



Just wondering how many of the kenpo practioners are familiar with the web of knowledge. Lets see what everybody has to say about it.
I have read about it in the "Infinite Insights" however I am not that familiar with the concept. My org doesn't utilize it...although I am sure it could be adapted to our material as well with a little work!

I only know about it from the encyclopedia. Our school didn't teach it.
Hi Rob,

What a good topic.

I will take a risk to be wrong :) I think a part of the Web of Knowledge is your experiences and when, where, and how you can apply these.

Graphting (sp) seems like it would utilize the web of knowledge by taking tpieces of techniqes and combining them.

Am I warm??

The Web of Knowledge

The pattern of a web created, developed, designed, and used by Ed Parker to proritze self defense techniques according to the degree of difficulty in handling an attack. This postulate teaches you to (1) identify, define, and classify the types of encounters you may find yourself in; (2) thoroughly scrutinize the various methods in which weapons (natural or otherwise) can be employed; and (3) instinctively determine your choice of action to successfully combat the numerous encounters with which you may be confronted.

When identifying the nature of an attack, youmust: (1) ascertain whether trouble is eminent in the ENVIRONMENT you are entering; (2) anticipate the possibilty of an encounter; and (3) eliminate the element of surprise you, you should nevertheless, be prepared to instictively utilize your knowledge regardless of the predicament.

At an adanced stage, strategy and plans for defense and offense are not thought of conciously - they occur naturally. For the beginner, however, definig the predicament involves conciously classifying and categorizing the various types of attack, so that he can better utilize his more limited and less familiar set of tools. Answers are more appropriately geared to attack situations when they are categorized into topics such as:
1. Grabs and tackles
2. Pushes
3. Punches
4. Kicks
5. Holds and hugs
6. Locks and chokes
7. Weapons
8. Multiple attacks

More of the web of knowledge to follow later.
Also helps define the themes for the belt ranks.
More of the Web of Knowledge

Ed Parker came up with the idea of the Web of Knowledge while in Hawaii watching a spider build its web. as he watched the spider builds it trap that was essential to the spider's survival, he pondered the difficulties involved in learning theintracies of the martial arts. suddenly, he was struck with an idea, Could he not from this perfect design, construct an intellectual trap. A trap that would aid in retaining Martial Arts knowledge. If one web could be constructed to ensnare victims could one be created to to ensnare knowledge. The web is prioritized according to the degree of difficulty in handling an attack:

Garbs and Tackles - The beginning student should have a good chance against a grab, where the opponent does not instantly plan a punch. without an immediate follow-up, a grab is basically inactive.

Pushes - Because of the forward momentum of pushes, they require more timing than grabs, but not as much as the required timing fora punch

Punches - Still a greater degree of timing is required to defend against a punch, due to faster speed and force of the punch

Kicks - Not only do kicks require timing, but they have potentially greater power than punches -- thus making them more dangerous

Holds and Hugs - These in turn are more difficult because of the restriction of body movement and the limited number of available weapons and targets. There is a real danger taken to the ground

Chokes and Locks - These are more dangerous than Holds and Hugs, as they have the potential of causing broken limbs and even instant death

Weapons - The timing and power associated with weapons easilyrates them as being the most difficult to handle. Your opponent has a range advantage; with high probability of serious injury or death

Multiple Attacks - Defense against multiple attacks requires skill and strategy. Being attacked by more than one opponent increases the probability of serious injury or death, and therefore, should be viewed as being equivalent to a single attacker well versed in the use of a weapon

From the Encyclopedia of Kenpo by Ed Parker
I prefer the cycle of considerations to the web because the cycle is where your head needs to be and the web is a place to list techs. Just a thought.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I prefer the cycle of considerations to the web because the cycle is where your head needs to be and the web is a place to list techs. Just a thought.

I don't know anything about the Cycle of Considerations, but it is not equivalent to the Web of Knowledge.

It sounds as if the Cycle of Considerations is something to consider before/during combat.

The Web of Knowledge is how Mr. Parker organized Kenpo into a progressive, logical system which facilitated his adopting a belief in a belt ranking system.

These concepts do not appear to be remotely related. I think the Cycle of Considerations was developed by Mr. Hancock and I think he has a poster about it but I don't know much else and I am pretty sure it does not relate to the function and purpose of the Web of Knowledge.


