A Few Questions for the People of Martialtalk.com



Age, 25
Sex, Male
Marital Status, Married 4.5 yrs
Kids, 10 month old and one on the way
MA, American Kenpo 3 weeks :)

How about you guys?
Originally posted by Jas0n
Age, 25
Sex, Male
Marital Status, Married 4.5 yrs
Kids, 10 month old and one on the way
MA, American Kenpo 3 weeks :)

How about you guys?

Age: 15
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single *cough*
Kids: None
MA: Kali for nearly 4 years I think.....:shrug:
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Divorced
Kids: Daughter, almost 6
MA: Bujinkan Taijutsu - 8 years, Systema - 8 months
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Kids: Daughter (a.k.a. My Princess) 1yr.
MA: EPAK .. about 18 months
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married (4 years....I think:)
Kids: Son, 12, Daughter 10 mo.
MA: various Kenpo/Kempo - 16 yrs
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Not married but not single
Kids: Dog, Chipper (almost two years old) Cat, Smokey (6 years old)
MA: Tang Soo Do for a year and a half (in NJ). Jujistu (three months in NJ). Now I do TKD (year and two months). Judo (just started).
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Kids: None
MA: Fencing 6 years, Tae Kwon Do 1 year, Shotokan 1 week, Akito 1 week, Kendo 1 week (not al differnt then fencing), Systema 7 months.
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Kid(s): Angie (Dog, Akita, 2 years old) and Nara (Dog, German Shepard, 1 year old)
MA: American Kenpo 2 years.
Age: 20
Sex: Yes, please.
Marital Status: Engaged, see previous comment.
Kids: ... No.
MA: Tae-Kwon-Do for 8 years, Kendo for a few.

Favorite Color: Blue, no wait... aaaaaaaugh!
Age 50+++

Sex Whats that I dont remember

Martial Status 35+ years

Kids 2 :grown still they are my kids

MA Sikaran 30 years A few others with Black Belt level but I instruct Sikaran
Originally posted by Jas0n
Age, 25
Sex, Male
Marital Status, Married 4.5 yrs
Kids, 10 month old and one on the way
MA, American Kenpo 3 weeks :)

How about you guys?

Age: 31
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married 6 years
Kids: One step-son (now 22 and living on his own)
  • 23 years total of martial arts involvement -- still a youngster
  • Tae Kwon Do for a few years as a kid
  • Okinawan Goju-Ryu for a few years as a teen
  • About 7 years of informal sparring/training with friends in the various arts they were studying
  • A couple more years of Okinawan Goju-Ryu as a young adult
  • 8 years and running in Sikal
  • 5 years and running in Kun Tao Silat de Thouars (only 1 year as a formal student)
  • 4 years and running of Doce Pares Eskrima/Eskrido
  • 2 years and running in Shen Chuan
Originally posted by Jas0n
Age, 25
Sex, Male
Marital Status, Married 4.5 yrs
Kids, 10 month old and one on the way
MA, American Kenpo 3 weeks :)

How about you guys?

Age 43

Sex.... oh you mean gender.. Female of course

Marital status.. Very married to Seig :)

Kids.. none at home :) Daughter is getting married in 2 weeks.. gee that means I'm getting a grown son for a son'nlaw~!

Martial Status.. Kenpo in one form or another 6 yrs.. :) Totally EPAK now.. IKKO Member.. Mr. Dennis Conatser Instructor :)
Seig and I own Mountaineer Martial Arts and also teach at Shepherd College..
one of the very few Accredited Kenpo Karate Courses available in Colleges
Samurai Jiu Jitsu, Penjak Silat with other Indonesian Smatterings :)
Age, 12
Sex, Female
Marital Status,
Kids, I am one
MA, American Kenpo 4 years, Russian Systema 4 weeks
Age 22
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single (Whoever said marriage brings status?)
Kids: My two puppies (a 9 year-old Aussie and a 6 year-old Elkhound.) :)
Martial Arts: 3 years of Hapkido in my early childhood, 3 and 1/2 years of Tae Kwon Do, intermittent training in fencing, kali, and krav maga, + some informal escrima training with friends.
Age: 17

Marriage: Hell No

Kids: don't want any

Martial art: Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.
Age: 45
Sex: male
Married for 26 years to the same woman.
2 sons 10 & 11
Martial Arts:
- wrestling 1 year
- boxing 3 years
- Judo 5 years
- YiLiQuan 21 years
- Aikido 6 months
- Fut Ga Kun 10 months

Age: 34
Sex: Guess
Married: 8 years
Children: No
Martial Arts: 6 years Kenpo, 6 months Kyosho, 6 months Ninjuitsu, and aspiring gunslinger

Gender: Male
Married: NO
Kids: NO
MA Status: 7 yrs
2 yrs in Muai Thai
4 yrs in TKD(still doing)
1 + yrs in Taichi(still doing)
bit of traditional indian wrestling n some traditional Indian weapons
Age: 28
Sex: male:rolleyes:
Married: yes
Kids: 3 (2-boys 1-girl)
Ma Status: 14 yrs.
- TKD (5.5yrs.)
- Kenpo (9 yrs.)
- JJ is when my friend lets me in his class.:)
This is my 200th post!!!!!

Wow Katgirl! I didn't realize you were that young! I must not have paid enough attention to your profile. Good for you for being brave enough to post on this board. :asian: :)

Age: 21
Sex: female
Married: nope
Kids: 3 kitties and 2 goofy looking pug doggies
Martial Arts: experianced my first Aikido class with my mom on July 15th 2000. It's 2 1/2 years later and we're still loving it!:)
Rank: 4th kyu

Robyn :asian: