Two Towers


2nd Black Belt
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
very good...saw it last night. better than the first i would say. i would give a review but i think i should see it again in about a's the reason:

there were too many distractions while i watched the movie. in front of us we had two potheads making strange noises. behind us was the worst however. three young girls who were knitting blankets before the movie came on (don't ask me:idunno: ) proceeded to scream and convulse every time legolas had a little dialogue or simply just appeared on the screen. laughing for no reason at things, having to hold each other for comfort...give me a break...have some consideration for other people. then there were the guys next to us who smelled like that horrible cologne that people wear that smells like nothing that i can describe. it smells horrible to me. maybe you know what i'm talking about.

anyway...if i can still enjoy a movie through all that crap, i know it's good. i'll review when i can take it in without so many distractions...
one thing i can say right now though...good god...that's some good special effects in that movie. cgi was almost perfect...

george lucas should take some notes...and get some talent while he's at it.
Actually, Peter Jackson and his digital crew were taken to Skywalker Ranch and told to go nuts with GL's toys....they had a lot of help from the Skywalker crew - but it does seem to be a case of the student outdoing the master, huh.....
Originally posted by Baoquan
Actually, Peter Jackson and his digital crew were taken to Skywalker Ranch and told to go nuts with GL's toys....they had a lot of help from the Skywalker crew - but it does seem to be a case of the student outdoing the master, huh.....

yes...i know...and later on the guys from the LOTR crew said even though the Lucasfilms special effects equipment and software costs an incredible amount more than the equipment they use, somehow the LOTR cgi looks totally believable, whereas the star wars effects look like total crap.

face it, Lucas overdoes the special effects thing to the limit. he would replace the actors with cgi actors if he could.
as you can tell i have a deep hatred for lucas for what he has done to star wars. he takes it way to seriously now. he's completely ruined the name, the series, the myth, everything.

he insists on putting himself into the director's chair for each of these prequels, and the man can't direct actors to save his life. he may know a thing or two about special effects...but when it comes to human emotions, he doesn't have a clue.

but then are actor's supposed to act well when all they have in front of them is a big green screen and a tennis ball hanging from a string? they don't even have a real backdrop throughout the whole filming. almost every freakin' thing is cgi and it's painfully obvious. it's ridiculous.

oh and i just want to get episodes 4-6 on dvd so badly, but i can't now...i have to wait for lucas to release them. and when he does he plans to release every stinking one together in a boxed set. you have no choice. you WILL buy all three is unavoidable.
Preaching to the perverted here, brother....the best thing Lucas ever did in eps 4-6 was take himself outta the chair, and let Lawrance Kasdan write the screenplay for ESB....
Originally posted by Baoquan
Preaching to the perverted here, brother....the best thing Lucas ever did in eps 4-6 was take himself outta the chair, and let Lawrance Kasdan write the screenplay for ESB....

amen...preach on...
Yes I agree LOTR is much better the these new Star Wars movies. The Two Towers was a great movie i was suprised at how well gollum turned out. I hear some people trying to compare him to Jar Jar Binks:eek:
Jar Jar should've been shot he was an annoying an useless character. Peter Jackson did out do Lucas on the cgi effects.
i was dissapointed that Ian McKellan (sp?) was not on screen as much as he was in FOTR, his preformance in that movie should have netted him the oscar, but he was robbed. Unfortunately I don't think he had a big enough role in Two Towers to warrant even a nomination. Even when he was on the screen, his delivery was different, it didn't seem as passionate. Perhaps he was trying to convey the fact that Gandalf was no longer Gandalf the Grey, but Gandalf the White, and was therefore a slightly different being. He was not familiar in the movie, and i think that's what they were going for. Hopefully he will be allowed to shine again in Return of the King. I believe he will.

still, i'd rather watch 10 hours of a horrible preformance from Ian McKellan (not that is was...still great by all means), than watch even one second of that kid that played anikin skywalker whining and crying like a little girl. i watched about 5 minutes of AOTC in a local Tweeter, and I had to just walk away, it was so....bad.
yes...gollum was truly amazing to behold. there were only a few spots where he seemed "cgi" when the lighting was a little off on him, but that was it.

just the way he was able to interact with the other actors through the use of the motion capture suit that the actor that potrays gollum wears. very well done indeed.

btw...did you notice gollum bust out a little BJJ on Samwise in their first confrontation?
No I missed the bjj golem used I'll look for in my next viewing.:D

So what bothered you about the movie? My only gripes were:
Legolas "surfing" down the stairs.
The arwen love/dream sequence should haved shortened.
They should have extended and done more with the Ents as in the original story.

and of course the movie should've been at least 3hrs longer:D
I saw The Two Towers on the 18th. It was incredible!!!!!!!!! I LOVED it!!!! I was disappointed in how they made Faramir but I loved the Ents and everything else! When the movie ended, my mom and I barely talked to each other for the next hour or so. I felt like I was in a daze (we both were) and we just had to wait for everything to sink in before we could talk about it.

Our theater was very crowded but it was a pretty good audience. I'm SO sorry that you had such annoying people around you, Tarabos!:( That would have made me so mad and ruined the whole experiance for me. :mad: I hope you get to just watch and enjoy (with nobody bothering you) the next time you see it.

Robyn :)
Saw Movie....Loved Movie.

