Violent Pacifism

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Lewis, Washington
Y'ever notice how the pacifist, anti-war protesters are getting more and more fond of getting all mental, rioting, attacking police, damaging private property, all in the name of non-violence?

Gotta love it.
Ladies and gentlemen...the following statement is from a peacenik who threatens blue haired old ladies who show any support for our troops...the same peacenik spat on a police officer who was there to assure his right to protest (unfortunately, the peacenik wanted to stop traffic and didn't have a permit to protest in the first place)...the officer did nothing.

Freedom of speech, man...
Thsoe of you who disagree with shut up:

Because, if you support the war (notice, the people he was yelling at were holding signs that read We support our troops) you are a bigoted, narrow-minded, war-mongering, low IQ, knuckle-dragging moron...

I can appreciate his I'd like to take up a collection and buy him a one-way ticket to France...


I think it defeats their purpose.

Ghandi never had to swing a ball bat or throw a brick to make his point.
it definitely defeats their purpose. you can't be offering peace with one hand and using a club with the other.

I think its as hipocritical as the anti-choice folks who blow up clinics and kill can you call yourself pro-life when you're a murderer?
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Ghandi never had to swing a ball bat or throw a brick to make his point.

There there is a guy who, when they told him to go pound salt...really did.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Y'ever notice how the pacifist, anti-war protesters are getting more and more fond of getting all mental, rioting, attacking police, damaging private property, all in the name of non-violence?

Gotta love it.

I dont know how it's in the States, but here in Scandinavia (Denmark), we have the problem that there are certain groups that love to infiltrate normal quite demonstrations and start fights or damageing stuff.

It gives the demostration a bad name and doesn't benifite anybody.

And we have to remember that no matter which group people belong to, rotten apples are every were.

Anybody remember the demonstrations and riots during the Vietnam era? I sure do. Seems like these current peaceniks are doing exactly the same thing. For many of them, I think it becomes a social thing rather than a real expression of concern.
They have 'em down here too.

School kids and Uni students [who all have a grip on the real world by the way:shrug: ] smashed shop windows and slashed car tyres that were parked in the streets a couple of days ago [all in the name of peace]. They fought with the police and charged about the city centre of Sydney looking for all the world like the boneheads they are.
Now they are threatening to return next week and bring the city to a halt.

Gutless little shits who wouldn't last two seconds in the real world if tax payers didn't provide them with the great life they live.
Youth is wasted on the young all right!

Wether you agree with this war or not you should show your support for our troops.

Here's my opinion:

first take all the anti war protestors and ship them to either France or Germany!

second take all the dirty bombs and chemical missles and bombs we find in Iraq and divide them in half and then deliver them to either france or germany.

third put a U.S. airforce base in bagdad with 20,000 marines stationed there at all times to help keep the peace in the middle east.
Originally posted by yilisifu
Anybody remember the demonstrations and riots during the Vietnam era? I sure do. Seems like these current peaceniks are doing exactly the same thing. For many of them, I think it becomes a social thing rather than a real expression of concern.

AMEN BROTHA! It sickens me to see them on TV all smiley and happy for the cameras... If they are so passionate about the cause they shouldnt look like they are having FUN. It's a PROTEST.
Gee, there's a shock. In any crowd there are schmucks, including crowds of demonstrators.

And while we're on the subject of being all smiley and happy, what's with all the smiley and happy about going to war? All the chest-thumping, all the fascination with the big guns and big boom-booms that I've been hearing? personally, I think it's a hell of a lot more acceptable to smile while you protest, than to smile while you rave about people being blown up...

Hey, let's put it in martial arts terms. Should you feel all happy about pounding some guy who deserved it, or should you feel OK that you're good and he/she isn't, but also kind of like a jerk that your art was imperfect enough that you got into a fight to begin with?

I realize this'll draw some flak. But folks, a) the northern quarter of the country had already been taken away and given to the Kurds. b) the US Navy and Air Force ran combat patrols/ surveillance over Iraq every day. c) the country was under economic sanctions. d) UN inspectors were crawling over the place, and more were on the way. What was the big rush?