I think it would make a good thread of its own if someone wants to start a thread to discuss it.
Originally posted by cdhall
I don't know anything about the Cycle of Considerations, but it is not equivalent to the Web of Knowledge.

It sounds as if the Cycle of Considerations is something to consider before/during combat.

The Web of Knowledge is how Mr. Parker organized Kenpo into a progressive, logical system which facilitated his adopting a belief in a belt ranking system.

These concepts do not appear to be remotely related. I think the Cycle of Considerations was developed by Mr. Hancock and I think he has a poster about it but I don't know much else and I am pretty sure it does not relate to the function and purpose of the Web of Knowledge.


I think it would make a good thread of its own if someone wants to start a thread to discuss it.
wrong, wrong, wrong,
Ed parker invented the eight considerations not Skip. Skip just put a modern title to the same old Parker concept. You new to kenpo?
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
wrong, wrong, wrong,
Ed parker invented the eight considerations not Skip. Skip just put a modern title to the same old Parker concept. You new to kenpo?

Yes, I am new. I started in 1984 which was about 4years after you did according to your profile.

If you are talking about the Eight Preparatory Considerations, then I knwo what you are referring to.

Mr. Parker invented a lot of terms to facilitate communication. So why don't you use them and quit being insulting?

I put up a link to Mr. Hancock's Cycle of Considerations poster which supports my assertion that it is Mr. Hancocks. The link is from the Kenpo2000 website and it does not mention The Eight Preparatory Considerations so how was I to know they were related?

If you are talking about the Eight Preparatory Considerations then say so. And if they are the same then why was the name changed?
Uh...no, I don't think that the Web, "is just a place to list techs."

The techniques are where they are on this circular slide rule because of the nature of the attacks, not because of some arbitrary assignment. That's preciesly a matter of defining, "where your head needs to be."

It is also worth noting that the Web helps set, for students--including us--challenges that we can psychologically handle, as well as physically respond to.

Adding more stuff to learn is nifty. Still, there's some danger of leaving kenpo completely encrusted...
Originally posted by cdhall
Yes, I am new. I started in 1984 which was about 4years after you did according to your profile.

If you are talking about the Eight Preparatory Considerations, then I knwo what you are referring to.

Mr. Parker invented a lot of terms to facilitate communication. So why don't you use them and quit being insulting?

I put up a link to Mr. Hancock's Cycle of Considerations poster which supports my assertion that it is Mr. Hancocks. The link is from the Kenpo2000 website and it does not mention The Eight Preparatory Considerations so how was I to know they were related?

If you are talking about the Eight Preparatory Considerations then say so. And if they are the same then why was the name changed?
your right,
I thought the word "considerations" was clue enough but I may have been wrong. The only difference is the mention of attitude; it seems the Tatum guys use the word "acceptance" but the gist is the same. Skip broke down the term range into dimensional stage of action but they both mean the same thing. If you read some of my former posts you will see that I have refered to the eight considerations and people didn't know what I was talking about either. I reject the term "preperatory" because it suggests you are done considering once the fight has begun. In fact I have never heard that term put toguether with considerations; so I may not know what you are even talking about. I say again Skip did not come up with the concept and just because he lists his "cycle" on the Kenpo 2000 websight does not mean he came up with the "eight" considerations. Your right maybe he did not spell out his source but if you are familiar with Parkers version their should be no mistake in where he got the idea. Sorry I seem rude to you but I ain't got time to sugar coat every thought that pops into my head.
It's interesting, but every student has a booklet with all the charts from each belt inside. My original white belt chart all tattered and torn has the web of knowledge on it. The charts are a little more modernized now thanks to Mr. Hall. Frankly, I found the organization of material interesting, but not something that's a master key to martial arts dominance.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I reject the term "preperatory" because it suggests you are done considering once the fight has begun. In fact I have never heard that term put toguether with considerations; so I may not know what you are even talking about.

For one who seems to bite at others hard........ it appears YOU have not been around Kenpo long. Have you heard of or read, Ed Parkers Infinite Insights? See Volume I, Chapter 11, pages 101-114

Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Sorry I seem rude to you but I ain't got time to sugar coat every thought that pops into my head.

CD is not the only one that you seem rude to. I know Skip very well, and have never heard him talk to anyone with the tone of your attitude, but rather try to enlighten the individual to what he was trying to discuss ...... he always had time to discuss Kenpo clearly and without insult.
