Training Uniform

Well I use to wear a heavy weight Black Gi. Love the way it fades when you wash it. Looks like you actually train in the thing.

Right now wear the top and regular leggin, until I get back in shape and back into my pants. ;) :D

But one day I shall have my dream Gi. As Clyde likes to wear his stars and stripes and I've heard sooo much about the tye dyed Gi but have never seen it. I shall one day have my YELLOW GI!! (favourite colour in case your wondering) Think I'll reserve it for when I get my Black belt but yes one day I shall have it IT SHALL BE MINE. Whaaaa HA HAA HAAAAAA. :EG:

What ever I want too. Most of the time It is a t-shirt underneath and a Heavyweight Jujutsu Gi. Sometimes Vale Tudo shorts and T-shirt, when lifting or doing bag work. Hakama on special occasions.
Bob :asian:
i like the 14 oz heavyweight traditional TSD dobak with midnight blue trim. i always wear a full uniform when training. even in the summer. if you're not gonna train hard, then why train?
For Okinawa-te training, I wore a heavyweight gi, usually Century, but preferably one from KI.

For my current FMA training, whatever is comfortable. It took me awhile to get used to training in shoes, but after seeing aluminum training knives and rattan sticks fly towards feet during disarms, it wasn't a difficult change to make :) I got me a nice pair of Otomix workout pants for Christmas that I've been using, which I rotate with black sweatpants and my old black gi pants. For a top, just a t-shirt. Since we have a lot of new students with lack of control, some paintball gloves with armoring.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
I got me a nice pair of Otomix workout pants for Christmas

those are really cool pants. i wanna get a pair also.
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
In Aikido I wear the traditional white gi and black hakama.

do all students wear the hakama, or is it only for higher ranked students?

also does anyone know where i can get a stars and stripes karate top?
Originally posted by Shinzu
do all students wear the hakama, or is it only for higher ranked students?

Well, our dojo is pretty relaxed but the men still only wear a hakama when they reach black belt. Women can wear one 5th kyu and up. I'm 4th kyu now but I've had my hakama for less than 6 months. Personally, I'm thankful that I can wear one because I LOVE it!!!;)

Originally posted by Shinzu
do all students wear the hakama, or is it only for higher ranked students?
Concerning the hakama there's different ideas. The most common in Scandinavia is that you get the chance to wear hakama when a 3.kyu. In some dojo's women get to wear them from 6.kyu. I was told this was because a GI is a mans underwear.

I know some dojos practice that you get your hakama when a 1.dan or when you start.

My opionen is that 3.kyu is great. You need to learn the basics before getting the benifits of using a hakama.

yeah it was my understanding that you wear it at 1st dan also, but i was unaware about women vs. men. thanx for the info :)
Originally posted by Shinzu
do all students wear the hakama, or is it only for higher ranked students?

also does anyone know where i can get a stars and stripes karate top?

You could ask KenpoProfessor aka Clyde he has a couple of them.
But I knew I'd seen them somewhere and after a bit of seaching found them at ....

Stars and Stripes Uniforms

They have a whole selection of different uniforms including camoflage. Hope you find what you're looking for.

I'm not completely sure, but I vaguely remember hearing that Clyde's wife makes his custom uniforms.

its easy enough to do. Get a regular gi in whatever color you like (or white and dye it to whatever) and find some stars and stripes fabric. Use fabric glue to place it wherever you like, and then machine stitch around the outside of the fabric to secure it in place.
Black Atama gold weave jiu-jitsu gi for Hapkido, white dobok with heavier jiu-jitsu pants for taekwondo, and either my jiu-jitsu gi or my pretty blue double weave Adidas judo gi when I train with a taekwondo friend on the weekend. Occasionally I wear my thai shorts with him during the summer.
Usually whatever I feal like and a cup.

I do wear a gi sometimes though.
Gi when I have to, sweats normally and every day clothes for reality.
Light weight dobak for class -- I usually roll my sleeves up, because my body type = not good for standard dobak's. Arms and legs too short -- need to just break down and get the darn things hemmed.

When practicing on my own, I almost always wear the dobak pants -- I find they tend to simulate the slacks I generally wear pretty well. Then, I toss on a t-shirt and go have fun. :)
depending when we do fighting i like wear a t-shirt and karate pants but most of the time i wear a full uniform in karate

when i train in arnis i just wear the arnis pants and a black t-shirt
We are not required to wear anything special. Most everyone wears a Gi and wrestling shoes, however.

Personally, I usualy wear a pair of Black or Camo BDU's, a black Tshirt and a heavyweight black Gi jacket without my belt... it hangs open the same way a jacket would if I had on my leather.