Have few complaints.

Saw movie, Loved Movie, will see movie as many times as budget says I can.

Minor issues:
Where with FOTR they spilled a bit into TT, in this case, they seem to have only used about 70% of the book in the movie. Many scenes were rearanged compared with their placement in the book. This is not necessarily a bad thing, in that the rearangement didn't really matter due to events happening at same time, but not effecting each other. A few other scenes were altered in ways not appearing in the book.

I expect ROTK to deal with the Spider within the first 30 min.

Visuals were stunning, effects excellent, only complaint here is minor, as the battles were very realistic. In this, I mean hectic, frantic at times, and insane. As if you were right there with them. This causes a problem in following things at times.

Theres a few other points I'd mention, however they will wait until a few days go by so as to not spoil things for anyone.

Concerning the dream sequence, all I can say is, nice dress. Pay close attention to it...thats all I'm saying. ;D
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I saw The Two Towers on the 18th. It was incredible!!!!!!!!! I LOVED it!!!! I was disappointed in how they made Faramir but I loved the Ents and everything else! When the movie ended, my mom and I barely talked to each other for the next hour or so. I felt like I was in a daze (we both were) and we just had to wait for everything to sink in before we could talk about it.

Our theater was very crowded but it was a pretty good audience. I'm SO sorry that you had such annoying people around you, Tarabos!:( That would have made me so mad and ruined the whole experiance for me. :mad: I hope you get to just watch and enjoy (with nobody bothering you) the next time you see it.

Robyn :)

don't worry...i'll be seeing it again as many times as my schedule will let me. and yes, i do think those people ruined the experience a bit for me. maybe some people could drown that kind of thing out, but not me.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Saw Movie....Loved Movie.

Have few complaints.

Saw movie, Loved Movie, will see movie as many times as budget says I can.

Minor issues:
Where with FOTR they spilled a bit into TT, in this case, they seem to have only used about 70% of the book in the movie. Many scenes were rearanged compared with their placement in the book. This is not necessarily a bad thing, in that the rearangement didn't really matter due to events happening at same time, but not effecting each other. A few other scenes were altered in ways not appearing in the book.

I expect ROTK to deal with the Spider within the first 30 min.

Visuals were stunning, effects excellent, only complaint here is minor, as the battles were very realistic. In this, I mean hectic, frantic at times, and insane. As if you were right there with them. This causes a problem in following things at times.

Theres a few other points I'd mention, however they will wait until a few days go by so as to not spoil things for anyone.

Concerning the dream sequence, all I can say is, nice dress. Pay close attention to it...thats all I'm saying. ;D

i agree....the battles were a bit rough on the eyes at times to figure out what was happening...not as many "oh, that was cool" moments because you just couldn't see what was happening...

as for usage, i think jackson may be saving up some of the good part towards the end of TTT for ROTK to make it the grand finale of the trilogy that it should be. i expect ROTK to be epic, doesn't mean it will be...but i still expect it.
btw...did you notice gollum bust out a little BJJ on Samwise in their first confrontation? [/B]

Ya I caught that, thought it was pretty neat.

Concerning the dream sequence, all I can say is, nice dress. Pay close attention to it...thats all I'm saying. ;D

hehe ya that was an... interesting dress...

Now on to the movie...

it was horrible. Fellowship was the most exciting cinematic experience of my life this was the worst. O well everyone will see it anyway.
All I can say is that it was worth seeing a second time just to see Legolas get on that horse in that god damn sweet flip cartwheel type thing (whatever it was). God dam it that was good!

your friendly fiend,
Great movie! Cant wait til the 3rd and final part of this awsome movie set comes out. I went to a huge movie theater down town to see it and payed a little more but it was well worth the money! I give this movie 3 thumbs up:D
I only just saw The Two Towers for the 2nd time today. I hope to see it many more times but I must say that I enjoyed it even more than the first time I saw it! This time I was able to just sit back and enjoy everything since I knew what to expect. I think Peter Jackson did a wonderful job! You can't please everyone and it is a shame about what he changed and left out but the movies are excellent considering how it could've been done. He's done an awesome job with developing all the characters. Of course, the special effects and music are incredible too. ;) :D

Rant alert!:disgust:
One thing that was SO annoying while I was watching the movie this time was a couple of rude, inconsiderate parents brought at least 4 too young kids into the theater and they talked almost the ENTIRE time! They were a few rows back but you could still hear every single "Is it 2 hours yet?" and "That's MY popcorn!!!". :mad: I wanted to get up and smack those kids and especially their parents for bringing those little kids (the youngest was about 2 years old and the oldest was about 7), who apparently can't sit still and be quiet for 10 minutes much less 3 hours in there. :angry: My mother almost went and got the manager but she (and nobody else that they were obviously bothering) did because no one wanted to miss anything on the screen. I was partly able to tune them out but one thing that did help carry me through was that I remembered all the annoyances that you had Tarabos, so this didn't seem quite as bad. Still... :mad:! End Rant :disgust:

For the record, there were many other kids (7 years old and up) that were VERY WELL behaved!:) I give my undying gratitude to all the parents out there who teach their kids to NOT TALK (not to mention fighting and arguing) in movie theaters and also those parents who don't bring their tiny kids to movies like this when they know they can't sit that long.:asian: :asian: