upnorthkyosa's reflective training journal

7-21-2007 - Practice Entry

I did my normal weight lifting routine this morning. Very enjoyable. No kids underfoot thanks for my parents inviting them down for the weekend.
7-23-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout A this morning. This pretty much flowed out smoothly. I'm really working on keeping my mind focused through the entire thing. I had a couple of spot where thoughts drifted, but that only occured when I needed to watch my son in the backyard while I went through my forms. Despite splitting my attention, I still performed everything correctly.
7-24-2007 - Practice Entry

Ee Gads its hot!!! It's so hot and humid now that it pretty much sucks to do anything physical...and of course, we aren't used to it up here, so very few places actually have air conditioning. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with class tonight.

As far as my workout goes, I went to the YMCA and did a pretty complete weight lifting workout. I haven't worked some of those lifts in a while because they aren't possible on the apparatus I have at home. So, I guess it could be said that I did my normal weight lifting routine with about 5 extra lifts interspersed among my normal seven.
7-25-2007 - Practice Entry

Hot, hot, hot! I did Martial Arts Workout B this morning and nearly took the entire ship down. I was sick afterward and ended up lying on the floor trying to catch my breath. Working out this morning was not a smart decision.
7-26-2007 - Practice Entry

Hot again. No AC. I figured I'd go to the basement and lift weights, which I did, but it still made me sick. This time I ended up lying in front of the floor with a fan and a bottle of water. This heat and humidity is dangerous. You can't do anything when you are stuck in it.
Oops, I skipped an entry by accident...

7-24-2007 - Teaching Entry

Attendence to class was very light today. I think everyone is just to hot to want to get all sweaty. I had a new student for my first class. That was cool, as in it was a good day to have new people since most of the older students were gone.

I had one student for my green belt class. We kept the workout light, working on forms and variations of joint locks for the entire period.
7-27-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout C this morning. It was a good workout, I got some great applications out of working chinto. I think that I may be approaching the end of the form as far as interpretting the moves at least once a peice.
7-28-2007 - Practice Entry

I did my normal weight lifting routine this morning. Afterward, I stepped on a scale and found that it tipped 200 lbs. I'm 5'10", according to every chart now, I'm over weight, but this is not taking into account the muscle I've built. My BMI is around 10%. I sink in swimming pools.
7-31-2007 - Practice Entry

I did my weight lifting routine today coupled with about 1200 sit ups. I'm feeling pretty healthy right now, but I'm getting to a point where I think a little break will do me some good. My wife and I have our New Zealand trip coming up in two days, this is very timely.
7-31-2007 - Teaching Entry

Well, this is my last class before I go on my trip. It was hot hot hot and my dojang had no air conditioning, therefore attendence was virtually non-existant. I had one student show up. He was a new person, who I've been corresponding with for a while, so it was nice to finally see him come to my class.

I covered stretching, basic ettiquette, how to make a fist and punch, how to do a side fall, and how to tap.
8-1-2007 - Practice Entry

I did martial arts workout A this morning. I had a couple of drinks last night, so my head feels a little fuzzy, other then that, the workout went find. My balance was great.

I'm a little worried about not practicing for two weeks while I'm on my trip. I'm worried that I'll come back rusty or that I'll forget something. I love TSD, I love practicing and working out and improving myself. The thought of willfully taking a break and the potential of taking a step back really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Right now I'm contemplating taking a few things so I can practice if I get the chance, however, I know that I won't get the chance.

But, if it makes me feel better now...
8-18-2007 - Practice Entry

Whew. Back from New Zealand. I had to get back into the swing of things today, but not totally. My mind is so tired, I just couldn't put it to MA use yet. Thus, I worked my weight lifting routine and went for a run. After two weeks of not working out, I've found that I've lost some stamina on my running. My strength seemed to be fine though. I think the stamina will come back quickly though.
8-19-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout A this morning. After two weeks of not practicing, I'm happy to say that everything came out pretty well. There were a few bobbles, but I remembered everything...which was a major concern of mine. I didn't want to practice in NZ because I knew I wouldn't have time and that it would just frustrate me, but I was afraid that I would lose my edge. As far as I know now, this hasn't happened. We'll see what happens when I go to my first class.
8-20-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked my normal weight lifting routine this morning. I did not go for my run though. I was home with the kids and couldn't leave for that amount of time.
8-21-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout B this morning. All of my weapon work came out a little slow, but I think the snap will come back in a week or two. No worries.
8-21-2007 - Teaching Entry

Class attendance was very light tonight. I had one student and I worked him very hard. I also made a point to emphasize the importance of physical fitness. My student was gassed by the end of class and I think that if he follows some of the conditioning exercises I gave him, it will help him alot.
8-22-2007 - Practice Entry

My workout today was really interesting. I did my normal weight lifting routine, but my daughter had a friend over for her first sleep over. Thus, I was pretty busy between sets. When my wife got home, I did get to go over for a run. The two weeks off is still wrecking havoc on my stamina.
8-23-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout C this morning and it was very productive. The first thing that is notable was when I was practicing my knife work with a wooden knife. Right in the middle of a routine a fly flew up in my face and I swiped at it with the knife and nailed it! My wife was watching at the time and asked, "did you just hit that fly?"

"Yeah, I think I did," was my reply. That is some straight ninja stuff there.

The next, more serious development was my breakthrough with the form Chinto. I wrote about it in this thread. This move has been giving me hell for months. In fact, I've been avoiding it and working on other applications because I was having a hard time stringing together any sort of explanation. I think I did it now though...and I'm glad I wrote it down.
8-23-2007 - Teaching Entry

Class was productive. We basically reviewed for the first class. I did not give that much indepth instruction because I just wanted to cover material and bring all back to the forefront. Especially after being gone for two weeks.

The second class we worked on some protosparring excercises focusing on ill soo shik just to get moving and then working on to ho sin shul with more and more resistence for various techniques. We never progressed to full out sparring because we ran out of time.
8-24-2007 - Practice entry

I did my normal weight lifting routine this morning and happened to get out for my two mile run. I'm happy about the partial return of my pre vacation stamina. I pushed myself really hard and got my time back down and even though I was hurting when I was done, it's nice to know that the time is still within my reach.

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