Two Towers

Rant alert!:disgust:
One thing that was SO annoying while I was watching the movie this time was a couple of rude, inconsiderate parents brought at least 4 too young kids into the theater and they talked almost the ENTIRE time! They were a few rows back but you could still hear every single "Is it 2 hours yet?" and "That's MY popcorn!!!". :mad: I wanted to get up and smack those kids and especially their parents for bringing those little kids (the youngest was about 2 years old and the oldest was about 7), who apparently can't sit still and be quiet for 10 minutes much less 3 hours in there. :angry: My mother almost went and got the manager but she (and nobody else that they were obviously bothering) did because no one wanted to miss anything on the screen. I was partly able to tune them out but one thing that did help carry me through was that I remembered all the annoyances that you had Tarabos, so this didn't seem quite as bad. Still... :mad:! End Rant :disgust:

you are allowed to turn around and tell people to silence their children. it usually works for me and my buddy when we go to a movie we've been longing to see. you're a young one though aren't you? may not be hardened enough and have been pushed far enough to the edge to do something yet...
Originally posted by tarabos
you are allowed to turn around and tell people to silence their children. it usually works for me and my buddy when we go to a movie we've been longing to see. you're a young one though aren't you? may not be hardened enough and have been pushed far enough to the edge to do something yet...

I know. There's no way I could silence those kids though. They were a few rows behind me so I'd have to get the manager and I was too stubborn to leave the movie.;) Can't let those brats 'win' after all. Yes, I'm young (21) but I'm not "hardened" in dealing with annoying people. I'm more likely to get mad and emotional which would just make things worse.:(
When I read your first post on this thread, my first thought was 'why didn't you just change your seat or tell them to be quiet?'. I figured the theater was too crowded so you couldn't move someplace else. Anyway, I'm tired of being bothered in movie theaters by inconsiderate people (who walk all over people like myself). Hopefully, next time I'll get up the courage to at least go find the manager! I still really enjoyed seeing the movie anyway, of course. Despite the annoyances.:)

Robyn :asian:
I have the advantage of being a mutant freak, so I can usually just turn to the offending party and give them the ol' evil eye. Works pretty well.

#3 comes out in the states December 17th, Guess we shall be watching the first 2 this weekend before heading to the Theater. I've enjoyed the series immensely
If you have the extended version of the DVD's (Special Edition or something like that) ... many of the things that were left out are added back in.
* Merry & Pippen get pipe-weed in Isengard. A very intersting play on the chapter 'Flotsom & Jetsom'.
* Old Man Willow, from the omitted Tom Bombadil scenes, makes an appearence in Fangorn forest (Merry & Pippen get eaten by a tree).
* There is a bit more with Faramir, including a scene with Boromir from the time before Boromir went to Rivendell.

All I can say is that it was worth seeing a second time just to see Legolas get on that horse in that god damn sweet flip cartwheel type thing (whatever it was). God dam it that was good!
This may count as a SPOILER ... so beware ...

I hear that during the Battle on Pelanor Fields, Legolas does an even more amazing 'god damn sweet flip cartewheel type thing' ... but this time, instead of mounting a horse, he gets on an Oliphant

I expect ROTK to deal with the Spider within the first 30 min.
<chuckling> "the Spider" ??? Wasn't he the superhero in last years big movie?

By they way ... I have tickets already for the 10:30 AM show on Wednesday ... and also for the 7:00 PM show (with the family).

Peace - Mike
I definatley loved the first two LOTR movies. My one complaint is that they made Gimli into comic relief.
If you haven't seen the extended version, you definately want to get it.

Extended version spoilers ahead..

The huorns do show up at Helm's Deep, (though they only call them "the trees."

Not only does Old Man Willow show up, but Treebeard uses one of Tom Bombadil's lines. Nice reference to the excised portion of the Fellowship.

The Boromir/Faramir flashback really shows Boromir as a leader of men, something that wasn't really emphasized in Fellowship.

And Gimli is still comic releif, that really bugs me, but at least it shows him beating Legolas in the Orc Contest. Pansy *** elf. :)

Originally posted by Blindside
If you haven't seen the extended version, you definately want to get it.

Extended version spoilers ahead..

The huorns do show up at Helm's Deep, (though they only call them "the trees."

Not only does Old Man Willow show up, but Treebeard uses one of Tom Bombadil's lines. Nice reference to the excised portion of the Fellowship.

The Boromir/Faramir flashback really shows Boromir as a leader of men, something that wasn't really emphasized in Fellowship.

