Ultimate Fighter Reality Show

I really thought he was just going to quit. Then I thought he wouldn't have any gas for the fight after trying to drop the weight. Next week looks good. Maybe Chris will get beat?
Hello, I believe they had a story about this reality show in " Black belt magazine" and listed the fighters. .....looks like it might be interesting to watch. ........Aloha
i dont know if anyone else saw this. but it looked like bobby knocked out a tooth on ludone. if you watch it close, you see something small and white go flying. too small to me a mouthpiece. could be a glob of vasciline(sp?) also, but i doubt it.
It looked to me like it was vaseline or whatever else they placed on his cuts. He seemed to have all of his teeth when speaking afterwards, though I could be mistaken.
terryl965 said:
Why have rules if they do not mean anything? I mean kids watch and so do young adults and all they are saying if you have a little talent you don't have to follow the rules.
Marvin said:
The funny thing is, that is the reality of life. ie Tyson, Kobe, etc...
Yes, something we have to remember about this show is that it's mainly about two things: getting ratings & making money. Although there are a couple of guys who have good attitudes (& I'm rooting for them), I think all of the contestants would agree that people should not look to them as rolemodels, but as guys trying to get their "big break" as professional fighters (IMHO); just my observations. :asian:

Btw, welcome to Martial Talk, relytjj! :wavey: We have a lot good folks & an active TKD forum here; hope you enjoy it.

I also saw the "white thing" fly from Lodune's face in the fight last night, but I don't know if it was a tooth or something they put on his injuries either... :idunno:
I personally enjoyed the fight. It's been a while since I watched any NHB matches. I was giddy, I admit, as I observed the proceedings. Two problems I saw were Southworth's piss-poor attitude and Sincaid and Couture's total underestimation of Southworth. When Liddel was spouting off after the boat race, I could understand why. I would've kicked the guy off right there. Still, Southworth looked pretty good walking into the octagon afterwards. There was no way he was just 206. Which begs the question; how much do lightheavies actually weigh come fight time ? He looked as much as 215.
I have to admit I was amazed Southworth was able to cut 20 lbs. . It seemed that he was going to quit but he didn't. That was the positive part. I am not to keen on Southworth's attitude. Hopefully he'll change his attitude into a positive one and utilize his talent to its full potential.

I only caught the end of the show because of class... it was interesting. Could it have been the mouth piece that went flying? Just thinking....

Hope to catch more next week....
i`m from the u.k and unable to recieve this show! boo. Is there any kind hearted soul out there who would send me a recording!
I was also surprised that Southworth managed to shed 20 pounds in 24 hours. I was impressed by his team mate Josh Koscheck. This guy worked with Southworth during all that time forcing him to stay in the sauna and encouraging him the whole time. I give Josh all the credit that Southworth managed to pass the weight in and then go on to fight and win. Harray for Josh.
I agree with giving most of the credit to his teammate Josh. Southworth's willpower and determination were weak from the race to the fight. If not for Josh he would be home right now. Even if he is the most skilled fighter out of the bunch, which isn't the case, he won't win. His mental weakness will weed him out later in the competition.
RSJ said:
I personally enjoyed the fight. It's been a while since I watched any NHB matches. I was giddy, I admit, as I observed the proceedings. Two problems I saw were Southworth's piss-poor attitude and Sincaid and Couture's total underestimation of Southworth. When Liddel was spouting off after the boat race, I could understand why. I would've kicked the guy off right there. Still, Southworth looked pretty good walking into the octagon afterwards. There was no way he was just 206. Which begs the question; how much do lightheavies actually weigh come fight time ? He looked as much as 215.
Southworth had the flu. He also received an invitation to be on the show on short notice, he didn't have much time to prepare.

Now, you try to compete (and win) with the flu, after cutting 20 pounds in 24 hours, and then start talking about who's tough.
As for that challenge.... he's been training 6 hours a day, he's had the flu, cut him some slack. He probably was trying but his muscles had no strength left, that's what happens when you push your body to the limits. It's not a matter of will but of physical limitations sometimes.

After seeing him cut the weight, I would be very reluctant to question his heart.

