Wasted Space



Why is that everytime a good thread gets started it gets turned into drivel by people who only wish to see their posts on the screen. It seems like almost every thread gets turned into 200 one liners from the same people over and over again.

I though the locker room threads were for that type of posting not every single thread on Martial Talk.
Does it strike you as ironic, Rob, that you've started a thread that will surely generate the very type of posts you dislike?
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
Does it strike you as ironic, Rob, that you've started a thread that will surely generate the very type of posts you dislike?

Let them post their drivel here if it keeps them from ruining good threads where knowledge is being shared.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Why is that everytime a good thread gets started it gets turned into drivel by people who only wish to see their posts on the screen. It seems like almost every thread gets turned into 200 one liners from the same people over and over again.

I though the locker room threads were for that type of posting not every single thread on Martial Talk.

yes, yes...but aren't we all guilty of this once and a while? it's more or less human nature i'd say. most threads run out of gas a lot anyway, but the real good ones i think shine through. and even the good ones wind up getting a bit repetitive sometimes with people just re-stating the same things that were already stated about seven posts ago. i guess you have to remind yourself sometimes that "it's just a forum."
Who is the judge of what is "drivel" and what is not, Rob? Will you personally screen every post, censoring any and all you consider unworthy of exchanges of information?
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
Who is the judge of what is "drivel" and what is not, Rob? Will you personally screen every post, censoring any and all you consider unworthy of exchanges of information?

The posts I am talking about are the "Me Toos" or just a couple smilies. If a person has nothng to say about the topic then let them post their personal responses or attacks in the locker room or in PM's.

I admit I too am guilty of getting off track in the past, and I have made a concious effort to stay withthe topic as of late. Will I ever get off track again, yes, most asuredly. Will I genereate another 1000 post with mindless chatter or nothing but smilies, NO.
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
Who is the judge of what is "drivel" and what is not, Rob? Will you personally screen every post, censoring any and all you consider unworthy of exchanges of information?

That'd be me, the Judge of All Drivel. I hereby judge this post (my REPLY to your post) to be drivel, and devoid of any information content whatsoever. Anything found in this post deemed worthwhile by anyone is completely accidental in nature, and should not be construed as being able to convey any information.
Excellent points made by "both sides". The ones that really get
my goat is where someone posts a question, wanting to learn
from those who've come before, and it immediately turns
into a joke thread between a small handful of people. But I
can't think of a remedy for it either. I've made some true friends
here, via posts like that. *shrug* ... no idea what to do
Originally posted by Kirk
Excellent points made by "both sides". The ones that really get
my goat is where someone posts a question, wanting to learn
from those who've come before, and it immediately turns
into a joke thread between a small handful of people. But I
can't think of a remedy for it either. I've made some true friends
here, via posts like that. *shrug* ... no idea what to do

LOL and the funny thing is its a lot of the time me :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
LOL and the funny thing is its a lot of the time me :rolleyes:

In the locker room? sure .. in the general or kenpo forum? no
Originally posted by Kirk
In the locker room? sure .. in the general or kenpo forum? no

I do it in most threads Im involved in on General as well thankyou very much :p Kenpo forum I only read cuz Gou is too funny :D But Kenpo forum is pretty booming.....might have to start taking regular looks in there :D

See Im doing it now..... :shrug:
I'll tell you what, from now on I am introducing "MOB Branded". From now on if you do not want a post to decease into "mindless dribble" or what I like to call "TALKING" all you have to do is at the bottom of the first post just place the words "MOB" at the bottom and this voids the post from me or anyone "TALKING" in the thread :asian: Ok? :D

Yes Im taking the piss
Theres a lot of good points in here... I'd like to give it from the mod side if I may, and I think Rob and Kirk will agree with me here.

In the beginning, we tried to 'steer' posts more, 'weed' them of major off topic posts, and split them when they greatly diverged. As of late, we've done less and les of it, mostly due to the time required to read everything, think about it, seperate it, etc.

We spilt the Kenpo forum in half due in a great part to the very issue of thread drift. Many of the kenpoists were doing a lot of tangents, and it was more work to try and 'prune' the threads. (Nothing wrong with a little drift, hell alot of em know each other and were just 'chatting', n catching up, etc). We relaxed it a bit in the KG, and declared the KT forum to be on-topic & professional to help work on the problem.

Its our hope that the new chatroom will also help eliminate some of the 'drift'.

So, what can be done about it?
When you see a thread start to go off topic, -politely- steer it back, either by suggesting that they take it to a seperate thread/etc, or pm, or you can always use the 'Report to Mod' feature and let us know that we might want to split the thread.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Theres a lot of good points in here... I'd like to give it from the mod side if I may, and I think Rob and Kirk will agree with me here.

In the beginning, we tried to 'steer' posts more, 'weed' them of major off topic posts, and split them when they greatly diverged. As of late, we've done less and les of it, mostly due to the time required to read everything, think about it, seperate it, etc.

We spilt the Kenpo forum in half due in a great part to the very issue of thread drift. Many of the kenpoists were doing a lot of tangents, and it was more work to try and 'prune' the threads. (Nothing wrong with a little drift, hell alot of em know each other and were just 'chatting', n catching up, etc). We relaxed it a bit in the KG, and declared the KT forum to be on-topic & professional to help work on the problem.

Its our hope that the new chatroom will also help eliminate some of the 'drift'.

So, what can be done about it?
When you see a thread start to go off topic, -politely- steer it back, either by suggesting that they take it to a seperate thread/etc, or pm, or you can always use the 'Report to Mod' feature and let us know that we might want to split the thread.


Its slightly unfair on me though because Im in a differant time frame and all no one is ever in the chatroom less Im there till late and I have school to go to and all. I still feel my "MOB Branded" idea would work though :rolleyes:
We encourage members to politely ask those in a thread that is wandering to ask that the topic be adhered to more closely. A new thread can always be started in The Locker Room by those wishing to chat.

Please, contact a mod. if you would like a note posted asking that the thread remain on topic, or if you would like us to consider splitting a thread. Thread drift happens and we want people to feel free to be sociable but in the martial arts fora we would really like the threads to remain informative so that the Search utility remains useful for those looking for information and the threads remain interesting to those wishing to discuss the martial arts.

We can't read every thread, and we may find it difficult to decide which is the better course of action--shut down discussion in a thread where people are enjoying talking about nothing in particular, which those in that thread will presumably not wish to have happen, or allow the drift to continue, which will be frustrating to those trying to remain on topic. Your comments on this matter will help us to better serve you!

In general, please try to remain on the topi cof the martial arts, and on the subject of the thread, in the threads in the fora relating to the martial arts. Don't feel you can't make jokes or personal comments, but please save the chit-chat for The Locker Room and keep the arts fora threads on topic.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by arnisador
We encourage members to politely ask those in a thread that is wandering to ask that the topic be adhered to more closely. A new thread can always be started in The Locker Room by those wishing to chat.

Please, contact a mod. if you would like a note posted asking that the thread remain on topic, or if you would like us to consider splitting a thread. Thread drift happens and we want people to feel free to be sociable but in the martial arts fora we would really like the threads to remain informative so that the Search utility remains useful for those looking for information and the threads remain interesting to those wishing to discuss the martial arts.

We can't read every thread, and we may find it difficult to decide which is the better course of action--shut down discussion in a thread where people are enjoying talking about nothing in particular, which those in that thread will presumably not wish to have happen, or allow the drift to continue, which will be frustrating to those trying to remain on topic. Your comments on this matter will help us to better serve you!

In general, please try to remain on the topi cof the martial arts, and on the subject of the thread, in the threads in the fora relating to the martial arts. Don't feel you can't make jokes or personal comments, but please save the chit-chat for The Locker Room and keep the arts fora threads on topic.

-MT Admin-

Sorry Arni, just had to back you up here and say that it DOES actually work if you ask people not to steer away from the target....Take my "God" thread for example, I asked for no Religeon bashing and to stay on topic, which it did and still has :D

BTW you may also want to know that the "God" thread which was started by, you guessed it ME :rofl:, was voted one of the most popular thread on MT by many a person....just a little harmless info for you there :rolleyes:

I'm terrible, I cant stay on topic for more than a minute! :shrug:
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
The posts I am talking about are the "Me Toos" or just a couple smilies. If a person has nothng to say about the topic then let them post their personal responses or attacks in the locker room or in PM's.

I'm sure some of these redundant replies also occur because some members want to pad their post totals inorder to advance up the MTalk belt ladder faster wouldn't you think? :confused:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
I'm sure some of these redundant replies also occur because some members want to pad their post totals inorder to advance up the MTalk belt ladder faster wouldn't you think? :confused:

Well....for those folks who feel the need to 'stuff' their count, I can always give them a negative total and 'special' title. :D

Hmmm.... "MartialTalk Uke" anyone? :rofl: