

Black Belt
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone know of a good resource to see if a certain instructor is a certified American Kenpo instructor? A name list maybe? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

First off Satt what org. does he belong to, you see evrybody belongs somewhere even if they are independants. Ask your instructor and come back and let us know.
First off Satt what org. does he belong to, you see evrybody belongs somewhere even if they are independants. Ask your instructor and come back and let us know.

Will do. I am meeting with him after work today.
There a pile of different AK organizations, get the instructors name, check the org website (if they have one), and then give a hollar on KenpoNet and KenpoTalk, both have fairly decent kenpo distributions. You'll probably hear something.

Also, realize that be a "legitimate" member of an org does not mean "good." There are plenty of "good' independents out there, and plenty of crappy instructors who pay their organization dues on time. Org membership is certainly a decent starting point, but don't let it put blinders on your choices.
Will do. I am meeting with him after work today.

Blindside is right belonging to an org, really does not mean much anymore, except they had money to pay someone to be there in the first place. Looking forward to what you find out.
Why not just ask?

I agree... Ask who his teacher is, and who that person's teacher is/was.

There are many great resources on line to find these things out. Forums can be a good place. I also recommend the following locations:

The Kenponet
San Jose kenpo
Chinese karate Federation
Tracy's Karate

I think the Kenponet maintains the largest, most concise family tree of the Kenpo AND related arts. I utilize that resource often.

Or... Just "Google" (or YAHOO) the instructors name...

Happy hunting. :)

Milt G.
I agree... Ask who his teacher is, and who that person's teacher is/was.

There are many great resources on line to find these things out. Forums can be a good place. I also recommend the following locations:

The Kenponet
San Jose kenpo
Chinese karate Federation
Tracy's Karate

I think the Kenponet maintains the largest, most concise family tree of the Kenpo AND related arts. I utilize that resource often.

Or... Just "Google" (or YAHOO) the instructors name...

Happy hunting. :)

Milt G.

OMG, who would have thought! So after I met him last night and read this forum this morning I googled him. The first hit was MARTIALTALK!!! LMAO.

Here is the thread if anyone is interested...told me a lot.

Anyway, I was really impressed with his dojo, his personality, and even his family! (They showed up while I was there) His thirteen-year-old son seemed wise beyond his years. He now teaches Kenpo (Five Animal Kenpo), Wing Chun Kung Fu, Fencing, and Kickboxing. I talked to him and then a couple of his sons while he was teaching a Fencing class. He isn't flashy. He just uses plain black GIs and says no patches or anything like that required, just come and train. He was very relaxed and kind. Because I asked he told me he trained under the Ed Parker tree. He used to have a school called Haines Kenpo in Sacremento, CA. His son later told me his moving to Tennessee was a sore subject. I found some history here at MT though on that thread! His "video courses" are to be supplements to his training. I can tell he is a good marketer but he isn't at all pushy. Anyway, I am looking forward to doing the trail week soon. (My wife is making me wait a couple weeks, but whatever) Thanks for all your posts!

OMG, who would have thought! So after I met him last night and read this forum this morning I googled him. The first hit was MARTIALTALK!!! LMAO.

Hello, again...

Great work, and keep it up!
Please let us know how you are doing from time to time. Curious to see how you progress as you get settled in.

Did Mr. Haines say who his teacher was?

Milt G.
Did Mr. Haines say who his teacher was?

Milt G.

He trained and taught in Sacremento, CA. He trained under Larry Tatums which is supposed to be under the Ed Parker tree. I don't know for sure who Larry Tatums is though. I feel pretty good about this guy and will let you know how things go. Thanks again all for your input.

He trained and taught in Sacremento, CA. He trained under Larry Tatums which is supposed to be under the Ed Parker tree. I don't know for sure who Larry Tatums is though. I feel pretty good about this guy and will let you know how things go. Thanks again all for your input.


Larry Tatum trained under SGM Parker and even managed his Pasadena school for a while. He is a noted and respected in American Kenpo circles.

Google his name...
Hello, Trust your intincts...if it tells you...he knows his stuff....GO for it..

Many of the top people today train under many unknown martial artist..including Bruce Lee...

One of our first Shotokan Sensi "TERRY"....was unknown, he learn from from a Japan Sensi, who move to California....his only Sensi...

Terry Sensi, open a Shotokan school (independent) in Hawaii ...was a "GREAT SENSI" for us!!!

NO verification here....just his word! ....was enough for us!

There are many organizations that are reliable for American Kenpo, I am a member and my instructor is the president of the WKKA (Worldwide Kenpo Karate Association)., the IKKA is another great organization ( International Kenpo Karate Alliance),, and The FTKA (Frank Trejo Karate Association), These are all really well known American Kenpo organizations. You can't go wrong with any of them.
Anyone know of a good resource to see if a certain instructor is a certified American Kenpo instructor? A name list maybe? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


There is a really good "Family Tree" section of the "Kenponet" site. It is located under "The Flame" heading. It covers most of the major Kenpo systems.
Would be helpful to know who their teacher was, but they themselves, may have a listing as well.
Hope this helps... Happy hunting!

Milt G.