Here's something funny

the weirdest thing about this is that he had to make a consious decision to do this.Hey. I think I'll smash blocks with my groin. I guess he was bored that day and couldn't think of anything else to do,huh?:confused:
OUCHY!!! :eek:
That's not funny, that's wacky. Usually MAtists break things using standard bodily weapons like their hands, feet or even their heads. However, this Numnuts, LOL, decides to use his Nads? I don't get it...:confused:
I have never never seen the point of the whole breaking thing, but that dude is nuts!!! Well, maybe not any more:)
Story filed: 14:52 Monday 6th January 2003
hmmm not long ago...
i'll see if i can meet that guy :D
My question is how does one decide they're going to try something like this?
maybe he had lots of nuts...
err.. guts i mean
HOW would one do this? a pelvic thrust? a squat? lol. Downward/sideways? I would laugh my *** off to watch some guy try and hump concrete.
Upon reading this article, my first response was to cross my legs, cover my crotch, curl up in the fetal position, and repeat the words "it's okay, my precious, no one will hurt you" over and over and over again.

No way I'm doing that. I like Martial Arts, but I also like the idea of having kids one day.
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
Upon reading this article, my first response was to cross my legs, cover my crotch, curl up in the fetal position, and repeat the words "it's okay, my precious, no one will hurt you" over and over and over again.

No way I'm doing that. I like Martial Arts, but I also like the idea of having kids one day.

LOL, :D :rofl: :rofl: Yeah, just the mere thought of any pain being inflicted on that part of my anatomy makes me quiver. Sorta makes me wanna bawl like a baby...:wah:

:D :lol: