University results

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Hi John,

I haven't dealt with you much either here, or on MAP before you were banned there, but a few things to consider. We are not your therapy group. This much has been said. But more importantly, we cannot be here to enable you, either. What I mean by that is that you are not a ninja, you don't know any ninja, you have no concept of what a ninja was (note the past tense there, it's important), and your entire construct is based in your mental health issues, which is why it is considered a trigger by those looking after you. I am recommending to all who do deal with you here that we do not engage you on that topic, as all it would do would be to feed into your issues, which is not healthy for you, nor good for this site.

Next, as I said, we are not your therapy group. Starting a thread by saying what grade you got on an essay with no actual discussion being posted is not what this board is for. We aren't here to talk you up when you get something not go your way (or not your perceived way) in the real world. We cannot be your crutch or your prop. That won't help you or us, and will simply waste our time, and potentially damage your progress in your treatment.

If you want to discuss martial arts, and can do so without drifting off the way you do, keeping it coherent and directed, that is fine, and can help you I feel. But at this point in time, I don't see that happening. Your thread on Glenn Morris was closed pretty quickly for that reason, and this one started off exactly the same way.

I'm sorry to be cold and blunt, but I would suggest you rethink whether or not the forums are really the best place for you right now. It seems to me that they are not doing you any good, as they are adding to your stress, and feeding your mental health issues, so I would suggest considering if you are not better off leaving them for a while.

Oh, and before you suggest it, I have never given you any rep positive or negative.
OK Chris, I appreciate that you don't think that I'm a Ninja, and by a strict definition of the word i'm not. However I am an author as you may know, and as far as that goes well let's just say that Ninja feature heavily in each of the three books I have written and that is enough. As to the essay, well I have written my lecturer saying that his dislike of proscaic questions in the body of the essay was unfounded because, well I have noted several examples from two academic books where the authors use just this trick, on more then a few occasions. Hopefully he won't be too offended by me asking him this, and more over I get another grade back tomorrow. I think the main thing is that I pass in order to get this first mode of study out of the way.

And Tez, I'm sorry that you had such an unpleasant experience with the open university. It could be seen as ironic I suppose how this supposedly almighty police service can be belittled and undermined on such a insignificant root as an open university class! But then I suppose I am treading on risky waters there. What I will say is that I am glad that you have taken to Law, and yes Sociology is an old subject, but it is also being constantly reborn and renewed with new thinkers and perspectives, and note the c + I got for my first essay is a much better grade then the es and fs which I used to get at 6th form so there is plenty of scope I am sure.

At risk of deviating from the title, I would like to remark that my priorities right now must focus not just on my studies but also my wife's visa application from Kenya. But perhaps that should be the starting point for another thread?
I think sociology along with perhaps history is one of those subjects that can be taught entirely along the lines of the teacher's political views. I haven't yet found a use for sociology as a subject, a lot of what is taught doesn't seem to bear much resemblence to real life.

We were snowed in last night, severe frosts forecast tonight so along with your wife's visa I think a supply of warm clothes is needed.!
OK Chris, I appreciate that you don't think that I'm a Ninja, and by a strict definition of the word i'm not. However I am an author as you may know, and as far as that goes well let's just say that Ninja feature heavily in each of the three books I have written and that is enough. As to the essay, well I have written my lecturer saying that his dislike of proscaic questions in the body of the essay was unfounded because, well I have noted several examples from two academic books where the authors use just this trick, on more then a few occasions. Hopefully he won't be too offended by me asking him this, and more over I get another grade back tomorrow. I think the main thing is that I pass in order to get this first mode of study out of the way.

None of that has any bearing on you even knowing anything about ninja, though. The amount of publications that I have read, movies I have seen, references that have been made, with no actual knowledge of anything related whatsoever outweighs legitimately informed information by approximately 100:1. I might suggest you check the art listed in my signature for where I'm coming from on this.

I repeat, you are not a ninja, you have never known a ninja, and you show no evidence of knowing the first thing about ninja. This is not to be cruel, it is to avoid feeding into the mental issues you freely admit to in your posts.

As to disagreeing with your lecturer, that is something that would be taken up with a higher authority in the university, not with the lecturer himself. He obviously has expectations for an essay (as opposed to an article, story, or anything else) which you failed to meet to the level of your hopes. If you truly think it was unfair, you need to appeal above his authority. But I have to say, I don't think you'll have much success.

At risk of deviating from the title, I would like to remark that my priorities right now must focus not just on my studies but also my wife's visa application from Kenya. But perhaps that should be the starting point for another thread?

For others, I'd probably suggest that yes, that should be a new thread. For yourself, I'd suggest concentrating on it offline, if you want to know what to discuss here, the prevalent topic is martial arts. Not emigration, not essays on sociology, not whether or not you're an author about non-martial concepts and themes, not the "fairness" of University grades, not your wife in Kenya, or anything similar. There are areas that non-martial arts topics are covered, but the thrust of the site is martial arts. If you're not contributing to that, the question would be why are you here?

But again, I'm going to recommend that you look after yourself first and foremost, and the best thing for that may be to stay off the forums. They don't seem to be a good place for you at present.
Hi Tez, yes sure I have a thick woollen jumper which I am wearing at the moment which I find useful to keep the cold from out of my bones. And in response to Chris' comments that I have never met a Ninja, well you believe what you will mate. But I certainly have met members of the British army (I talked to one in a stall in my town centre a couple of weeks back), and if they aren't comparable to modern day Ninjas, I don't know what else is!

