WC/WT workout plan


Master Black Belt
What kind of workout program do you prefer to help your WC/WT training?
Do you prefer weights? Resistance bands? calestenics? What kind of cardio?
1.Rotate bricks in and out
2.Metal Pipe torque in and out
3.Pull ups
4.Push Ups on bricks
5.Hold jars filled with water for minute to five minutes.
6.Wrist rollers
7.Holding Horse stances and Arrow stance and hanging horse

What kind of workout program do you prefer to help your WC/WT training?
Do you prefer weights? Resistance bands? calestenics? What kind of cardio?
I do Billy Blank's Bootcamp , no I'm only joking I work out to Denise Austins shrink your female fat zones in only 20 mins dvds I find they are excellent for the serious combat athlete .

Okay , being serious now I do a mixture of stuff mostly weight training ( not heavy weights ) , running on treadmill , stationary bike , chin ups , pull ups , hanging leg raises , sometimes kettle bell , sometimes training with a 8 kg medicine ball , put the boxing gloves on and do punch out drills on the heavy bag - about 30 secs flat out then rest and repeat for a couple of rounds (note - I use more of a boxing style , but with a vertical fist , If I do it strict WC it doesn't really tax me that much ,WC is just too damned efficient .

Mostly I do this stuff to keep my weight and blood pressure down , I inherited high blood pressure on my mothers side of the family (thanks a lot mum) .
Apparently our Sigung said that swimming is pretty good for Wing Chun , I don't think it matters too much what you do . But I would probably stay away from pushing maximal weights , I just don't think it is compatible .

When I used to do it I would go into the school to train and I would still be sore from the previous nights heavy bench presses and I felt the quality of my chi sau suffered .
I used to chainpunch with these 16 oz. boxing gloves for the weight. Really made my chainpunching circular. I found these weighted gloves (about 3 lbs) that you strap on, and found they work better to keep my chainpunching straight.
Check out the women's core excersises in muscle fitness magazines their truely killer! Hubbie says their more intensive than the men's core workout programs.

I usually work with resistance bands, calestinics (bodybuilders, pushups, etc. ) use the weighted hand straps, and have just started with the medicine ball "boxers" workouts. I love that stuff! Wish I started using those workouts sooner. The women's core excersises use alot of medicine ball excersises too.
Plus, the WC cardio I used to teach. That will get you burnt out in about 25-30 minutes. But, I have to watch my technique, it usually suffers due to the speed you need to kick from leg to leg to get the cardio up.
In our lineage it means being on one leg and and the other leg raised up , maintaining the angle , knee on center , almost touching the bottom of your guard at the elbow , toes of the raised leg are pulled back thus guarding the whole centerline ( note the knee has to come up to the elbow so there is no gap , don't be sloppy and bring your elbow down to meet your knee . Also known as full guard in our lineage .
Ohhhh! okay, we do that on occasion too. Just didn't know what it was called. We refer to it as "checking the leg".
Well the bricks Kinda of hard to explain. You have to see it

1.Get in YGKYM
2.hold the bricks out with your fingers.(Like your gripping someones neck)
3.Bricks in front of you(Fingers gripping them)
4.Your palm is facing forward an your four fingers are facing upward
5.Turn your hands over then bring the bricks to your sides
6.Your fingers should be facing the floor now and your thumbs facing the ceiling.
7.When both hands are totally to your left and right then turn the bricks again
8.Thumbs facing floor and fingers facing ceiling now
9.Now bring the bricks back to your center(Out in front of your chest)
10.Do not let the bricks touch(Do this contionously 12-20 times)

As you progress you get two more bricks and tape them to other two bricks so its heavier and now continute. Eventually the pipe gets sand in it. Eventually you move from five pound wrist roller to ten pound roller etc etc.

What is that? How with bricks?

What is hanging horse stance?

Si-Je I believe hanging horse was explained by Mook Jong Man where you stand on one leg. Also we did other drills with the one leg. Kinda like what you would see maybe from billy blanks. We continously raise one leg up alternating every two seconds with one guard at your chest and the other guard above your head like your doing High bong sau. The Application here was to get use to driving an opponents strike upward while you kick or throw a knee. The other was bringing the knee to elbow to guard against kicks are low punches to the body. It really works in sparring too I found.
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Wow, hubbie says that he's done those in boot camp in the Marine Corps?!?! ouch. That sounds pretty hard core. I've got musicians hands, lol, that would probably give me arthritus on the spot!
I've noticed my fingers and backs of my hands ache a bit after using the medicine ball. But it is strengthing my hands and wrist (which have always been bony as heck! But, I can play a mean saxaphone!)
I do see what your saying here in excersize.

I used to have a stick with rope tied to the middle of it and at the end a 5 lb. weight. Then, I'd roll up the weight to my stick by twisting the stick to wind up the rope. Once the weight reaches the stick, you unwind it back down, all while holding your arms straight out in front of you. And I'd do this until burn out. Gets all over the arms. Shoulders, forearms, wrists, hands, tricepts and lats.