I certainly support the troops, though I think it's a bad sign that anybody who questions this brilliant little war is supposed to say so, ritually--we're Americans, whatever the likes of Limbaugh may say, and supporting our guys can pretty much be taken for granted. I'm just opposed to fat cat politicians who never served sending brave men and women out to get shot at, without some pretty damned good reason...

And oh yeah. Anybody out there think that this war is the end of it?

Oh well. Rant over. Thanks.
Sad how no one hears much about the really pacifist protestors, too... There was a rally in San Francisco, 50,000 plus, and no media coverage because no violence happened. Not news worthy.

As for "violent" protestors... Yeah, they're in the wrong, but they're also probably not as widespread as you think. There are plenty of people who are (to be diplomatic) a little confused on their views. At protests, there's also the colour-coding system, wherein people who are willing to take rubber bullets, gas, etc. from the cops go through the "red" routes where the heaviest resistance to the protest will be, and others take less dangerous "yellow" or non-contact, "green" marches through other areas of town. I've heard stories from the "red" zones. Not pretty, on either side. You protest, you're likely to get a boot in the face, gassed, or pepper sprayed (hasn't happened to me yet, but I've heard it's like getting stabbed by thousands of knives in your eyes). Nasty stuff.

That said, there's a lot of twerps out there whose definition of "protesting" is more like the immortal words of the Incredible Hulk: "Hulk SMASH!!!" They're the ones who smash windows, attack cops (it's happened, I don't deny it), etc. Those folks I tend not to associate myself with, and most half-intelligent and sincere protestors don't either. The point of protesting is to "PROTEST," not to break stuff. To protest is to argue against an action you disagree with, not to go on a rampage through down-town NYC. The best thing to do is to criticize the more violent ones, sure, but to also encourage people on the other side, the REAL pacifists, to continue their work. That's not a bad thing. A little bit of healthy dissent is what makes democracy a DEMOCRACY, a government for and of and by the people, as opposed to ye olde Iraq, where you have to conform, obey, serve, or die.

PS: RMC, man, you're dead on the money.
Originally posted by GouRonin
There there is a guy who, when they told him to go pound salt...really did.

LMAO! YEAH ! Saddam would wish everyone is just like HIM!! So would Hitler, Stalin, Polpot, the Kims in North Korea and all other dictators and mass murderers.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
......I realize this'll draw some flak. But folks, a) the northern quarter of the country had already been taken away and given to the Kurds. b) the US Navy and Air Force ran combat patrols/ surveillance over Iraq every day. c) the country was under economic sanctions. d) UN inspectors were crawling over the place, and more were on the way. What was the big rush?....

The US operates on the basis of its military preparation. The so-called "rush" is nothing but some BS that career politicians mouth about. The US was going to attack when it has the military preparation in place, with or without the UN approval. This was stated so, way in the begining when Bush said we would disarm him if the UN wouldn't do so. We were preparing for war on day 1.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Wether you agree with this war or not you should show your support for our troops.

Here's my opinion:

first take all the anti war protestors and ship them to either France or Germany!

second take all the dirty bombs and chemical missles and bombs we find in Iraq and divide them in half and then deliver them to either france or germany.

third put a U.S. airforce base in bagdad with 20,000 marines stationed there at all times to help keep the peace in the middle east.

Let's not condemn all of France and Germany for the act of their government. The Christian Democrates in Germany are mighty pissed at the position the German government is taking. There are French citizens as well as politicians who are disgusted at Chirac's cheap shot at shooting their ally, the US, in the back.

Governments come and go. The people remain.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
And while we're on the subject of being all smiley and happy, what's with all the smiley and happy about going to war? All the chest-thumping, all the fascination with the big guns and big boom-booms that I've been hearing? personally, I think it's a hell of a lot more acceptable to smile while you protest, than to smile while you rave about people being blown up...

It's a testosterone thing, you wouldn't understand
No one likes seeing people blown up. Where's your concern for
kids being put into wood chippers while thier parents watch?
Where's your concern for whole country of tyranny and
oppression? Show me a similar hypocrisy to people screaming
for peace, yet spitting on people, fighting police, and causing
harm through thier "peaceful" gathering?