And Gimli is still comic releif, that really bugs me, but at least it shows him beating Legolas in the Orc Contest. Pansy *** elf. :)


woot! rock on! whee! hehe! (in that order to the spoilers above ;))

I can't wait for ROTK. There's a nice lil theater nearby me that's about $3.50 w/ student ID (which i so conviently have), and I'm sure my friends would be willing to go. Maybe we'll see some hobbitses...we did when we went to see TT *grin*

I've already seen The Two Towers Extended Version on DVD but yesterday I got to watch it on the BIG screen!!! So awesome!!!! The Return of the King opens on Wednesday!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

Robyn :popcorn:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I've already seen The Two Towers Extended Version on DVD but yesterday I got to watch it on the BIG screen!!! So awesome!!!! The Return of the King opens on Wednesday!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

Robyn :popcorn:

I'll second that. :)
Two tickets in my pocket for Thursday morning :)

It's gonna be good!

With regards to the Legolas jumping on the horse thing someone mentioned up there ^^ somewhere, I really wasn't impressed with that! There's a bit on teh DVD where Weta talk about how it was one of the most challenging bits of CGI to create (if anyone thought he really did that jump then wake up!), so having recognised the challenge I'm surprised it got out of the render farm looking so poor! Not only is there a really obvious change when it morphs to CGI (he positively blurs) it's just a really unnatural movement.

But then this is the problem with having CGI as a hobby, you can't help picking fault! Same as poking holes in fight scenes, and I know we ALL do that! hehe

it's just a really unnatural movement.

Yeah ... but it is still so very very cool. I mean, I know his arm should be ripped out of its socket when the horse runs by ... but then he flings and flips himself onto the horse ... Woo Woo ....

No doubt, it is the centuries of building up the Chi in his body that allows him to do that ... in fact, didn't I see a similar move in the Discovery Channels Xtreme Martial Arts special?

OK .. I got a little bit out of hand in posting from other topics :wink2:

Yeah, but so far, the ONE moment in these movies that's made me wish I was there with a Barrett .50 (OK, OK, and knew what the hell to do with it) was Legolas snowboarding down the steps and firing it just me, or are all the moments in these movies that a) suck, b) make one wonder about racism, c) raise homophiliac question, occuring between the elf and the dwarf? The only moments that make one wonder who's been screwing around with one too many focus groups? ( I think of Geo. Harrison in "Help:" "You'll like this. It's 'fab,' it's 'gear.'")

Oh well. Could be worse. Could be Lukas. And in the context of racism, as a friend pointed out today---and I'm not kiddding--the japanesy Trade Federation is obnoxious enough, but why is the one character who sits in back, carries a shotgun, can't speak English and wears crossed bandoliers named, "Chuy?"

Then there's the fact that he took the awards ceremony at the very end of the very first movie straight out of Leni Riefenstahl...

I need to go back and see, "Meet the Feebles," and "Bad Taste."
I'm goin to see ROTK w/ my sister and her friend Eve on Wed.! :D Watch out, ye who thinketh Orlando Bloom is not a hottie, for we three think other than you!


...speaking of hot and not...the dude who plays Aragon is hot IN makeup...out of makeup, however, bleh!
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
raise homophiliac question, occuring between the elf and the dwarf? The only moments that make one wonder who's been screwing around with one too many focus groups?

Take it to Mr. Tolkien! They're like that in the books! Hell, Sam says that he loves Frodo, but I'm just assuming its love for a master that a servant can have. More of a deep caring for his well being.
Didn't mention Frodo, though of course these master/servant relations are--or should be--repugnant to Americans. They're just voices from the past, or more exactly an imaginary past, perfectly enjoyable for what they are.

I'm talking about the way that the ONLY times the spell got broken, for me anyway, there was something stupid going on between that elf and that dwarf...some ref to dwarf-tossing or whatever....which brought in the modern world, which brought out some of the weirdness of their relationships to a modern viewer.

Hey, ya think ya hated that one...we REALLY want to pass over the issue of race in these books and movies.

Still, could be worse...could be Lukas.

Now let's all go back and read, "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics."
Yeah, yeah. I'll just shut up now! No need for comments from the fan-girl peanut gallery!
Originally posted by Blindside

And Gimli is still comic releif, that really bugs me, but at least it shows him beating Legolas in the Orc Contest. Pansy *** elf. :)



Is why the most girly, effeminate, prissy character in the films is the one all the girls go nuts for? (Leg-o-lamb)

Is there something latently, er... well... yeah, I'll just let that thought die here.