Also today I got the results for my second essay back, and I got a b - , which I am very pleased with as I hope you can imagine. True this is a martial arts website, but this area and subforum within the website (the study) is dedicated to perhaps some of the softer ideas related to the arts, and hence the justification for me posting here.
They're not comparable. At all, really. And, once again, look to the art in my signature to understand who you're talking to about this. There is no such thing as a "modern day ninja". Ninja no longer exist. Believe me on that one. Because, if they did, you'd be talking to one right now, and believe me, you're not.
They're not comparable. At all, really. And, once again, look to the art in my signature to understand who you're talking to about this. There is no such thing as a "modern day ninja". Ninja no longer exist. Believe me on that one. Because, if they did, you'd be talking to one right now, and believe me, you're not.

To be fair Chris, if he's met members of the army ,they may well have spun him a good line! You could easily come away after speaking to them thinking they are a cross between Ninjas, Rambo and Robin Hood. I know John said he'd seen someone from the SAS as well, I wouldn't dismiss that out of hand as we have the TA SAS who he is likely to have met. They especially tend to be a bit 'show offy' where as the full time lot are a bit more closed mouthed but for many of us are actually easy enough to tell. :)
Hi Tez and Chris, well nice one for not spam fishing my post right out of the water as I was afraid was going to happen. As for the whole Ninja thing, please bear in mind that much of my understanding and learning about Ninjas has come from reading books, the likes of which the late G Morris, S Hayes and E Lustabader so lovingly wrote about. Even if the latter is purely a fictional novelist. As to actually having met a Ninja, well I saw one once and heard one another time. When I saw him he was flanked by a couple of army high ranking officers. I could tell that they were high ranking by their age and the way they carried themselves. (They were also wearing desert camoflage). As to the young man in the middle, well he was dressed in plain clothes.

Then I heard him a while before all of that one day and night when i had been confined to the local police holding cell and he was outside with someone. But I really think the enough said about that time the better, for a very real danger of getting banned if I tell you more about that time.

I also know an ex member of the sas who I'm not claiming was a Ninja, but was obviously one of the best to have reached that position. He now sells flowers outside a music shop in town. I also once saw a man who claimed to have just got back from Iraq, and he was in the sas as well. Well I once punched him by accident when we were playing ping pong in the local physio, and he winded me for that in a flash. Suffice to say the next time I saw him was in the street about a year later with a pretty bird on his arm. But they are sas men and NOT Ninjas! There is only one Ninja I know in a formal capacity (see above for the details), and yes I do know his name and a personal detail or two about him, but I will refrain from disclosing them for the obvious matters of confidentiality.

I am also a part of the private group Hoshin Nexus on facebook, which is a closed collection of mainly Ninja type folks both young and old, one with a mental health condition like me (she's the one who invited me on it). And so you see, it takes all sorts!
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When I was going to school I had a hamburger. It was a very good hamburger. It had pickles on it. You know the real crunchy kind. And it had onions on it but I hate onions so I climbed over the counter and grabbed the pimply faced teen by his long greasy hair and screamed at him "I said no onions", then I shoved his face in the fryer. It was a lot of fun, but the tasers hurt me. When I got in front of the judge he asked me if I was sorry but I said I wasn't because I don't like onions and he should have known better than to mess with me because I'm a member of GI Joe. He didn't believe me and put me in jail where they didn't have hamburgers. Can you believe that ****? No burgers. It sucked. I kept waiting to be rescued but then Snake Eyes got me a message in the comic saying they couldn't bust me out because they were looking for Osama and that was more important but here is my new secret decoder ring. He said to keep it safe so each day I swallow it and recover it in the evening to decode the days orders. They say I'll be out soon but for now I need to stay in. I think the guy in the next cell is a CObra agent and it's important I watch him. He keeps muttering about being beaten up by his mother and how he smacked a little kid around and how he's a ninja. I think he might be slipping up and soon will tell me where he hid the plans to the Death Star.
Legionary, that really isn't necessary or appropriate. Bob goes to some pains to ensure that we're all grown-ups on this forum, and I think it's reasonable to ask that we settle our disagreements without resorting to childish snot and bullying.

I've seen three (by my subjective judgement) openly hostile responses on this thread toward the OP for having a medical condition that he's clearly very proactive about managing. We have members here with diabetes, cerebral palsy, PTSD, hearing loss, learning disabilities, and balance problems. Is it acceptable to mock and insult them with fake ads for crutches and hearing aids? Of course not. There's no difference here.

It's one thing if you have something productive to add to the conversation by commenting on his paper (remember the OP?) or something relevant about mental illness and treatment. But if you don't like him personally or have nothing relevant to offer, find another thread.
That would be true if this dude was for real. I don't think he is. He likes going from site to site to site getting more and more outrageous until he's banned. Its like a game for him. He sees how far he can push it until he gets banned. I mean really "I was in a jail cell and could hear ninjas outside" he's looking for a reaction. His welcome post was hi im a troll. He wasn't kidding.
This thread is about to implode very soon. So, for clarification purposes...what was the essay about?
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