Â…weÂ’ve heard for decades that Arab terrorism resulted from Arab despotism, and that if we wanted to end terrorism we ought to quit supporting Arab despots and work for democracy. But it was all talk until one brave man in the White House stood up for Iraqi freedom.
That man was Bill Clinton, who signed the Iraq Liberation Act back in 1998. That Act called for “regime change,” and the replacement of Saddam with a democratically elected government. And that’s what we’re about to get! . . . .
What’s hard to understand is why so many Democrats — including big-name Democrats like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry — have taken such a different stance today. Kennedy declared the war lost and the elections a failure just last week. Kerry was churlish and negative on Meet the Press yesterday. Mickey Kaus blames the Internet for this attitude, and there may be something to that. Jim Geraghty thinks it’s the 2008 primaries already. But I don’t think either of these explanations hits the mark.
I think itÂ’s jealousy. Bush-hatred has become all-consuming among a large section of the Democratic Party, and they canÂ’t stand the thought of anything that reflects well on him, even if itÂ’s good for the country, and if itÂ’s something that was their idea originally.