UFC/KENPO The Giant Killer



I know some of you stay informed and follow the UFC. I can't remember the guys name , but he was a Kenpoist and I think he was in the very first UFC. He had to fight a dude that was about 7 ft. tall and about 400lbs. The Kenpo Guy hit the big dude with a rt. heel palm across the bridge of the nose. This one strike sent this mamoth to the mat, followed by Kenpo hands to the head. This earned the Kenpo Guy the nickname THE GIANT KILLER!!
Who among you know this Kenpo Man ?:asian:
It was a lucky strike out of desperation, nothing more, but it saved his butt.

Have a great Kenpo day

I think it was UFC III and it was some sumo who nobody thought the kenpo guy could pull it off
I believe there was another guy around UFC 2-3 name Fred Ettish and I think he did Kenpo. Not sure but he got his *** kick by a boxer. You can tell he had no ground fighting skills execpt trying to stay on the ground position and try to kick. Turn a nice white gi into a bloodly mess.
Bob :asian:
Was a shorin Ryu stylist or some other similar style. Not Kenpo.
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

It was a lucky strike out of desperation, nothing more, but it saved his butt.

Have a great Kenpo day


I must disagree. :mad: That strike was planned out by my instructor. Keith had no idea who he was fighting until the day before. My instructor and Kieth's coach, Tom Saviano, planned that strike. Keith had to do that strike 1000 times on a heavy bag raised to that monsters height.

Keith's idea was to kick him at the knees. Mind you, Keith has some very powerfull kicks, comes from his TSD and TKD training. My instructor's reply to that was, "Are you crazy! That man supports 600+ pounds on his legs. You won't do anything to him." For those that remember the fight. Keith did try to side kcik to the knee, with little results. (He was limping the next day. Didn't help at the time)

So what was the "lucky strike". It's called a "Tiger Strike" or a modified leapard palm. The strike's orgins is from a White Crane Kung Fu system that John McSweeney was exposed to during his days with Ed Parker. Over the years, it's been modified for maximum power. The tech he used was to step in with his left foot, while describing a full circle with his right hand (Tiger Strike) to the giant's eye socket or nose.

Sorry no luck there. Just a strike that most people don't understand unless they've been exposed to John McSweeney's or Tom Saviano's teaching.

Any one have a step ladder to get off this soap box.:soapbox:

:rofl: :shrug: :rofl:
So did he break his hand on the initial strike, or when he tried to bludgeon Yarborough's head when he was down. That whole second half of the fight I kept yelling at the screen "Hey, use your elbows!" After he broke his hand he kept hitting Yarborough with his forearms.

That being said, Hackney could kick my ***, he had a pretty good showing against Royce in a later UFC, as he had to pull out of III due to a broken hand.

Originally posted by Blindside

So did he break his hand on the initial strike, or when he tried to bludgeon Yarborough's head when he was down. That whole second half of the fight I kept yelling at the screen "Hey, use your elbows!" After he broke his hand he kept hitting Yarborough with his forearms.

It was one of those "bludgeon" strikes he was using. Keith told me that his major thought at the time was not to let the guy stand up. Hell, I don't blame him. To tell you the truth, Keith had his own ideas of how he was going to fight. He really didn't believe the "Tiger Strike" was going to work. It wasn't until he was faced with the reality of someone that had 9'' and 400+ pounds on him that he decided to stick with the plan. The strategy on how to keep someone down that size was also lacking.

I guess what counts is he won. The next day after the fight, Keiths picture was plastered all over the front pages of newspapers in Japan. It was a BIG deal over there. That's how he got the name "Giant Killer".
Kewl that you could provide with so much inside information,
Zoran. Thanks!
It was an interesting fight to watch on UFC III. It think that is still one of the better UFC events they ever did.
Originally posted by Kirk

Kewl that you could provide with so much inside information,
Zoran. Thanks!

Just wanted to set the records straight.:D

Kieth is doing his own thing now. He has his own school teaching MMA. His site is at http://hackneyscombat.com
Where can I find a tape of UFC III? I want to see the entire fight.

To find the video I would try one of the older video stores, they tend to not get rid of the older tapes like the Block Buster and larger chains do.