Well the bricks Kinda of hard to explain. You have to see it

1.Get in YGKYM
2.hold the bricks out with your fingers.(Like your gripping someones neck)
3.Bricks in front of you(Fingers gripping them)
4.Your palm is facing forward an your four fingers are facing upward
5.Turn your hands over then bring the bricks to your sides
6.Your fingers should be facing the floor now and your thumbs facing the ceiling.
7.When both hands are totally to your left and right then turn the bricks again
8.Thumbs facing floor and fingers facing ceiling now
9.Now bring the bricks back to your center(Out in front of your chest)
10.Do not let the bricks touch(Do this contionously 12-20 times)

As you progress you get two more bricks and tape them to other two bricks so its heavier and now continute. Eventually the pipe gets sand in it. Eventually you move from five pound wrist roller to ten pound roller etc etc.

Si-Je I believe hanging horse was explained by Mook Jong Man where you stand on one leg. Also we did other drills with the one leg. Kinda like what you would see maybe from billy blanks. We continously raise one leg up alternating every two seconds with one guard at your chest and the other guard above your head like your doing High bong sau. The Application here was to get use to driving an opponents strike upward while you kick or throw a knee. The other was bringing the knee to elbow to guard against kicks are low punches to the body. It really works in sparring too I found.
Yea, My Sifu says this is core. Also we discussed Chi Form. My System has a Chi Form I haven't taken the time to learn. I been more focus on skill. Plus I already being doing alot of Chi Kung from Tai Chi and Tiger and crane chi kung. But I was asking my Sifu today about Chi Form in Wing Chun. He was saying its a more aggressive type of Chi cultivation. An it will make your Chi more aggressive and train your fist in deadly punching power. I think I am going to have to start learning it so by the time I am forty I will acquire that skill.

I went to class today and done some Chi Sau with my Sifu today. He was impressed. He said I have been certainly improving. We did some San Shou drills. Freestyle of course. It was alot of fun. He Surprise how well I was able to adapt. Its very hard to impressed my Sifu. I don't think I have been able to impressed in 16 years. So today was new day.

I used to have a stick with rope tied to the middle of it and at the end a 5 lb. weight. Then, I'd roll up the weight to my stick by twisting the stick to wind up the rope. Once the weight reaches the stick, you unwind it back down, all while holding your arms straight out in front of you. And I'd do this until burn out. Gets all over the arms. Shoulders, forearms, wrists, hands, tricepts and lats.
That's awesome! Congrats on making Sifu happy. That's always a great feeling!

On the chi cultivation, you could warm up before you do chi excersises by bending your arms at the elbow at your sides, and go limp in arms while dropping them down to your sides while breathing. Do this 36 times. (36 is the big Tao, chi number for some reason)
Make sure your almost just "flopping" your arms down from your shoulders to floor. Go limp in the arms, let them drop of their own accord almost.
This is supposed to raise chi and seems to "shake" off tension.
Stand in basic stance, rooting.

Yea, My Sifu says this is core. Also we discussed Chi Form. My System has a Chi Form I haven't taken the time to learn. I been more focus on skill. Plus I already being doing alot of Chi Kung from Tai Chi and Tiger and crane chi kung. But I was asking my Sifu today about Chi Form in Wing Chun. He was saying its a more aggressive type of Chi cultivation. An it will make your Chi more aggressive and train your fist in deadly punching power. I think I am going to have to start learning it so by the time I am forty I will acquire that skill.

I went to class today and done some Chi Sau with my Sifu today. He was impressed. He said I have been certainly improving. We did some San Shou drills. Freestyle of course. It was alot of fun. He Surprise how well I was able to adapt. Its very hard to impressed my Sifu. I don't think I have been able to impressed in 16 years. So today was new day.

Sounds similiar to one of standing Chi Kung exercises that is done in the 18 figure chi kung!

That's awesome! Congrats on making Sifu happy. That's always a great feeling!

On the chi cultivation, you could warm up before you do chi excersises by bending your arms at the elbow at your sides, and go limp in arms while dropping them down to your sides while breathing. Do this 36 times. (36 is the big Tao, chi number for some reason)
Make sure your almost just "flopping" your arms down from your shoulders to floor. Go limp in the arms, let them drop of their own accord almost.
This is supposed to raise chi and seems to "shake" off tension.
Stand in basic stance, rooting.
To Be Honest I forgot why I said that was interesting. I think I meant to write this in another Thread but did it in this one by mistake.

Well 18 figure Chi Kung I guess you could google.video it. An watch some videos where to they Do the 18 Figure chi kung

Sometimes its called 18 posistion chi kung...

My Sifu often says that doing the Chi Kung does so much for Gung Fu including build iron body.

Your doing that thing again. Leaving alot left to speculation. lol!
It's interesting, you find that interesting. :) But, I wonder if your being a "guy" agian. lol!

What 18 positions of Chi Kung?
People deal with iron body different ways. Of Course both Hard and Soft Chi Kung are Internal. But there are other training methods that can be done along with Chi Kung exercise. Like in Bagua you hit the tree with your body. You do the Chi Kung Set before and after hitting the tree.

There is alot of info on the topic.

Is Iron Body like Hard Ki? or is it more internal?