...and did I mention he had the flu and was coughing up bloody mucous?
No one has mentioned it, but it was Lodune Sincaid's fighting skills which were the most unimpressive.... maybe he was having a severe off-day? He looked like he had never stepped in the ring before.
a little late here, but I saw the fight too, and I thought it may have been a tooth. I am not 100% positive, but if you watch the interview after the show, it looks like it may have been a tooth on his right side. It looked to me like there was a gap there, but you could barley tell fromt he camera angle. It seemed from the start that Lodune didn't have much skill. But you can't really base that opinion on seeing the guy fight once. But for what was at stake, he should have brought his "A" game, and if that was it, he didn't belong there anyway.
I saw the third installment of this show and I believe that Lodune did lose a tooth. There was a three second spot where they show Southworth in the house chatting with a teammate about that fight and Southworth mentioned "tooth".Last night's match up between Karalexis and Sanchez was disappointing. I wanted it to go longer. Grappling skills are sooo important in this format.
That was an extremely quick fight last night. I guess we all know what Karalexis will be working on more often.... All of them deserve alcolades for just being there. I hope that all do well and go far.
I'm probably coming in a bit late on this, but since I just saw the thread, I thought I'd comment. I've never really seen much mixed martial arts, or real martial arts stuff in general, so I thought this would be an interesting show. I'm not especially knowledgeable either, particularly in grappling and ground fighting (it's been ages since my one season as a high school wrestler), so it can be a little hard to follow some of what's going on. I'm not going to ask about all sorts of basic stuff I don't know, but maybe someone could explain this to me -- why was the fight last week stopped by the ref? They said the winning fighter scored a knockout, but the other fighter was down only momentarily. He got back to his feet again pretty promptly after the ref came over. Did the ref see something to indicate the fighter was just out of it, something I couldn't see on TV?

This week's fight was a very different style, much less striking and a lot more grappling. That made it a bit harder for me to tell who had the advantage and was in control of the match, though I was assuming it was the guy on top (who ended up winning). It was also a faster match, won by submission rather than knockout (or ref stop). Interesting difference in how the matches went.

Well, I plan to keep watching it to see how it goes. It is a little bit of MMA on TV. It's also on when I wouldn't normally watching anything in particular and it follows WWE Raw, which I do watch, on the same channel, so I'm already tuned in. :)
I just noticed that dude's comments were directed towards me, higher up there. Lol. I've not had to cut that much weight, but I know about being tired. I played Offensive Guard for my city's football team in the summer of '03 in 40-45 degree celcius heat. Not only that, I was on kickoff return, punt team, feild goal team and punt return as well. Due to injuries and a fake punt play, I was on the feild for almost a half-hour straight (remember, the clock stops on certain occassions). My God, I was exhausted. Then, five minutes later, I got to go back out for another ten or fifteen. Did I mention some genius made us wear our black jerseys instead of gold ? Oh well, it was good to play, regardless. Of course, I'm sure cutting that much is about 20x harder.

Of the latest fight, I have to say I'm impressed with Diego. He didn't mess around. He shot in, took him down, worked to the mount and took advantage of Alex Karalexis' mistake. Of course, Karalexis wasn't a seasoned ground fighter. HE GAVE UP THE BACK ! I was like " Ugh...oh God, what a newbie !" being that I'm a huge grappling fan and perfer to work for the sub myself rather than the knockout. Then I remembered Diego was very experienced and I decided to cut Alex some slack. At least he fought as best as he could and didn't cover up and give in. Diego got lucky in terms of that fact that Karalexis was going for the knockout too early. Had Karalexis been more patient and stayed behind his jab for a while, I'm sure he could've done much better. That's how a striker best beats a grappler (IMO), just stay behind your jab and keep your distance. Eventually, the grappler may just get impatient and catch a nice knee or cross to the face. I should know...let's just say I've eaten some leather a time or two.

Ok, this may be obvious to a lot of people, but I will still say it; It seems like these fights have been pre-determined (not the way the fight is won, just who will fight who) before the show even began. Also, I'm not saying in two or three weeks Couture can make a seasoned NCAA wrestler/champion sub grappler but I would think that his boys would be somewhat better grapplers. Chuck Liddel seems like have all the good grapplers on his side. I would've thought that they would've gravitated towards their own style in the fighters. Chuck is a sprawl and brawl guy and Couture is a clinch and ground kind of guy. I would've sworn initallialy Koscheck would be Couture's number one pick based on his top-notch wrestling ability. Even still, it would be an honour to learn from either coach.

P.S: I'm not trying to bad-mouth anyone, btw.

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