


alright how many of you are fans of transformers? who was your favorite character? did you like the movie?
Was waiting for you to start this lol. As I said I loved the Dinosaur ones.......The movie was alright.......But still doesnt beat the Power Rangers movie :p
lol figured id go ahead and start this before the other thread got shot to hell lol... my fav character is optimus prime... i love the movie have the collectors edition DVD lol the music from the movie was great im getting the cd as soon as i can find someplace to order it...
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
lol figured id go ahead and start this before the other thread got shot to hell lol... my fav character is optimus prime... i love the movie have the collectors edition DVD lol the music from the movie was great im getting the cd as soon as i can find someplace to order it...

Would you be offended if I said the words "sad"? :rolleyes:
lol not as sad as the dorks that go to the conventions dressed up as the characters lol and no ive never been to the conventions nor do i plan on it... that would be scary
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
lol not as sad as the dorks that go to the conventions dressed up as the characters lol and no ive never been to the conventions nor do i plan on it... that would be scary

So would you be offended if I said "sad" or not!? :p
I think Grimlock shoulda been in charge because he always had the insight and intellect to find a sollution to the problems.

no im not offended lol and grimlock... had the frankenstien approach "grimlock smash" "grimlock destroy"
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan
no im not offended lol and grimlock... had the frankenstien approach "grimlock smash" "grimlock destroy"

Your Sad. And hey, if it works for the Hulk why cant a Robot Dinosaur do it? :p
well sure why not thats good logic lol... by the way was it just me or did anyone else think those hulk movies sucked
I've never been a Hulk fan myself.......I dislike the fact that he is so damn powerful BUT yet he still manages to find himself in an adventure with a less powerful bad guy who still beats him. Spiderman is the best.....But he is so much better in his Black Costume!
Good Lord man. Why are you trying to make my brain work that hard in remembering that far back?? The transformers were cool and I see now they are returning on the cartoon network. My son now likes to watch it on t.v. As far as the Hulk goes are we talking about Lou Ferrigno or the cartoon version?
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
As far as the Hulk goes are we talking about Lou Ferrigno or the cartoon version?

The both sucked :asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Ok, Ok, agreed.

I warn you, those who have agreed with me more then twice havnt lived to tell the tale :p
From the old Transformers, my favorite was OMEGA SUPREME, The last of the gardian transformers. He was one bad dude.

The new transformers SUCKS. Optimus and Starscream are the best. Hot Rod was stupid. Autobots transform and roll out
omega supreme was cool i liked the autobot city better though... and yes both the live action and cartoon hulk movies sucked and so many levels... im personally like batman the best... he didnt have super powers but could kick some serious ***... and you have to admit that transformers armada is at least better than that horrible beast wars series...