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Hey, let's put it in martial arts terms. Should you feel all happy about pounding some guy who deserved it, or should you feel OK that you're good and he/she isn't, but also kind of like a jerk that your art was imperfect enough that you got into a fight to begin with?

If someone was trying to hurt my child, my wife or myself so that
I could no longer provide and protect them, and I drove his ****
in the ground, I'd feel DAMNED good about it. And damned
thankful to my instructor. I won't even comment on your Kwai
Chang Caine mumbo jumbo.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
I realize this'll draw some flak. But folks, a) the northern quarter of the country had already been taken away and given to the Kurds. b) the US Navy and Air Force ran combat patrols/ surveillance over Iraq every day. c) the country was under economic sanctions. d) UN inspectors were crawling over the place, and more were on the way. What was the big rush?

a) the Kurds live in hiding, as hermits. The were of no threat
to evicting Sadam or his tyranny.

b) Not 100% true, and I think you know that. Iraq was in
constant violation of the no fly zones

c) the economic sanctions were heavily violated by
France, Germany, and Russia.

d) UN inspectors were there to prove what we already knew.

Protestors are quick to say "if it costs ONE American life .. is it
worth it?" Sadam's killed thousands of his own .. how many
human lives was it worth to YOU to wait?

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
I certainly support the troops, though I think it's a bad sign that anybody who questions this brilliant little war is supposed to say so, ritually--we're Americans, whatever the likes of Limbaugh may say, and supporting our guys can pretty much be taken for granted.

I don't think supporting our guys can be taken for granted.
There's morale involved too. And violent protests, and signs
claiming this war is only about oil don't do much for the common
good out there. How much better would they do thier jobs if they
didn't think they were abhored by thier own nation?

Why is it that whenever someone is NOT against this war, is
suddenly labeled a card carrying acolyte for Rush Limbaugh? I'm
tired of it. They can't win a debate with facts, so you resort to
saying "don't believe everything Rush says". Which really is an
eluding tactic IMO. It insinuates that this person, who doesn't
believe as you do, only parrots back what Rush says, and is not
capable of independant thought. That had this person actually
had the ability of independant thought, then of course they'd
agree with you, because you're so smart, and they're not. :shrug:

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
I'm just opposed to fat cat politicians who never served sending brave men and women out to get shot at, without some pretty damned good reason...

So then you're opposed to a woman president, for at least
another 15 years or so? Seeing how the average age of those
serving is 20, and women are just now seeing combat. "Fat
cat" politicians insinuates, IMO again, that the only reason for this
war, in your opinion is to make the fat cat fatter. If this is your
belief, then I'd like to ask what your news source is, and why
they're not telling about the countless Iraqi's praying for us to
rid them of Sadam. Is that not "some pretty damned good
reason" ? The mass killing, the mass rapings, the mass tortures?

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
And oh yeah. Anybody out there think that this war is the end of it?

I certainly hope not. Many other countries have financial ties to
the Al Queda, and as a result .. are responsible for 9-11. Many
more are looking to do out do the acts of 9-11. They need to
be hunted down, like the dogs that they are.
I urge all to get politically involved. We have, as MA, as unique perspective on many different situations. If there is a problem with our government then we must get involved. Run for school board, county or city government, or just get more involved with the political party of choice to make changes for a "better" future. I especially encourage the younger board participates. I have been in the political area for 5 years now and find the experiance to be enlightening to say the least.

Mountain Sage
Originally posted by Kirk
.....If someone was trying to hurt my child, my wife or myself so that I could no longer provide and protect them, and I drove his **** in the ground, I'd feel DAMNED good about it. And damned
thankful to my instructor. I won't even comment on your Kwai
Chang Caine mumbo jumbo.....

:D LMFAO! Good one!
Originally posted by MountainSage
I urge all to get politically involved. We have, as MA, as unique perspective on many different situations. If there is a problem with our government then we must get involved. Run for school board, county or city government, or just get more involved with the political party of choice to make changes for a "better" future. I especially encourage the younger board participates. I have been in the political area for 5 years now and find the experiance to be enlightening to say the least.

Mountain Sage

Yes. How true. When better men (and women) do not step up to the plate, then they deserve the incompetent government they get.